
Friday, April 27, 2007

Riverbend is leaving Baghdad

read her post here: The Great Wall of Segregation...

Frankly, I'm surprised it took her so long to decide. Any country would be lucky to get her and her family.

Interesting that the congress just voted to start withdrawing troops. Watch Preznit Poopypants veto it and watch his desperate media whores blame this godforsaken corporate greedfest and clusterfuck of a war get blamed on the Deomcrats.

Umm, you mean the Democrats who voted for this stupid war, for whatever reason, right?

And when I see stories like this, I'm reminded that the bloodshed over oil is only beginning:

Ethiopian Rebels Kill 70 at Chinese-Run Oil Field

Wed, 25 Apr 2007 14:51:47 -0700

The Dirty Political Underbelly of the Darfur Conflict

You think Osama binLaden isn't concerned with oil?

His family made their money doing construction, duh.
I haven't read this book, but there is a search function, put "oil" in it.

You think anybody at the California Democratic Party Convention in San Diego is going to talk about the coming oil crash this weekend?

Is that crickets I hear?

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