
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

highlights from GOP debate

First meet the GOP debate moderator from Faux Newz.

Then watch it over at BradBlog.

Nuff said.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Let the bullshit begin

Hagelberg! Bloomha! For '08! Maybe
BLOG Posted 05/14/2007 @ 10:42am
(the Nation)

"If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines"
Published on Friday, January 31, 2003 by
by Thom Hartmann

So, Ok then, we're all set up in San Diego:
DRE Sales Rep. New San Diego Registrar of Voters
Monday, 14 May 2007, 12:43 pm

So, between the Trojan horses in the Registrar of Voters office, the overabundance of RepugnantThuglicans and the brainwashed, militarised pro-war morons in this county I smell a winner, and it ain't the rest of us.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day (snark)

So today we celebrate mother's ability to squirt out brats. Silly, if you ask me, because every mammal has that ability. In the US these brats use up a disproportionate amount of the world's natural resources. On Mother's Day we go to church and then to brunch to celebrate being born in this country of abundance.

So, ok, let's look at other places on the planet and see how they are dealing with (frankly) an overabundance of human life on the planet.

I noticed that the Pope was in Brazil this week.

The kids there want to be able to use birth control. I think that this picture of the Pope's face plastered everywhere would be pretty good birth control, don't you? Dude is seriously scary looking.

For some reason, I thought that Islam forbid the use of birth control. Not so according to Ayatollah Al-Sistani:

Ayatollah Al-Sistani's Missionary Work
Eschewing politics, he uses the Internet to spread his ideas

I'm not thrilled with the thought of more and more of this---

But Alexander Cockburn seems to think that that the global warming scares are the work of more old, powerful, rich white guys trying to get richer.

Fuck him.
Global warming is here and is affecting crops. Crops affect population growth.

Economic theory and population growth are really incompatible when you look at finite resources.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Doha debate, & other interesting stuff

Doha debate

God, I hate Martin Indyk. What a tool. I hope he's well paid, because he's one hell of a pit bull. He makes me sick. If you think that anyone who criticizes Israel has hope of a national political career in the United States, you have your head up your ass.

Calif. Web Site Outsources Reporting
(AP) - PASADENA, Calif.-The job posting was a head-scratcher: "We seek a newspaper journalist based in India to report on the city government and political scene of Pasadena, California, USA."

A reporter half a world away covering local street-light contracts and sewer repairs? A reporter who has never gotten closer to Pasadena than the telecast of the Rose Bowl parade?

The California Supreme Court Decides an Important "Prior Restraint" Case, but Misses the Important Judge/Jury Distinction
by Vikram David Amar
Friday, May. 11, 2007


Luis Posada Carriles is proof to the rest of the world that the US is hypocritical regarding terrorists.

Thanks to ICH for this fabulous quote:
"The country is headed toward a single and splendid government of an aristocracy founded on banking institutions and monied corporations, and if this tendency continues it will be the end of freedom and democracy, the few will be ruling and riding over the plundered plowman and the beggar.... Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

A Nation in Silent Anger

A Nation in Silent Anger

By Manuel Valenzuela

05/09/07 "ICH " -- - Can you hear that deep, silent anger inside you, pounding like a heavy iron fist on a wooden door, banging relentlessly every time you notice the America of your dreams vanish more each and every day, instead becoming a most unwelcome nightmare that you are impotent to wake up from? Can you feel the hollow pain in your bones, the restlessness running through your veins every time another freedom is gutted or another right is eviscerated, every time your government climbs one more step up the stairwell of corporatism?..

Maintaining a sense of humor, and even hope has been difficult for me. This piece explains why.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Defense Appropriations Subcomittee hearing

Ok, this is the worst attempt at "live blogging" that I've ever seen. Well, not really live blogging, just streaming it and attempting to type what I'm hearing. Yes, I mean what you're going to read on this page right here. It's bad, I'll leave it just to remember how bad it is, but if you want to know what I was watching Here is a portion of it. Not the Jeremy Scahill part.
Update: Here is Jeremy.
Click here for Kos diary

Hat tip to the fabulous Terry

Appropriations Subcomittee hearing. Basically it's about what's going on with contracting out in Iraq?

scroll down and click on webcast

I'm watching now.

(Terry watched it also, & she's much more calm about the whole thing .)

Fucking amazing, nobody knows who
Aegis is.

Betcherass they don't.

Jeremy Scahill is coming up.

Defense Subcommittee
Contracting Out
10:00 AM, 1:30 PM 2359 Rayburn House Office Building

DoD contractor costs are 75% higher than they were in 1996? Am I hearing that correctly? Jeebus.

126,000 contractors in Iraq? (Did I Hear That Correctly?)

10:50 AM 5/10/2007 PST Scahill's up

1400 dead and wounded contractors as of Dec 06

48,000 private security contractors in Iraq with better weapons, better equipment.

Slang in Iraq is called "going Blackwater" for soldiers leaving military service for better pay with private contractors.

Contractors act like rock stars and are unaccountable.

Congress is asking a reporter for information on these contractors? (DIHTC?)

10:50 AM 5/10/2007 (pst) Robert Greenwald is up. On private contractors in Iraq.

He's talking about "burn pits"

Oh. My. God. Who is this asshole rednecked dickhead "conservative" attacking Scahill and Greenwald?

Ooops, found him. Rep. Jack Kingston (R) from GA

money from GD mil contractor fer ole Jack Hmmmm, Jack attacked Jeremy, for not being in Iraq since 2003. Wonder if Ole Jack went there & had Blackwater perteck him?

11:52 AM 5/10/2007 omigod omigod omigod, right now I want to punch that rednecked idiot, Kingston, yapping about all the money made in Hollywood...Does this guy have a button that you push somewhere on him and he spews talking points?
11:59 AM 5/10/2007 show's over, but before it cut off I spied Kingston hightailing it down to talk to Greenwald and Scahill he was laughing. I hope somebody out there is geekier than me and uploads this soon.

Watching the tube last night

Secrets of the Dead Headless Romans 2007-05-09

Secret Files of the Inquisition 2007-05-09

Brutality, torture, and control of the people through religious bullshit. Sounds like No Se Nada Torquemada and the Bush regime .

Torquemada speak, Blusestate live blogs

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm getting more cynical every day

Fort Dix terrorist plotters. FBI affadavit. (20 pages on Smoking gun dot com)
Sting. You gotta read this thing.

Cheney's pesky reporters are sent to the basement in the Green Zone.

Global power

EU/US Merger: New Global Order By Stealth
Few notice huge shift towards globalization as frothing masses distracted by climate change debate
By Steve Watson
05/06/07 "Infowars"

German police in G8 protest raids
Wednesday, 9 May 2007, 13:43 GMT 14:43 UK
German police have launched a series of raids against alleged left-wing militants suspected of planning to disrupt a G8 summit next month.

The German police have used a law on suspicion of terrorism (the so-called section "129a") to raid and search private homes and social centres all over Germany. Police's motives appear to be suspicion of "building a terrorist network to prevent the G8 from happening".

Sounds like the thought police at work, and what's this?
Teenagers at the J-8 will be close to the G-8(location)at the same time?

Morgan Stanley and UNICEF Announce U.S. Delegates to the 2007 Junior 8 Competition (WebWire) 5/9/2007 1:36:28 PM
For 2007, the German G8 Presidency and the regional government are hosting the J8 Summit in Wismar, Germany, from June 3-9, 2007. The Summit will be attended by 64 young people from the G8 countries selected by a joint process developed by Morgan Stanley and UNICEF, and 10 young people from other parts of the world selected by UNICEF.

The G8 summit will be held in Heiligendamm from 6 to 8 June 2007. Online accreditation is now possible.

And a little something to show that the pharmaceutical companies have the Senatorial testicles firmly in hand, still.

Senate Vote Upholds Drug Import Limits
Published: May 8, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Connect the goddamn dots fer Christsake

Failed states and the upcoming third world shithole called los Estados Unidos

Amero Google search

I'm not in the mood to sift through it and make a decision on what might be legitimate information It's hot and dry. My least favorite weather and I'm doing laundry. There is no shade from here to the laundry room. Ugh

Chevron seen settling case on Iraq oil
By Claudio Gatti and Jad Mouawad Published: May 8, 2007
Chevron, the second-largest American oil company, is preparing to acknowledge that it should have known kickbacks were being paid to Saddam Hussein on oil it bought from Iraq as part of a defunct United Nations program, according to investigators.

I keep hoping, but then I continue reading:

The admission is part of a settlement being negotiated with United States prosecutors and includes fines totaling $25 million to $30 million, according to the investigators, who declined to be identified because the settlement was not yet public.

I'm sort of watching the complaints about the National Guard being unable to respond to natural disasters here in the US because of Iraq deployments, and the loss of equipment as a result of

This is chaos by design. The people in power want corporations to rule, and one world government. World Fascist Government. The private corporate militias are getting lots of experience in Iraq, where planned chaos is working just fine if you want to plunder.

Or legally plunder.

Who's gonna report on it?

Update (from Wayne Madsen

May 8, 2007 -- Neo-con election engineering: the "new math":

France: Nicolas Sarkozy 53% Segolene Royal 47%
Mexico: Felipe Calderon 35.88% Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador 35.31%
USA: George W. Bush 50.7% John Kerry 48.3%
Peru: Alan Garcia 53.2% Ollanta Humala 46.8%
Costa Rica: Oscar Arias 40.5% Otton Solis 40.2%
Colombia: Alvaro Uribe 62% Carlos Gaviria/Horacio Serpa 34% (Only 43% of eligible voters cast ballots)
Italy: Romano Prodi 49.81% Silvio Berlusconi 49.74% (Karl Rove and other manipulators failed to take into account the votes of Italians voting abroad, pre-election polls showed Prodi leading 52% to 47%)
Scotland: Alexander Salmond (SNP) 37% Jack McConnell (Labor) 36.2% (100,000 spoiled ballots in pro-SNP constituencies)
Wales: Rhodri Morgan (Labor) 43.3% Ieuan Wyn Jones (Plaid Cymru)/Michael German (Liberal Democrat) 35%
Canada: Stephen Harper 36.2% Paul Martin (Liberal) 30.17%/Jack Layton (NDP) 17.44%
Greece: Kostas Karamanlis 45.4% George Papandreou 40.5%
Denmark: Andres Fogh Rasmussen and right 52.5% Mogens Lykketoft and left 43.4%
USA: George W. Bush 47.9% Al Gore 48.4%
Florida: George W. Bush 48.850% Al Gore 48.841%
Virginia: Bob McDonnell (R.) 49.96% Creigh Deeds (D.) 49.95% (Attorney General)

Solution: Destroy the machines and the companies that produce and sell them.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

From China to Panama, a Trail of Poisoned Medicine

Counterfeit pills and genuine treatments

But this is all outside the US, so it's not pertinent, right?

How about a little history on
Patent medicine.

Still, thigs are all cleaned up and A-OK, here, right, I mean we pay so much for our pharmaceuticals they must be safe, right?

Drugmakers go furthest to sway Congress
By Jim Drinkard, USA TODAY
Posted 4/25/2005 10:49 PM Updated 4/26/2005 9:49 AM

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Border guards wanted

This cracks me up. I've been hearing radio advertisements in San Diego for border enforcement. I live 30 miles from the border with Mexico, so no big deal, right? The Border Patrol is hiring, right?

Check this shit out.


888-466-5417 DIFZ CIVPOL 8500 Freeport Parkway Suite 275, Irving TX 75063

Compensation package is $134,110.00 for a one-year contract. Salary is paid every four (4) weeks, and no federal or social security taxes are withheld. Salary is available for foreign income tax exemption as well. Vacation is accrued at 4% of the hours worked, or approximately two (2) weeks over the course of the assignment. DynCorp International FZ provides all uniforms, equipment, logistical support, administrative support, and lodging. Local transportation in the country is available, as well as transportation to the country and a return flight upon completion of the one-year contract...

A private security company that pays twice what Border Patrol agents make here.

The job is policing the borders in Iraq.

I didn't notice anywhere in the requirements a need to understand Arab cultures, or to be able to read Arabic, although you do have to be able to discern whether the documents are fakes.

Yup, here's yer tax dollars at work.

DynCorpThe world's premier rent-a-cop business runs the security show in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the US-Mexico border. They also run the coca crop-dusting business in Colombia, and occasional sex trafficking sorties in Bosnia. But what can you expect from a bunch of mercenaries?
CSC/ CEO: Van Honeycutt Military contracts 2005: $2.8 billion
note: CSC sold DynCorp in January 2005

And some judgement from some spoiled snotbucket at Yale (Home of Skull and Crossbones):

The US seems unwilling to face the hardships of maintaining a police force in Iraq. Instead, it has delegated the charge of keeping order to DynCorp, a multinational police contractor headquartered in California

Law, PR firms help contractors navigate reconstruction inquiries
By Peter H. Stone National Journal March 8, 2007
The stakes are high for the private contractors and their lobbying, legal, and PR teams. For example, Bowen's recently completed 579-page audit contains strong allegations about Virginia-based DynCorp, which has a $1.8 billion contract from the State Department for police-related projects in Iraq.One controversy centers on allegations that DynCorp spent about $4.2 million on 20 VIP trailers and an Olympic-size swimming pool that was requested by some Iraqi officials but that lacked the necessary authorization from the U.S. government. Further, a training camp for DynCorp workers built with the lion's share of the money from a $43.8 million contract had never been used.

U.S. wants Border Patrol agents for Iraq Firm seeks veteran officers to mentor Iraqis on immigration
April 30, 2007, 9:42AM
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

Soldiers of Good Fortune
Private military companies, for their part, are focusing much of their manpower on Capitol Hill. Many are staffed with retired military officers who are well connected at the Pentagon -- putting them in a prime position to influence government policy and drive more business to their firms. In one instance, private contractors successfully pressured the government to lift a ban on American companies providing military assistance to Equatorial Guinea, a West African nation accused of brutal human-rights violations. Because they operate with little oversight, using contractors also enables the military to skirt troop limits imposed by Congress and to carry out clandestine operations without committing U.S. troops or attracting public attention. "Private military corporations become a way to distance themselves and create what we used to call ‘plausible deniability,'" says Daniel Nelson, a former professor of civil-military relations at the Defense Department's Marshall European Center for Security Studies. "It's disastrous for democracy."


You live in one of those?

I sure as fuck don't. I live in a
military empire.

Friday, May 04, 2007


A great song and timely.
By John Mayer.
(click on lyrics to enlarge)

And me. Frustrated:

Silent Scream

How do I stop the pain of what my country has done?
When do I feel the warmth of the sun?
When can I talk to people from other countries?
And tell them that I know the leaders lie.
Why do they believe that we are truly a democracy?
When my father told me differently
He knows about the code
The computers he never controlled
People don’t believe me
For them the bell has tolled
They blame me for my vote
But they do not know what I know
They do not know what my father knows
They believe the lies that they were told
That we really control what happens
When we push the correct button on the computer screen
They don’t know that I feel
Every day the silent scream

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Food for thought and thoughts on food

Thursday Is National Day Of Prayer

Stock Market Update - Thu May 03 12:00:01 EDT 2007
Thu May 3, 2007 12:00PM EDT

From Growth is Madness! a fascinating interview:

Special guest: Dr. Russell Hopfenberg on food supply, carrying capacity, and population
May 3rd, 2007

Fixing Iraq
...Today the Army Corps has learned its lessons and stopped hiring international companies. It now realizes that local companies are less likely to be attacked, cost far less, and are perfectly capable of doing a good job if properly supervised...

Gee, ya think?


So, what should seniors pray for? Food, medication, or free legal advice?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I saw Jeremy Scahill speak tonight on Blackwater

Well, I was going to re-read Orwell's 1984.
San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice

I'm really glad that I decided to make the drive to see Jeremy Scahill speak instead. He seemed like a nice kid, and really sharp, and I'm glad that he came to San Diego. It's so nice to listen to a real reporter who cares about things that really matter to the American people.

Update 8:44 AM 5/2/2007
the the right-wing piece of crap fishwrap:
“Stop Blackwater” bumper stickers were offered at the event, and those in attendance were asked to send comments to the San Diego County Department of Planning and Land Use about their opposition to the project.

What the fishwrap "reporter" fails to mention is that the Department of Planning and Land Use gave the wrong e-mail address AND the wrong street address to people who wanted to lodge a complaint and keep Blackwater out .

Not to mention this: Last July, Blackwater hired as a lobbyist Nikki Clay, a longtime cheerleader for corporate welfare (Chargers, Padres) and former president of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. Blackwater brought on the developer-friendly environmental firm of Mooney, Jones & Stokes, along with other companies to make up their project team. The team quickly snuggled up to the County, which was not playing hard to get.

Go see Jeremy speak.

Author Jeremy Scahill

When: 6:30 p.m. today (5/2/2007)

Where: La Mesa Community Center, 4975 Memorial Drive, La Mesa
Dow Jones Options Trading Surged Prior to Offer by News Corp.
By Jeff Kearns

News Corp. offers $60 a share

Anniversaries today

Ahhh yes, four years ago today Cap'n Codpiece was cruel to the sailors on the Lincoln who could see land but couldn't get there because he wanted to strut around on their ship for photo-op. Halliburton is doing quite well: Welcome to Pottersville Mission Accomplished Year Four

Last year there were huge immigrant's rights marches across the country.

It seemed like an excuse for a bunch of kids to ditch school to me.

Will it happen again this year?

Immigration Activists Call for School Walkout on Tuesday Apr 30, 2007

I hope not.

More from KPBS today:
Immigration & Border

10:23 AM 5/1/2007 So far there are a few kids in NY walking out. Not a big deal.

And some in Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, Los Angeles,

11:13 AM 5/1/2007


Phoenix and Tuscon

(Long Beach) Port Truckers Join May 1 Boycott

The kids are in school, at least it looks like it from California News reports. But money is lost when kids aren't in school:

Testing Dates for State Assessments 2006-2007

Dates for the 2007 administration of the grade 4 and 7 California Standards Writing Tests are:

Tuesday, March 6, 2007, with make-up on Wednesday, March 7 for all schools, programs, and tracks in session on these dates.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007, with make-up on Wednesday May 2 for schools, programs, and tracks not in session during March.

The testing window for the Aprenda 3 for grades 5-11 is March 15 through May 14, with make-up testing until May 25

I'm thinking the little shits don't want to go to Saturday School, and they've been warned.

Oh look, Ruben Navarrette Jr. proves once again that he is wrong every fucking time. What a flaming asshole.

No Ruben, non-immigrants have the same concerns as immigrants, feeding their family is one of them. When people come in illegally and work for less than subsistence wages they drive down our standard of living. That may make your business friends cream their jeans, but it pisses some of us off. Got it, fucktard?

Monday, April 30, 2007

How Much Iraqi Crude Oil is Being Stolen? Mystery of the Missing Meters

By Pratap Chatterjee, CorpWatch. Posted April 30, 2007.

Well actually this article was posted a month ago:

Mystery of the Missing Meters:
Accounting for Iraq's Oil Revenue
by Pratap Chatterjee, Special to CorpWatch
March 22nd, 2007

And I wondered how much oil was being stolen almost a year ago:

Memorial Day


Gulf Times
"Daily newspaper published by Gulf Printing & Publishing Company
Doha, Qatar"

Call-girl scandal shocks US capital
Published: Sunday, 29 April, 2007, 08:29 AM Doha Time

Why do they give a crap about this in Qatar? Don't they use the foreign born "maids" for sex over there?

Ohhhhhhhh, yeah, maybe some high ranking US Military officers might, could, maybe be implicated in this?

Nahhh, the military never has a problem with prostitution, right?

Yeah, this fubaB* Administration will throw their asses under the bus too.

*fucked up beyond all Belief.

In Turkey, Fear About Religious Lifestyle

Published: April 30, 2007

ISTANBUL, April 29 — When hundreds of thousands of protesters filled the streets of Istanbul on Sunday, it may have looked like a protest of government policy.

It was not.

Behind the slogans and signs of marchers in Istanbul on Sunday and in Ankara two weeks ago was something much more basic: a fear of the lifestyles of their more religious compatriots.

Turkish Markets Plunge on Army Threat Over Election (Update8)
By Ayla Jean Yackley and Steve Bryant
April 30 (Bloomberg) -- Turkey's lira fell the most in seven months and bonds and stocks slumped after the military threatened to block the ruling party's presidential candidate because of his support for Islamist causes.

Crisis pinches Turkey's pocket
POSTED: 1603 GMT (0003 HKT), April 30, 2007

A test for Turkish democracy
Simon Tisdall UK Guardian comment is free

The military may have overplayed its hand in challenging Abdullah Gul's candidacy for president.

Walkers World Turks Near Coup
UPI Editor Emeritus
WASHINGTON, April 30 (UPI) --

Ummm, really now, just wtf is going on in Turkey?

Update 12:44 PM 5/1/2007 Crisis as Turkish courts overrule Parliament

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Still reading

This book is taking me forever to read.

It's difficult emotionally to read.

Especially chapter 14 .

Can you say flabbergasted?

That would be me.

Bill Moyers Journal

Last night I was delighted to watch Josh Marshall on Bill Moyers Journal. Yeah, Yeah, I know, Jon Stewart was on the show also. I live in the 50th Congressional district, Dukie Cunninghams's old stomping grounds and I was much more interested in what Josh Marshall had to say.

When the MSM was studiously avoiding investigating the Carole Lam firing, TPM and TPM Muckraker were on it.

Everyone with a healthy dose of skepticism in San Diego knows that the government here are pretty much puppets and the real power lies within the military-industrial-media-complex, the land developers, the frickin car dealers and ummm, RepugnantThuglicans.

This is completely unrelated, but this article caught my eye: Some US schools banning iPods to stop cheating.

Yeesh, what kind of rotten little shithead kids are we raising?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Woo hoo Sen. Mike Gravel

Riverbend is leaving Baghdad

read her post here: The Great Wall of Segregation...

Frankly, I'm surprised it took her so long to decide. Any country would be lucky to get her and her family.

Interesting that the congress just voted to start withdrawing troops. Watch Preznit Poopypants veto it and watch his desperate media whores blame this godforsaken corporate greedfest and clusterfuck of a war get blamed on the Deomcrats.

Umm, you mean the Democrats who voted for this stupid war, for whatever reason, right?

And when I see stories like this, I'm reminded that the bloodshed over oil is only beginning:

Ethiopian Rebels Kill 70 at Chinese-Run Oil Field

Wed, 25 Apr 2007 14:51:47 -0700

The Dirty Political Underbelly of the Darfur Conflict

You think Osama binLaden isn't concerned with oil?

His family made their money doing construction, duh.
I haven't read this book, but there is a search function, put "oil" in it.

You think anybody at the California Democratic Party Convention in San Diego is going to talk about the coming oil crash this weekend?

Is that crickets I hear?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Failed States, the Coming Mexican Revolution (click here, its a great article)

by David Cox Page 1 of 1 page(s)
April 25, 2007 at 07:38:42

...It is too easy to label the locals as racist’s and Xenophobes, were fifteen hundred to two thousand people a day wandering through your cities streets day and night it might try your Christian charity as well.. That number doesn’t include drug traffickers or coyotes or even the Mexican Army units taking pot shots at the racist Americans for repairing their racist fences on their own racist property. If it were Iranians taking shots across the border at Americans in Iraq would the media portray it differently perhaps?

The crux of the issue is not about race or nationality or even immigration it is about the utterly failed policy of free trade which benefits a only a tiny fraction and penalizes a whole population like a Mississippi overseer at harvest time. We in America see only the symptoms that hit us in the face, as the media obediently looks the other way. As is the case so many times America is fortunate if we look at Mexico today we can see what America will become tomorrow. The Mexican refugees are not coming empty handed, they bring us a message. It reads you’re turn is next.

U.S. and World Population Clocks - POP Clocks

Tijuana No Pobre de ti

The U.S. population almost quadrupled its population in the past century: from 75 million in 1900 to 283 million in 2001. This despite a time-out from mass immigration between 1925 to 1965 during which the average immigration level was less than 200,000 per year. However, from 1990 to 2000, the average immigration rate was 1.2 million people annually. Even so, immigration advocates are continuously pushing legislation to increase immigration. If the U.S. quadruples its population one more time in this century, this country will have over one billion people (283 million x 4).

Hispanic Growth Surge Fueled by Births in U.S.
By D'Vera Cohn
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 9, 2005; Page A01

Nafta Highway Map

Across the Border, But Into a Locked Room
Voice Staff Writer
Thursday, April 26, 2007

(click on images for links I found interesting)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

From Hitler to Pinochet and beyond, history shows there are certain steps that any would-be dictator must take to destroy constitutional freedoms. And, argues Naomi Wolf, George Bush and his administration seem to be taking them all
Tuesday April 24, 2007The Guardian

....3. Develop a thug caste
When leaders who seek what I call a "fascist shift" want to close down an open society, they send paramilitary groups of scary young men out to terrorise citizens. The Blackshirts roamed the Italian countryside beating up communists; the Brownshirts staged violent rallies throughout Germany.....

...Thugs in America? Groups of angry young Republican men, dressed in identical shirts and trousers, menaced poll workers counting the votes in Florida in 2000. If you are reading history, you can imagine that there can be a need for "public order" on the next election day. Say there are protests, or a threat, on the day of an election; history would not rule out the presence of a private security firm at a polling station "to restore public order...

Are Rove’s Missing E-mails the Smoking Guns of the Stolen 2004 Election?
by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bill Moyers is back on PBS (click here)

Special premiere airdate: Wednesday, April 25 at 9 P.M. on PBS. (90 minutes)Airs weekly: Fridays, beginning April 27 at 9 P.M. on PBS. (60 minutes) (check local listings)

Yep, I'm happy about it.

'Little girl Rambo' decries US propaganda

Jessica Lynch's testimony before the The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform