
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Love the Greg

If you don't own this CD, you're missing some information. Palast has been covering the company called "ChoicePoint" for quite a while now. I still find it amazing that a boy from L. A. needs to go to England to report on important news stories in his home country.
His latest article has a rather unpleasant update on what ChoicePoint is up to now:
The Times and USA Today have Missed the Bigger Story -- Again
Friday, May 12, 2006
by Greg Palast
...And now ChoicePoint and George Bush want your blood. Forget your phone bill. ChoicePoint, a sickened executive of the company told us in confidence, "hope[s] to build a database of DNA samples from every person in the United States ...linked to all the other information held by CP [ChoicePoint]" from medical to voting records...

Makes you wonder what they might want to do with it, right? Hopefully not more of this kind of shit: Cleveland Women Put In Gulag And Held For Psyh Eval For Trying To Put Up Anti-Bush Poster

Big 'ol hat tip tip to WTF is it Now?

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