
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

oil wars

A humorous look at the history of oil. (45 minute video)
Rob Newman's History of Oil

and something I've read about before, but have a hard time stomaching:
The Threat of Depleted Uranium Exposure
It's Real, Deadly and Covered up by the Pentagon and VA
By Stephen Lendman

Bogus conspiracy stuff, right?

Auction find: Cylinder of depleted uranium

Issues on the Use and Effects of Depleted Uranium Weapons

For more information on the 55 other Cia and Military interventions since WWII:

Common Courage Press

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thank you Mr. Sirota

John Stossel is a pathological liar.

I've been saying that for years. The guy bugs me, he always has. Sadly, Americans are stupid enough to eat it right up. Here's my favorite quote from the article:

"This all may seem surprising. After all, how could one of the major networks employ a person with such disdain for the truth and then call him a “journalist?” "

That's an easy one.
Can you say ad-ver-tis-ing rev-e-nues?
Just ask Katy.

(see link left in comments, it's good)

Gas prices

Clerks in line of fire when customers rage about gas prices
Monday, May 29, 2006
By TIM MOLLOY Associated Press Writer

...Police in Los Angeles and San Diego - the city with the highest gas prices in the nation - have not noticed any violent trends toward gas station workers. But there have been gas-related crimes around the nation...

"No violent trends towards gas station workers."
Might that be because we are used to getting reamed? Ummm, I worked as a gas station clerk for three years. I know my old boss would hire me back right now. Have I asked her for that job back?

Bwwwwaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa ha ha ha ha, ROFL.

ps, I'm very kind and understanding to gas station clerks. You'd be surprised at just how much more pleasant it makes transactions. They make minimum wage and theirbosses cannot control how much they are paying for gas either, and they are not making much on the gas. They actually make more on the junk food they sell. Ya wanna complain? Take it to
these mofos .

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Baghdad ER

So today we honor the dead. I think we should also honor the living. Especially those who are struggling to live with serious disabilites as a result of this war. How about let's not cut their medical benefits any more than they have been. How about let's make sure they get some counseling so they can deal with the fireworks on July 4th without hitting the deck.

PLANNING NATIONAL STRATEGIES--Marine interests at stake / Japanese shipping faces crewing crisis
The Daily Yomiuri, Japan - May 26, 2006


7. The IAMB was informed that no progress had been made with regards to the metering contract.
8. The IAMB expressed concern that this process had taken a long time, and urged the Government of Iraq to expedite the process.
Controls in the Ministries

9. The lack of metering notwithstanding, the IAMB was informed that controls were in place with regards to the oil quantities exported and the issuance of invoices in respect thereof.

The country of the Thousand Scandals and One Scandal
By Dr. Kadhim al-Miqdadi

...Our oil is being squandered. Oil smuggling has become a usual trade in Iraq and is taking different forms and facets.

There is the official smuggling, semi-official smuggling, tribal smuggling and sectarian smuggling.

Meters measuring oil output, exports and quantities of products churned out by refineries are said to be most of the time out of order.

Our oil meters are even less efficient and reliable than the taxi meters illiterate drivers use in a developing country in Africa...

Think the US could spare some of these?

Yeah, yeah, I know, that's pretty funny, eh? Probably not somthing Big Dick-shoot-em-in-the face is gonna suggest, huh? But now Dick CAN say that
Al-Qaeda is in Iraq. Good Job Dick-head.

Because Dick don't need no stinkin' Constitution, & neither do we.

NEWSCOMA reminds us via Alternet that it's not all about oil, it's about power.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

More loving the Greg

I want this book . I listen to one of the Air America Radio affiliates stream online (from here) and this morning's show was a delight. Greg Palast was laughing with his parents about the FBI listening, after informing us about what's in his latest book, and the US' B.S. towards Venezuela's Hugo Chavez (where gasoline is eleven cents a gallon) and the Enron Bush connection .

Completely unrelated, but funny as hell--Go see Dependable Renegade and laugh.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Indonesia quake toll passes 3,000
More than 3,000 people have been killed and thousands more injured by a strong earthquake that struck the Indonesian island of Java, officials have said.

UN pulls staff from E Timor chaos
Last Updated: Saturday, 27 May 2006, 12:30 GMT 13:30 UK

Natural resources:
gold, petroleum, natural gas, manganese, marble

East Timor awards 6 offshore oil-gas contracts to Italian Eni, Indian Reliance
Media Release
May 23, 2006
The East Timor government announced it has awarded five offshore oil and gas contract areas to Italy's Eni SpA and one area to India's Reliance Industries Ltd through a tender.

East Timor: Gov't readying oil, natural resources legislative package
June 2004

Australia bullies East Timor over oil and gas
By John Ward and Peter Symonds
7 February 2003 (World Socialist Website)

Why Americans should care about East Timor
Noam Chomsky
Aug. 26, 1999

Henry Kissinger - Bloody Hands Full of Gold

By Cheryl Seal
01 December 2002

Handbook of Texas online: OIL EXPLORATION
...A second method of exploration is the Magnetic method. Most oil occurs in sedimentary rocks that are nonmagnetic...
..A third method of exploration is the seismic method..
...Refraction prospecting consists of elastic earth waves, initiated by some concussive force, traveling down to a dense or high velocity bed, then being carried along that bed until they are
rerefracted up to seismic detector locations on the surface some distance from the shot point....
A final method of exploration is the study of stratigraphy...Sample logs, driller's logs, time logs, electrical logs, radioactivity logs, and acoustic logs help geologists predict where oil bearing strata occur.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Fake News

Check it out:

CMD Report "Fake TV News" Triggers FCC Investigation

Here are some more of my media heroes:

Media Matters

(because they cover what's important)

Danny Schechter News Dissector

Why are these organizations my heroes?
History, my dear, history. I'm reading the last chapter of Clifford D. Conner's A People's History of Science (c) 2005and I stumble upon this nasty little gem on pg. 450:

The horrific practical implications of eugenics emerged in political movements in the United States and Germany. The American eugenicists were sufficiently influential to win passage of the Johnson-Reed Act in 1924, which restricted immigrants from southern and Eastern Europe, The Balkans, and Russia. America must be kept American." President Calvin Coolidge declared; "Biological laws show...that Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races." 2
Coolidge was echoing the scientific rationale provided by eugenics movement leader Harry H. Laughlin, who had determined "that eastern European, Mediterranean, and Russian Jews, among others, harbored a large number of defective genes in their populations. " Not coincidentally, those immigrant populations also accounted for a great deal of the labor radicalism in the United States. "For the wealthy benefactors that supported eugenics, such as the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Harriman, and Kellogg philanthropies, eugenics provided a means of social control in a period of unprecedented upheaval and violence."3
Harry Laughlin and his movements also lobbied at the state levels for the passage of eugenics sterilization laws, which would allow individuals in state institutions to be forcibly sterilized if they were judged to be genetically defective. Over 35 states passed, and used, such laws. By the 1960’s when most of these laws were beginning to be repealed, more than 60,000 people had been sterilized for eugenic purposes. In Germany, the National Socialists used Laughlin’s model as one of the bases of their sweeping sterilization law of 1933, which ultimately led to the sterilization of over 400,000 people. 4

It was the Holocaust that turned international public opinion decisively against eugenics. Eugenics was not discredited as a scientific doctrine by means of research generating new evidence but due to momentous events external to the world of science. In 1938, the Nazis’ efforts at racial purification reached their logical, unspeakable culmination in a “euthanasia program” under the supervision of German psychiatrists that condemned tens of thousands of people deemed mentally ill, including children, to execution in gas chambers. Social Darwinism and eugenics were brought into disrepute as their implementation by the Nazis revealed them to be a slippery slope to genocide. 5

2. Quoted in Roy Porter, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind. p. 424.
3. Garland E. Allen, “Is a New Eugenics Afoot?”pp. 59-61.
4. Ibid.
5. Two excellent historical treatments of eugenics are Daniel J. Kelves, In the Name of Eugenics, and Garland E. Allen, “The Eugenics Record Office at Cold Spring Harbor, 1910-1940. “

Thursday, May 25, 2006

guilty :) :) :)

Jury finds Enron CEOs Lay, Skilling guilty
...Judge Sim Lake, presiding over the trial, set sentencing for Sept. 11. He ordered that Lay surrender his passport before leaving the building.

Unnnh Huh, Oh Yeah, don't drop the soap, bitches.

And the jury didn't even get to hear your little bitches yapping, either.

Associated Press Update 27: Enron Jury Finds Lay, Skilling Guilty By KRISTEN HAYS , 05.25.2006, 02:37 PM
Lake set sentencing for Sept. 11. The charges for which Lay was convicted carry a maximum penalty in prison of 45 years in the corporate trial and 120 years in the personal banking trial
The charges for which Skilling was convicted carry a maximum penalty of 185 years in prison.

It will be interesting to see exactly what type of "retirement plan" they are sentenced to, won't it?

And Greg Palast nails it again.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Isn't that McSpecial?

Katie Pooh-Poohs 'Baby Blues'


Dissidents are treated poorly in this country. The country where a man with the IQ of bean dip is handed the most important job in the country. Why? Why don't we practice what what we preach to the whole world?

rubles, rials & prisons

RTS bourse to start trading oil, oil products, gold on June 8
22/ 05/ 2006
RTS bourse to start trading oil, oil products, gold on June 8
By Mike Whitney 05/22/06

Vladimir Putin and the rise of the petro-ruble
Putin’s plan is similar to that of Iran, which announced that it would open an oil-bourse (oil exchange) on Kish Island in two months...

The Coming Financial Crises?

American prison population surpasses 2 million, the highest incarceration rate in the world

Jeez, Jeebus, whatever, it's lookin' more and more like crash and burn time.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


House Conservatives Cut $500M Off Vet Bill

House Panel Cuts Foreign Aid Request $2.4B
It also would make available $2.3 billion for the military in
Israel and $120 million for economic assistance to that country, the amounts the president wanted.

If Americans Knew

You want to call me anti-Semitic, or a hateful Nazi, or a Jew-hater?

Go ahead, but first make sure you ask yourself: Do I know this person? Have I read what she links to? Have I read what she reads? Do I know what she knows? Do I know who she knows? Have I loved who she's loved? Does she have a problem with the Iranian backed Palestinians and the insanity of Muslim fanatics with way too much power also?
(Mmmmmhmmmm, yes she does have a problem with ALL people who want to shove their religious extremism down her throat)

Movie time

It's Saturday.

Watch a movie:

Orwell Rolls in His Grave

Friday, May 19, 2006

Do you mind the government monitoring your phone calls?

Go here and click on "Take the Poll."

I mind, Goddamnit, and I know I'm not alone.

Granting Immigrants the Right to Vote
Forrest Hill

Forrest Hill
May 18, 2006

What's this Bozo's name? Forrest Gump? Last time I checked immigrants can vote, after they become citizens.

Not that it really fucking matters anyway.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Humans and chimps

...Then, after evolving in different directions for about 4 million years, they got back together for a brief fling that produced a third, hybrid population with characteristics of both lines ...

..."It's a totally cool and extremely clever analysis," said Daniel Lieberman, a professor of biological anthropology at Harvard who wasn't involved in the study. "My problem is imagining what it would be like to have a bipedal hominid and a chimpanzee viewing each other as appropriate mates - not to put it too crudely." ...

Associated Press Update 2: DNA Study Maps Human-Chimp Split
By MATT CRENSON , 05.17.2006, 04:57 PM

Methinks Mr Liberman dosen't have too many young, male friends.

p.s. Oooooh - oooooh, eeeee - eeee - eeeeee.
Take that, those of you who want to thump me over the head with your Bible .

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


McMortgages. Hhnaaaappy.

Update: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Almost two years ago I knew the shit was gonna hit the fan

Update Sat Dec 11, 2010 Janet Tavakoli, Derivatives & Securities, Analyst

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Where are the illegal immigration solutions?

Plot Summary for El Norte

illegal immigration: NAFTA CAFTA FTAA

AlterNet April 13, 2006

Cause for Murder
Interactive Map for Human Rights

Foes of Illegal Immigration See Support Growing

...But UCLA astronomy professor Ben Zuckerman, a vice president of the population stabilization group and a former Sierra Club board member who pushed for change, said environmentalists dropped the ball.

"The movement is afraid to deal with U.S. population growth," Zuckerman said. "When we talk about it they call us racists, xenophobes and fascists … the people who pay the penalty are not white people but poor people who are disproportionately people of color."...

Ummm... and poor whites also, thank you.

Bush to call for thousands of National Guard troops on the Mexican border
Monday, May 15, 2006
By NEDRA PICKLER Associated Press Writer

Mexico says National Guard not way to solve U.S. immigration problem
By MARINA MONTEMAYOR Associated Press Writer
Monday, May 15, 2006

As debate resumes in U.S. Congress, economic impact of illegal immigration unclear
By ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writer
Monday May 15, 2006

Read this book yet?

Deja Vu

I don't know what the illegal immigration solutions are, but the Bush Administration placing pencil pushing Nat'l Guard Troops on the Border is only an attempt to push the poll numbers up. Some would say that the media's focus on illegal immigration is an attempt to avoid covering the implosion of the American Empire. That Empire has attempted to include South America.

Dude. All the natives are getting restless

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Food for thought, er, thinking about food.

Don't ask what sick and twisted mental processes possessed me to blog on this on Mother's Day, Whoops, there it is.

26th case of mad cow confirmed
The Japan Times: Sunday, May 14, 2006
(C) All rights reserved

meanwhile, back at the ranch with larry, curly, and mo at USDA ET AL ON BSE ALABAMA STYLE
PR Watch, general chat,
Epidemiology Update March 23, 2006

Mad Cow Disease
Stop the Madness!
News & Views on Mad Cow Disease,
Mad Deer Disease, Chronic Wasting Disease,
and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

So, what is Mad Cow Disease, and what are the likely suspects to the cause of it?

History of Rendering: Cattle Cannibalism in the USA

You didn't really want to drag mom to a restaurant today anyway, did you?

I just got my present from my kid and it just don't get any better than this. A little sweet, a little salty, a little nutty, and chewy in more ways than one. A message from the heart in a language I can't understand so she had to translate it for me. I couldn't be more proud. Can't wipe this shit-eating grin off my face. I can't believe she remembers me making her green eggs and ham (los huevos y jamon verdes). I can't believe how incredibly lucky I am to have her. She is "all that and a bag of chips."

Oh, and if you're curious about the origins of Mother's Day
click here .

Do all American mothers struggle with when to reveal to their children the ugly truth about American foreign policy? I know I struggle with it. Somehow I doubt that all American mothers even know the ugly truth about American foreign policy. Here's an hour of how Arundhati Roy interprets it.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Love the Greg

If you don't own this CD, you're missing some information. Palast has been covering the company called "ChoicePoint" for quite a while now. I still find it amazing that a boy from L. A. needs to go to England to report on important news stories in his home country.
His latest article has a rather unpleasant update on what ChoicePoint is up to now:
The Times and USA Today have Missed the Bigger Story -- Again
Friday, May 12, 2006
by Greg Palast
...And now ChoicePoint and George Bush want your blood. Forget your phone bill. ChoicePoint, a sickened executive of the company told us in confidence, "hope[s] to build a database of DNA samples from every person in the United States ...linked to all the other information held by CP [ChoicePoint]" from medical to voting records...

Makes you wonder what they might want to do with it, right? Hopefully not more of this kind of shit: Cleveland Women Put In Gulag And Held For Psyh Eval For Trying To Put Up Anti-Bush Poster

Big 'ol hat tip tip to WTF is it Now?

Friday, May 12, 2006

More on immigration

Highlights from the Debate

Mmmmmmmm hmmmm. Yep, it's about families. Pr'haps Mexicans should consider smaller ones, instead of blindly following whatever the Catholic Church says.

And completely unrelated: Ousted CIA No. 3 Is Target of Raids
Foggo's Home and Langley Office Swept in Corruption Probe
By Dafna Linzer and Charles R. Babcock
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, May 13, 2006; Page A01

It's about fucking time.

Note for Dukie Cunnningham, spill the beans, asshole, Duncan's going down too, it's only a matter of time. Anybody with an ounce of sense knows it.

I am in one of those moods. Deal with it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Prez brought to you by Diebold

Jeb Would Make a 'Great President,' Bush Says

By Bill Brubaker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 11, 2006; Page A06

Coming soon: President Bush III?

Because they're so successful in business...

Influence and bailouts a business tradition in Bush family

© St. Petersburg Times, published October 29, 2000

And child rearing....

It's normal in a family for there to be a child or two that has a run-in with the law. For George W Bush and his brother Jeb, the rate is 100%. From sexual misconduct to prescription forgery, here's "Bush kids gone wild"

NSA Stymies Justice Dept. Spying Probe

Published: May 11, 2006
Filed at 6:59 a.m. ET

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Brad Writes for Harvard J-School's Nieman Foundation Watchdog

Questions the Media Should Ask of All Elections Officials
A blogger who has been obsessively tracking the growing number of electronic voting horror stories around the country -- stories largely ignored by the national media -- offers an annotated...

Blogged by Brad on 5/9/2006 @ 3:13pm PT...

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Announces 'Informal Inquiry' into Accounting Practices of ATM, E-Voting Giant!
Inquiry Comes on Heels of Recent Securities Fraud Class Action Litigation, Sharp Drop in Stock Value, Growing List of Security Vulnerabilities Discovered in Company's Electronic Voting Machines...

Voting glitch said to be 'dangerous'
Article Last Updated: 05/10/2006 02:36:21 AM PDT
By Ian Hoffman, STAFF WRITER

This is the cutest damn timewaster I've ever seen:
Mario - Live

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Fuck the Pentagon

The Spymaster Cracks the whip
How John Negroponte won control of the CIA, and what he plans next to consolidate rival agencies and his power

Video :Gen. Michael Hayden refused to answer question about spying on political enemies at National Press Club.

Bugging the Democrats
By David Corn05/08/06

Recruiting Abuses Mount as Army Struggles to Meet Goals
(recruiting autistic kids)
c.2006 Newhouse News Service

Pentagon's intelligence authority widens: report
Fact Sheet Details Secretive Agency's Growth From Focus on Policy to Counterterrorism
By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 19, 2005; A10

How do these debt numbers compare to military spending. In fiscal 2005 the military budget, including the separate appropriation for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, totals almost $500 billion or about $5,000 for each of the approximately 100 million US households.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Ted Kennedy's double hypocrisy

The Curse of the Mobile Phone Age:
Published on Sunday, May 7, 2006 by the Independent/UK
Electronic SmogAround your home there are countless gadgets whose electrical fields, scientists now warn, are linked to depression, miscarriage and cancer by Geoffrey Lean

Drug Sanity South of the Border/
By Margaret Dooley, AlterNet. Posted May 8, 2006.

Mexican farm workers in Canada are regulated and well paid windows audio file
Tom Fudge

At Least Strikers in America Don't Get Shot

check Canadian agriculture prices

peak oil and free energy
25 from You Tube

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Who wants more immigration?

Got a "to-kill-ya" hangover from too much Cinco de Mayo partying?

Feeling a little queasy?

USDA says 156,235 pounds beef recalled for e-coli
Sat May 6, 2006 6:00 AM BST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Friday said that an Oklahoma-based company has voluntarily recalled 156,235 pounds of ground beef products that may be contaminated with E. coli bacteria.
The company, Fadler, Southwest Food Distributors, LLC of Tulsa, has voluntarily recalled beef products produced on various dates between February 6 and May 3.
The problem was discovered through routine product testing on beef patty products that were distributed to retail establishments, restaurants and institutions in Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, the USDA said.
E. coli is a potentially deadly bacterium that causes bloody diarrhea and dehydration, leaving the very young, seniors and those with compromised immune systems at the highest risk.

Beardstown plant to close Monday for immigration rallies
Published Wednesday, April 26, 2006
BEARDSTOWN - The Cargill Meat Solutions pork-processing plant will close Monday to allow workers to take part in a national day of immigration-rights rallies...

Bush praises Mexican contribution to US society
Mercosur Saturday, 06 May
United States president George W. Bush said again that the problem of illegal immigration can only be solved through a combination of tighter border security and a guest-worker program, but also stressed that immigrants have a duty to integrate into American society...

Southwest Economy
Issue 1, January/February 2006
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
...The two economies are also linked by the flow of Mexican immigrants to the U.S. and the remittances they send back home to their families. The approximately 10 million Mexican nationals who reside in the U.S. sent back an estimated $20 billion in 2005, an amount equivalent to 3 percent of Mexico’s GDP...

Dobbs: Radical groups taking control of immigrant movement
By Lou Dobbs CNN
Monday, May 1, 2006; Posted: 10:19 p.m. EDT (02:19 GMT)
..In fact, a meat-packing job paid $19 an hour in 1980, but today that same job pays closer to $9 an hour, according to the Labor Department. That's entirely consistent with what we've been reporting -- that illegal aliens depress wages for U.S. workers by as much as $200 billion a year in addition to placing a tremendous burden on hospitals, schools and other social services....

A new Zogby poll of likely voters,
WASHINGTON (May 3, 2006) – using neutral language (see wording on following pages), finds that Americans prefer the House of Representatives’ enforcement-only bill by 2-1 over Senate proposals to legalize illegal immigrants and greatly increase legal immigration. The poll was conducted for the Center for Immigration Studies...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Goss Was Told to Resign, Sources Say

Hookers involved in Goss resignation?
Posted by Evan Derkacz at 11:43 AM on May 5, 2006.

The Salvador Option has been invoked in Iraq

Negroponte and Goss, both 1960 Yale graduates
Sun Apr 17, 2005 17:23

Preznit Bunnypants really needs to talk to daddy, to learn how to do that pardon thing, you know?

Here's a fun little tip from Randi Rhodes: Go to Google, put asshole there in the search term place, and hit "I feel lucky." Turn the speakers on.

Diebold makes me crabby

Blogged by Brad on 5/2/2006 @ 11:32am PT...
Man Smashes Diebold Touch-Screen Voting System in Ohio!
Arrested at Polling Place During Today's Ohio Primary Election

I don't like the machines.

DIEBOLD DISASTER: Optical Scan Machines Fail in Michigan, Officials Forced to Hand-Count Ballots
Blogged by Brad on 5/3/2006 @ 7:18pm PT...
Voting Machine Printout Reports Zero Votes for Several Candidates, All Bond Measures Received Zero YES Votes...
Reasons for Problem 'Unknown', But Sound Remarkably Similar to Recent Leon County, FL Hack on Same Diebold Machines
Voting Machine Printout Reports Zero Votes for Several Candidates, All Bond Measures Received Zero YES Votes...
Reasons for Problem 'Unknown', But Sound Remarkably Similar to Recent Leon County, FL Hack on Same Diebold MachinesOur Electoral System Meltdown continues as more and more reports come in on epidemic Electronic Voting Machine failures around the country. It's neck and neck right now as Diebold and...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Have you ever surfed over to the website to see what we pay our "represntatives" to vote on?

Here's a very brief example of a few decisions they may make for us.

Upcoming Votes

Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act - H.R.4939

The Senate is scheduled to complete work on this $106 billion spending bill providing emergency funds for hurricane relief and military operations in Iraq.
Lobbying Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 - H.R.4975

The House is scheduled to vote this week on this lobbying reform bill.
SAFE Port Act - H.R.4954

Go look at what they did yesterday and ask yourself how much of this crap affects you, or the majority of Americans?

A quick Google brought up only TPM Cafe reporting on "106 billion supplemental"

Mything the Point of "Freedom isn't Free"
By background N015E bio at TPM Cafe
When people start talking like that, I always check to make sure my wallet is safe. It's the kind of platitude people resort to so they can justify the sacrifices they ask others to make.
Let me give you an example. Right now the latest in a series of off-budget-down-payment-without-oversight-emergency- appropriation bills is heading for the Senate floor. The total bill is $106 Billion. This omnibus bill is for Iraq and Katrina relief...

Why is the MSM (mainstream media) so lousy at reporting things like this? I have my suspicions

Hmmm, 106 billion, looks like a lot, some is supposed to go to Katrina re-building, so why is Qatar being so generous?

And I saw a couple of proposals to stop the oil companies from price gouging, what's up with them?

Ain't fucking happening.

Update: U.S. House Passes Bill to Make Price Gouging a Crime (Update2)
May 3 (Bloomberg) -- Well, let's see hmmmmm
"...The gouging bill is "pretty toothless,'' said James Lucier, a senior political analyst with Prudential Equity Group Inc. "It's all about posturing and political cover.''...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Blowholes and Blowback

400 Dead Dolphins Wash Up on African Beach
Friday 28 April 2006

Underwater noise:Death knell of our oceans?
Linda Weilgart, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Biology,
Dalhousie University 7 November 2005

U.S. Navy Sonar May Harm Killer Whales, Expert Says
John Pickrell for National Geographic News
March 31, 2004

Media Looks the Other Way: U.S. Military Largest Source of Toxic Waste
By Andrea Sutton Apr 1, 2004, 23:48

Blowback: The Cost and Consequences of American Foreign Policy
by Jon Baker

Update: Hmmmm, when I posted this morning, I had no idea that Chalmers Johnson would be writing for TomDispatch today. Weird, huh?