
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Bill Moyers Journal

Last night I was delighted to watch Josh Marshall on Bill Moyers Journal. Yeah, Yeah, I know, Jon Stewart was on the show also. I live in the 50th Congressional district, Dukie Cunninghams's old stomping grounds and I was much more interested in what Josh Marshall had to say.

When the MSM was studiously avoiding investigating the Carole Lam firing, TPM and TPM Muckraker were on it.

Everyone with a healthy dose of skepticism in San Diego knows that the government here are pretty much puppets and the real power lies within the military-industrial-media-complex, the land developers, the frickin car dealers and ummm, RepugnantThuglicans.

This is completely unrelated, but this article caught my eye: Some US schools banning iPods to stop cheating.

Yeesh, what kind of rotten little shithead kids are we raising?

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