
Saturday, May 20, 2006


House Conservatives Cut $500M Off Vet Bill

House Panel Cuts Foreign Aid Request $2.4B
It also would make available $2.3 billion for the military in
Israel and $120 million for economic assistance to that country, the amounts the president wanted.

If Americans Knew

You want to call me anti-Semitic, or a hateful Nazi, or a Jew-hater?

Go ahead, but first make sure you ask yourself: Do I know this person? Have I read what she links to? Have I read what she reads? Do I know what she knows? Do I know who she knows? Have I loved who she's loved? Does she have a problem with the Iranian backed Palestinians and the insanity of Muslim fanatics with way too much power also?
(Mmmmmhmmmm, yes she does have a problem with ALL people who want to shove their religious extremism down her throat)

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