
Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Kingdom of Silence

one word: Blech.

Greg Palast the Con p 263 of Armed Madhouse

In his vulturous, brain-damaged way, Zell Miller was right: Stand up for Black voters and the redneck boobs will take their revenge. So the election came down to this: Nitwits who think Ollie North's a hero not a conman, who can't name their congressman, who believe that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin laden were going steady, who can't tell Afghanistan from a souvlaki stand and bloated with lies and super-sized fries, clomped to the polls 59 million strong to vent their small-minded hatreds on us all.

I fear the election was an intelligence test that America flunked.

(So far this is my favorite paragraph in the book .)

A job at a Saudi newspaper offers a rare look inside a closed society.
Issue of 2004-01-05Posted 2004-01-05

This New Yorker article is very long. Parts of it are very funny, and I'm sure that this passage is meant to be somewhat sympathetic:
"For most of the country’s business and intellectual leaders, and for many of the royals, the Western world had been a refuge from the intellectual and sensual sterility of the kingdom. I suspected that many had nurtured a secret escape plan in case the extremists gained complete control—they would retreat to second homes in Santa Barbara or Miami. But now such places seemed hostile to them. These élite men who had prided themselves on living in two worlds felt trapped in their own stern culture, and they were suffocating."

My first thought after reading it was Good, maybe the chickenshit Saudis will do something about their out of control religious idiots.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Tomgram: Klare, The Pentagon as an Energy-Protection Racket

Yeesh, if you met anybody in the Navy in the last 30 years, this is not news, they've been babysitting oil tankers on their way out of the Persian Gulf for at least that long.

The US Government has an even longer laundry list of grievances (that rarely get an appeal for redress) for GIs {Government Issue}. It's a long and disgusting list. Here are a few.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

CA National Guard

Schwarzenegger Backs Bush's Iraq Troop Surge
Jan 12, 2007 5:50 pm US/Pacific

So, hey brainiac, who's gonna take care of California's levees while more of the California National Guard goes to Iraq to try to secure oil supplies? Oil supplies that we need since your corporate base doesen't give a shit about anything but profits.

And they profit from the status quo.

California was at one time a magnet for the best and brightest students because the state invested in research and development because the corporate interests shared in that investement and PAID THEIR FUCKING TAXES. Now the corporations all have cadres of lawyers whose job it is to find out how to avoid paying taxes. Chevron is one of his gold sponsors. They got their way on 87 didn't they? They ain't paying no damn taxes on the oil they suck out of the ground in Cali.

Got a pretty good deal in Iraq, also:
...From those earliest days until now, throughout all the twists and turns, the blood and chaos of the occupation, the Bush Administration has kept its eye on this prize. The new law offers the barrelling buccaneers of the West a juicy set of production-sharing agreements (PSAs) that will maintain a fig leaf of Iraqi ownership of the nation's oil industry -- while letting Bush's Big Oil buddies rake off up to 75 percent of all oil profits for an indefinite period up front, until they decide that their "infrastructure investments" have been repaid. Even then, the agreements will give the Western oil majors an unheard-of 20 percent of Iraq's oil profits -- more than twice the average of standard PSAs, the Independent notes...

Friday, January 12, 2007

A sweet deal for 'official' felons

A sweet deal for 'official' felons
By S.A. Miller
January 11, 2007

(yeah, yeah, I know, the Washington Times? ewwwwwwww)

..Bills that would withhold the pensions from members of Congress convicted of major crimes have been introduced in the past and failed. They usually die in the Senate. "They always worry that somehow they will get caught and lose their pensions," Mr. Kirk said of the senators. "They have always killed this common-sense reform." The measure's supporters say they are optimistic this time because of the strong push for ethics reforms this session -- a response to voter anger at Washington corruption that is credited in part for Democratic gains in last year's midterm elections. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, promised "serious consideration" of the proposal. Still, the effort is encountering the usual skepticism among seasoned lawmakers in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle. "I understand the image," Senate Republican Whip Trent Lott, Mississippi Republican, said of the pension payments. "I think the concept is achievable, but we had better be careful about it." "It is easy to pontificate and take this great ethical stand, but then you have to ask yourself, 'Well, what about this senator's or this congressman's innocent spouse who still has to live? What about the money that was actually paid into the retirement system?' " The specter of punishing "innocent spouses" also was raised by Rep. Charles B. Rangel, New York Democrat and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. "I would think the type of offense committed should have some weight, especially for someone who violates the public trust," he said. "We shouldn't have any different standard than any other part of government."

And we'll see if this bill dies also. I don't belive for one damn minute that Dukie Cunningham's wife is "innocent." She knows what a Navy officer makes, and she knows what a congressman makes and it isn't now, nor was it ever enough to live in Rancho Santa Fe and shop in antique stores.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Doing what we elected them to

Bush’s Plan for Iraq Runs Into Opposition in Congress
Democrats and moderate Republicans expressed profound skepticism about President Bush’s call to increase the U.S. military commitment in Iraq.
Published: January 11, 2007

Fucking Duh. The Bush plan sounded like more of the same to me, except for sending another twenty thousand troops to get slaughtered, maimed, or brain damaged in that fucking meat grinder called Iraq. I heard a statistic the other day that just floored me:

For every one troop killed, there are eight that will require some kind of medical help for the rest of their lives. Oh boy. That along with a shitload (70 million) of baby-boomers needing increasingly more extensive and expensive medical care wouldn't break the bank here in the US. This stupid fucking war is.

Wow. Five days without a blog post. Two days till my first year bloggy birthday. I got nothing. Any ideas?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

US car giants launch green drive
By Stephen Foley in Detroit
Published: 08 January 2007

Yeah, only because they can't get away with the same old crap because of those internets.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday jan 05 2007

In a perfect world

Pass these laws in 2007 and watch society improve overnight.

Stacy Taylor read these this morning on the air and I laughed. That's an improvement. Yesterday I didn't even get out of bed till 6 pm, and that was ONLY because I wanted to see the first woman house speaker---Nancy Pelosi. Today they passed some ethics reform bills. i'm so cyincal, I thought, "Yeah, how long before they figure out how to get around this?"

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Squirrel tales

LesbianDad has a squirrel tale that's cuter than mine
. I never fed these animals, they look like rodents. I dubbed them the Cheeto-thieves. The bold little Spermophilus beecheyi will come into the house to remove any Cheetos that fall onto the floor, which is cute, until they can't remember how to get back outside, corner themselves and poop on the floor, which is disgusting. They will also feed on skunk corpses, which is even more disgusting. They are rodents, and manangement says they are "wild animals" and nothing can be done to reduce the population in this immediate area. Wild?, the fuckers eat Cheetos, and they have no fear of humans, and I haven't seen one coyote (with four legs) for all the years I've been here. I saw one Spermophilus beecheyi get lunched on by a hawk, but hawks never nest here because the crows send them packing. If I could have pet here, I would choose a rat terrier, and not because I think they are cute, but because they're useful. Rabies shots updated of course, and the best flea treatment, because the damn squirrels are loaded with fleas, and they share them with everyone, ain't that nice, the little fuckers share the wealth.

Hnnaaaaappyy fuggin new year

America's Red Ink
WaPo 12/23/06

Are the rich affected?

Fuck No

How's that war on terror that supposedly started in Afghanistan going?

Herion dealers doin' just fine

Visa Problems for US Businesses

But I seriously doubt
these assholes have any problems there. The Saudi economy is looking up.

We're warning China away from energy deals with Iran.

And energy piggies feeding from the corporate welfare trough yowling about accepting help for for OUR poor from Venezuela.

And how about.

This year we get real.

We call Israel on their bullshit.

And we quit financing their follies.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Riverbend's alive

Just when I think that the violence in Iraq has robbed the world of a really good writer, and hopes for rebuilding a country she posts again.

(update---5:37 PM 1/2/2007 I linked the post, but I didn't read it, I'm reading it now and I stumble across this sentence: "Again, I can't help but ask myself why this was all done? "
and I think to myself: You and me both, baby, and many other people are wondering what the hell this planned chaos is actually supposed to gain anyone? And then there is the Saudi economy. Nice. My husband was spending a quarter of his income on gasoline to get to work so that some useless fucking (literally, here folks, those fuckers breed like rabbits) Saudi Prince could continue to be useless?

I just haven't felt like keeping up with the news, or posting. I don't know how to tie these stories together, but I can face the news now. Most of it came from ICH

Our Next Big Mess
By Ted Rall 12/28/06
The Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and--until now--Turkmenistan are all being ruled by the same former Communist Party bosses who ran them in Soviet times. Niyazov's death marks the beginning of the end for the post-Soviet authoritarian order and the beginning of a period of increasing instability, as foreign powers attempt to monopolize access to oil and natural gas resources and pipeline routes.

The oil companies and the Saudi Princes usually get their way, but I'll watch these two stories just to see if my cynicism is justified.

But, Hey wait a sec, I thought the next war would be Iran?
The neocon crazies, including Isralies are pushing the doofy American public.
And us stoopid Americans don't know about stuff like
Soooo, we have a history of pissing off people in the middle east

but we support our troops don't we?, no matter what?

But one last shot, cause that fucking mess in the middle east ain't all our fault:
Why can't Muslims take a joke?
By Spengler

I found this paragraph interesting:
Muslims rage at affronts to their faith because the modern world puts their faith at risk, precisely as modern Islamists contend. [3] That is not a Muslim problem as such, for all faith is challenged as traditional society gives ground to globalization. But Muslim countries, whose traditional life shows a literacy rate of only 60%, face a century of religious deracination. Christianity and Judaism barely have adapted to the modern world; the Islamists believe with good reason that Islam cannot co-exist with modernism and propose to shut it out altogether.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

More lists

OMFG, this guy predicted the invasion and occupation of Iraq in 1997:

A Peak Under the Covers
by Jay Hanson, 11/11/97

And it looks like I may be taking a break from the dead tree books today: Top 50 Posts of 2006

I'm having a hell of a time getting through Catch-22 anyway, but I've heard the first third of it is set-up. I'm not quite into the second third, although I did get my first belly laugh from the first third set-up. I dunno, maybe my sense of humor is too quirky?

Woodward, Ford, Bush, yadda yadda yadda

Fucking Republicans never let the cat outta the bag until they don't have to face the music for sayin it.' (from the local Republishill station, no less)

Woodward is no stranger to keeping Republican secrets .

It's obvious to me who's team he's on.

I didn't pick the
book out, it was a gift. My husband did better than he usually does, but...I chose Greg Palast's book for me, so there ya go.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

How Now Cloned Cow

FDA: Cloned animals' meat is safe
Posted 12/27/2006 10:52 PM ET

By Chris Gardner, AP
Cloned dairy cows Cyagra, left, and Genesis, right, share hay together as they eat at the farm of Greg Wiles in Williamsport, Md. For nearly four years, the dairy farmer has poured milk from his cloned cows down the drain in compliance with a voluntary ban on food from cloned livestock.

Cookie Jill's posts just kick ass

go check it out: top 10 stories you might not have heard of

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

State of Denial

I'm 320 pages in and I've got notes and questions penciled in all over the margins.

One of them is if the author ever saw these:

The Power of Nightmares part one

The Power of Nightmares part two

The Power of Nightmares part three

Because if he did, and it made an impact, it does not show in the book. So far all I've gotten out of the book is that Washington sure is loaded with arrogant idiots....

on page 425 Laura Bush says to Andrew Card during one of their "candid sessions" every six weeks, "He's happy with this," the first lady said, "but I'm not." Another time she said, "I don't know why he's not upset with this." She was referrring to the problems with Rumsfeld that everyone seemed to have.

Pickles, doesn't your old man ever read the funnies?

Umm, yeah, and nobody ever told you that you didn't marry a brain surgeon?

Just take another Zanax, uhhh-kay?

Monday, December 25, 2006

James Brown - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag

Because I want to remember the joy.

ahhhhh, and a happy x-mas to you too

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

All-time high for homegrown as pot becomes top cash crop in US

All-time high for homegrown as pot becomes top cash crop in US

Dan Glaister in Los AngelesTuesday December 19, 2006The Guardian

Yeeesh, I didn't know that. I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this one. If the government would legalize it, tax it, and regulate it, they could make some of that money and fix the roads and fund the schools. I personally don't like smoking it, but I might if it didn't have this oohh ooooh, bad bad, it's illegal, stigma attached to it. Funny, when I look at this picture I see it being wasted, rather than turned into paper, or clothing, or rope, or biofuels.


America Wakes to Dying Dreams, Dead Soldiers
Published on Monday, December 18, 2006 by the Austin American-Statesman (Texas)
by Cokie Roberts and Steven V. Roberts

America wakes

Some elitist named Cokie finally wakes up.


Impeachment Hearing of Bill Clinton

Some information in this article has not been verified and may not be reliable.
(Please check for inaccuracies, and modify and cite sources as needed.)

The impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton in 1999, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist presiding. The House managers are seated beside the quarter-circular tables on the left and the president's personal counsel on the right, much in the fashion of President Andrew Johnson's trial.President Bill Clinton was impeached as President of the United States on December 19, 1998, by the House of Representatives and subsequently acquitted by the Senate on February 12, 1999...

Impeach Bush
Editorials and Information on How to Impeach Bush and Cheney

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Israel bugs the shit out of me

A US president named Hussein?

...Obama's 'problematic' middle name does not appear on his official Senate biography webpage, nor is there any mention of it on other official sites. But apparently someone viewed this rising-star as a threat in the political sky and pushed the name forward into the public arena, perhaps in the hope of tarnishing Obama's image...


Frankly, this kind of bullshit rhetoric coming out of Israel is why I think Israel is a pain in America's ass But that is only the opinion of one "far left blogger."

And here's another thing that bugs me:
These guys embarrass me. They're not fighting for my freedom. I'm so fucking sick of hearing "Freedom isn't Free" from retards like this and I don't mean the kids getting the English lesson. I used to work in a tutoring lab and my favorite students were the ESL (English as a Second Language) students. I wouldn't have dreamed of steering them wrong.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Like, omigaaaaaww

It's only a little weed.

Yeah whatever.

It's only a little coke.

Yeah whatever.

How the Republicans are Stealing the November Elections

Friday, December 15, 2006

How the Republicans are Stealing the November Elections
Or, Bushes and Bonapartes

...On November 7, the American people delivered a stiff rebuke to the Bush Administration and the Republican Party over its far-right policies...

...You see, we do not have a democracy, with the Bush administration in power. We have an elective dictatorship...

If you read anything today, read Juan Cole's post

Thursday, December 14, 2006

San Diego County Supervisors wrong again

County to appeal medical-marijuana ruling

Supervisors again cite clash with federal law
By Jeff McDonald
December 14, 2006
A week after a Superior Court judge threw out their case against California's medical-marijuana laws, San Diego County's supervisors have voted to appeal the ruling.
...In January, San Diego County sued the state of California rather than implement medical-marijuana laws that permit qualified patients to smoke and grow marijuana and require counties to issue them identification cards...
The county was later joined by San Bernardino and Merced counties in trying to overturn Proposition 215, the 1996 initiative approved by 56 percent of voters that permitted the medical use of marijuana.
Tuesday's closed-session vote to appeal was 4-1, with Supervisor Ron Roberts opposed. It is unclear when the appeal will be filed or when the appellate judges will consider the case.
Supervisor Greg Cox said he supported the county's issuing ID cards to qualified patients, but when that vote failed 3-2 late last year, he decided to go along with the lawsuit.

Supes vote to persist with medical marijuana challenge
By: GIG CONAUGHTON - Staff Writer
SAN DIEGO -- As expected, San Diego County supervisors voted Tuesday to continue their controversial legal challenge to overturn California's 10-year-old, voter-approved medical marijuana law.Board Chairman Bill Horn said the board voted in closed session to appeal Superior Court William R. Nevitt's week-old ruling that dismissed the county's argument that California's Compassionate Use Act should be pre-empted by federal law because federal law is "supreme."
The county's challenge has national implications, patients and government officials say, because it marks the first time that any county has sued to overturn any of the medical marijuana laws voters have approved in 11 states....
..."No, not at all," Horn said. "I think it's a bad law. I mean, as far as the benefits, those are medical opinions. There are probably some medical benefits, if you listen to the (patients). But that's not our point. Our point is who has jurisdiction here (the state or federal government)
"We didn't get that from this judge, so we're going to appeal it," he said...

The M-I-C owns this creepy little cronified podunk county (of three million) and the idiotic, brainwashed repugnanthuglican peons who need to have things painted black and white for them by some authoritarian hypocrite and don't think for themselves. Can't let those holy Federal Dollars go anywhere else, right? For the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal aliens, oh, and by the way, defense contractor WAR profiteering.

Bill Horn

Greg Cox (619)5331-5511

Pam Slater-Price (619)531-5533 (619) 531-5222

or copy and paste this line and mail them all at one time:,,,

I am not a medical marijuana user, or a marijuana user at all. I voted for prop 215 because I believe that marijuana can help people deal with the painful and traumatizing effects of chemotherapy, and other diseases, including some that cause chronic pain.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Oily stuff and coming clean

Another Iraq Casualty: U.S. Auto Industry
by Jesse Jackson
Published on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 by the Chicago Sun-Times

Saudi ambassador quits Washington

As Darfur deteriorates, Sudan's economy booms (selling oil to China)
The Associated Press
Published: 2006-12-13 10:50:09

Does Israel have the bomb or not? Olmert: Yes, we do.
Posted By: Edward M. Gomez (Email) December 13 2006 at 12:00 AM
Uh-oh. Another prominent politician is in hot water for daring to speak the truth.

What the fuck are we doing in the Middle East? We don't need to be there.

NOW video on feasibility of biofuels

Maria Hinojosa interviews soon-to-be chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which oversees national energy policy.mp3

Umm, what exactly does this mean?

DOJ Issues New Charging Guidelines in Corporate Fraud Prosecutions
December 12, 2006

Deputy U.S. Attorney General Paul McNulty issues a new Department of Justice memorandum for U.S. Attorneys with updated guidelines for prosecuting corporations. McNulty emphasized that "[t]he prosecution of corporate crimes is a high priority." If a company faces criminal charges, he cautions, that doesn’t necessarily mean that corporate directors, officers, and other employees "should not also be charged." He advises federal prosecutors on nine factors to consider when weighing whether to charge or negotiate a plea in corporate criminal cases.

U.S. Eases Tactics on Corporate Scandals
Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006
Print This Email This
By LARA JAKES JORDAN Associated Press Writer
...Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said the new guidelines won't hinder prosecutors from aggressively going after companies accused of fraud and other white-collar crimes. Whistle-blowers called the changes a setback for shareholders and employees who risk losing billions in pensions and savings if scandal-tainted corporations aren't fully investigated....