
Tuesday, December 26, 2006

State of Denial

I'm 320 pages in and I've got notes and questions penciled in all over the margins.

One of them is if the author ever saw these:

The Power of Nightmares part one

The Power of Nightmares part two

The Power of Nightmares part three

Because if he did, and it made an impact, it does not show in the book. So far all I've gotten out of the book is that Washington sure is loaded with arrogant idiots....

on page 425 Laura Bush says to Andrew Card during one of their "candid sessions" every six weeks, "He's happy with this," the first lady said, "but I'm not." Another time she said, "I don't know why he's not upset with this." She was referrring to the problems with Rumsfeld that everyone seemed to have.

Pickles, doesn't your old man ever read the funnies?

Umm, yeah, and nobody ever told you that you didn't marry a brain surgeon?

Just take another Zanax, uhhh-kay?

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