
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Doing what we elected them to

Bush’s Plan for Iraq Runs Into Opposition in Congress
Democrats and moderate Republicans expressed profound skepticism about President Bush’s call to increase the U.S. military commitment in Iraq.
Published: January 11, 2007

Fucking Duh. The Bush plan sounded like more of the same to me, except for sending another twenty thousand troops to get slaughtered, maimed, or brain damaged in that fucking meat grinder called Iraq. I heard a statistic the other day that just floored me:

For every one troop killed, there are eight that will require some kind of medical help for the rest of their lives. Oh boy. That along with a shitload (70 million) of baby-boomers needing increasingly more extensive and expensive medical care wouldn't break the bank here in the US. This stupid fucking war is.

Wow. Five days without a blog post. Two days till my first year bloggy birthday. I got nothing. Any ideas?

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