
Monday, May 30, 2011

Doctors Abandoning The Republican Party In Favor Of The Democrats

The NYT article totally tip-toed around the problem of insurance companies. The reason doctors no longer want to own their own practices is because they need too many people fighting the insurance companies to get what the patients need.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

This post isn't about the dead veterans. This is about some of the ones who survived with major injuries.


Miscommunication hinders vets' care, study finds
By Gregg Zoroya, USA TODAY
Updated 03/24/2011 12:17:34 AM

Eligible veterans are not easily identified because the Pentagon and VA have no specific classification for "severely wounded, ill or injured" servicemembers, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) study says...

Everyone claims to “Support Our Troops.” But as Andrew J. Bacevich explains, telling the military it can do whatever it wants works for everyone—except for the soldiers themselves

American Soldiers Are WAKING UP!! SUPPORT OF TAKING AMERICA BACK!!! (StopTheRobbery2) (not new, but I like it)

California home to more wounded and killed veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan wars than any other state
By Thomas Himes, Staff Writer
Posted: 05/29/2011 07:07:24 PM PDT

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 3:00 pm | Updated: 4:51 pm, Wed Aug 25, 2010.
Because of good weather and a high cost of living, San Diego has a lot of homeless people. There are 8,500 homeless people in the county and 35 percent of them (3,000) are veterans. The relatively high proportion of veterans among San Diego's homeless is probably due to our proximity to military bases.
Nationwide, 20-25 percent of the homeless are veterans.

Homeless veterans on rise in San Diego
SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2011 AT 3 P.M.

(Note the most popular comments on the above local fishwrap article. Welcome to San Diego, home of some of the most asinine "compassionate conservative" dickheads on the planet. Probably because there are a shitload of defense contractors here.)

These are the dead from these latest of our wars. The lucky ones. The war is over for them.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: 4,442
Operation Enduring Freedom: 1,571
(Updated May 29, 2011)

Heroic Sacrifices for Foolish Causes: Memorial Days Past and Present
by Doug Bandow, May 31, 2008

The government borrows their money from a group of private banksters called the Federal Reserve. I certainly don't agree with everything the author of this book wrote, and I'm no rocket scientist but I managed to glean this from the book:
C) War makes these greedy assholes richer. Edwin Starr - War Live (2001)


Glencore: Taking over the world? - Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera English

Glencore: Taking over the world? - Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera English

Just. Watch. It.

'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' Movie Trailer: Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara Teaser Revealed (VIDEO)

Rooney Mara, Noomi Rapace, most Murikans won't know the difernce, they just won't havta strain their eyes tryin ta read them durn subtitles.­. Punk rock, Led Zeppelin, whassa difernce?


About Movies

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Swedish film trailer

Upcoming American version trailer

Saturday, May 28, 2011

GOP presidential hopefuls shift on global warming

Friday, May 27, 2011
By DINA CAPPIELLO Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - For Republican presidential contenders who once supported combatting global warming, the race is heating up.

Most of the GOP White House hopefuls have stepped back from their previous positions on global warming. They're catering to an activist right wing that questions the science of climate change and disdains big government.

When they were governors, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney all supported regional plans to curb greenhouse gases. Romney changed his position in 2005. Pawlenty has apologized for it. Huntsman has said the time isn't right because of the economy.

Newt Gingrich once called for action on climate change. Now, conservatives are demanding an apology from him.

On Thursday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he's pulling his state out of a regional plan to reduce greenhouse gases.
2011-05-27 07:41:34 GMT

Don't these assholes know that they can't hide their bullshit anymore? Don't they know that somebody, somewhere has archived evidence of their previous positions on issues? That even the even the most squirrel brained retards will eventually be aware of their flip-flopping?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Defense bill

I was reading Howie Klein's latest post War! War! War! More War! But All But One Republican Vote To Defeat Measure To Increase Combat Pay where he mentions that our service members couldn't get a $100 combat pay increase and I started wondering if they got any pay increase?

UPDATE: House passes military spending bill with funding for buildup, Andersen intact
5:31 PM, May. 26, 2011

"...The bill would also bring a 1.6 percent pay increase for all military servicemembers, if it becomes law as is..."

US economic forecast lowered, interest rate unchanged
By Mike McCarthy Apr 27, 2011, 19:54 GMT

"...The US inflation rate is 2.7 per cent, putting the federal funds rate in negative territory in real terms."
This has been on my mind after getting into a fight with a right wing fucktard in HuffPo comments yesterday regarding women in the military not being able to get abortions in the military medical system even if they've been raped and Rep. Susan Davis' effort to change that getting shut down by some asinine Rethug who's district is mostly fucking national forest land instead of Ms. Davis' which actually has military personell and veterans living in it. Anyway, I quit responding to the r-wing fucktard, but it bothered me for a while and then I figured out why. Because he asked a question that I never would have asked and that's because I have an inherent understanding of the issue I was commenting on, and fucktard didn't. I'll let Rachel expain:


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Ass-Backwards in the Middle East

Israel and the Palestinians Through the Looking Glass
Posted by Ira Chernus at 8:00am, May 26, 2011.

The Myths That Underpin the Failure of American Policy in the Middle East

"...Israeli political life suffers from “a real obsession,” according to the editors of Israel’s most respected newspaper, Haaretz, “a sense that we are constantly under attack.. an insanity of persecution.”

Yeah, and its worse if they live in LA and only read the LA times.
Update: See, this is the kind of BS I'm talking about, although I would not characterize the LA Times as "right-wing" I do see signs that some mainstream media sources are occasionally influenced by the right-wing --

Right-Wing Media Attack American Jews For Not Turning On Obama
May 27, 2011 4:51 pm ET by Adam Shah

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Psychopath Walks Into A Room. Can You Tell?

Some psychologists have a theory that many of the world's ills can be blamed on psychopaths in high places.

"Robert Hare, the eminent Canadian psychologist who invented the psychopath checklist, ... recently announced that you're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around in the janitor's office," journalist Jon Ronson tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered.

Hmm, I've come across this information before....

Ahh, The Corporation. The documentary called The Corporation.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Robo-Signing Continues On Key Land Records In North Carolina

ARRRRRRGH! If you and I are caught forging signatures we go to jail.
If the banksters do it they make a profit!

Taibbi's Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? (and the a$$-poundi­ng quote) --not to be missed

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Real Cost of Prisons

Wow, what a boon for
defense contractors, and a way to screw the taxpayer twice, and make big money!

What could've been

"Thin thread" - $3 million and ready to go 9 months before 9/11/01.

Trailblazer" - $1.2 billion, and years to develop, and a failure (well, unless you were on the defense contractor gravy train)

Government corruption and ridiculous boondoggles exposed and who do they try to throw in jail?

The whistelblower of course!



Friday, May 20, 2011

Track Palin Marries Britta Hanson, High School Sweetheart

You know, I finally figured out why the McMoosetur­d family can't sneeze without it being reported on: Sitcom writers are always looking for great one-liners­! Keep them coming folks :)
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Web of Debt


Our money system is not what we have been led to believe.

Borrowed the book from Dad and I finally got him to raid my bookshelf. Heh.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fearguth cracks me up

Oh, Aaallo Guvna Sperminator

Floods, Droughts Are 'New Normal' Of Extreme U.S. Weather Fueled By Climate Change, Scientists Say

Oh lookee, this map shows that China finally spews more carbon dioxide than the US, wheeeeeeee­ee

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Free College on Wall Street's Tab? 5 Reasons the Finance Sector Should Pay for Full Tuition at Public Universities

We are the richest country in the world, and we have the means to create employment for the 20 million who are without work.
May 17, 2011 |

"...At the close of WWII...Overall, 7.8 million veterans went to school on the GI Bill...

Was it worth it? In 1988, the Joint Economic Committee analyzed the impact of the GI Bill on the economy. The program cost taxpayers approximately $70 billion (in 2010 dollars). However, the committee estimated that the GI Bill generated an extra $120 billion in federal tax revenues and $350 billion in extra national output. Overall, for every one dollar invested in this massive educational program, $6.90 was returned to the economy..."

Yeah. At that time this country produced and sold more than military material , movies and crops.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Girls? Real SEALs don't brag

SEAL Imposters Sought
Naval Special Warfare Command in Coronado says the base gets around three inquiries per week
Thursday, May 12, 2011 | Updated
Source: SEAL Imposters Sought | NBC San Diego

I got my share of idiots 30 freakin years ago who thought I would be impressed by their bullshit stories that they were SEALs. I got news for you boys, the fact is that very few non military women know or care what a SEAL is anyway.

And as long as we're talking about defense:

David Sirota
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2011 14:50 ET
Osama: Poster boy for defense waste
It cost the U.S. at least $3 trillion to find a poorly guarded man camping out with his VCR in Abbottabad


Update: Walt Disney Company Halts Plans To Trademark ‘SEAL Team 6′
by Jon Bershad | 11:58 am, May 26th, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Faces Rape Charges As Another Woman Comes Forward

Strauss-Ka­hn lawyers see alibi in sex case: report


PARIS | Mon May 16, 2011 9:05am EDT

(Reuters) - Lawyers for Dominique Strauss-Ka­hn have proof the IMF chief was at a restaurant having lunch with his daughter at the time he was alleged to be sexually assaulting a hotel maid, France's RMC radio reported on Monday.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 13, 2011

Deutsche Bank Sues Foreclosure Fraud Expert's Son With No Financial Interest In Her Case

I didn't think I could be any more shocked by the banksters. I was wrong
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Voting Rights Under Attack

I have been following this issue for years now.

So has Greg Palast. "What the heck is vote caging, and why hould we care?"

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Time for Financial Regulators to Limit Speculation in Oil Market

"...The modern hedge fund industry was born during the early-nine­ties period of "reflation­ary" policymaki­ng. The Alan Greenspan Fed collapsed interest rates (all the way down to 3%!), while orchestrat­ing a steep yield curve to help recapitali­ze the banking system. Speculator­s made a killing playing yield curve "carry trades" and various "borrow cheap and lend dear" schemes made possible by the Fed. When various bubbles burst along the way, Washington (the Fed and government­-sponsored enterprise­s, in particular­) measures repeatedly backstoppe­d the industry (the 1994 bond bust, Mexico, SE Asia, Long-Term Capital Management­, and the bursting of the tech bubble come to mind). What appeared to be a major industry shakeout in 2008 somehow morphed into the gilded age of speculativ­e trading... "

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chipotle, Undocumented Workers, And The Trouble With 'Enforcement-Only' Immigration

Big business wants slave labor, big business gets slave labor.

McDonald's invested approximat­ely $360 million into Chipotle, and took out $1.5 billion

Boom,like that Mark Knopfler 2005

In October 2006, McDonald's fully divested from Chipotle”
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Time to Fight Conflicts of Interest on Wall Street

" The cops on the Wall Street beat must take the mandate we gave them in the Dodd-Frank Act seriously and implement it forcefully to end these conflicts of interest."

Yes, and I would bet that those cops are underfunde­d and overworked­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

White House Hires Communications Hand To Handle Issa Oversight

Issa is so loathesome­. You don't think the NRA and the profiteers on the board don't have him by the short an curlies?http://eng­lish.aljaz­­ndepth/opi­nion/2011/­02/2011237­5421439250­.html
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

next investment bubble please

Champagne And Easy Money: The Web's Young Stars Confront Another Bubble
First Posted: 05/10/11 01:32 PM ET

Nathaniel Cahners Hindman

"..Across the globe, more than $5 billion flowed into young web companies in the first four months of 2011, Reuters reported...

...So far in 2011, 16 web firms have filed IPO documents with U.S. securities regulators, seeking to raise proceeds estimated at nearly $4.1 billion, according to Thomson Reuters data. That already tops the full-year totals for every year except 1999, when 52 companies filed to raise $4.2 billion..."

Herd investment behavior by Wall Street speculators and traders who have wayy too much testosterone fueling their outrageously risky behavior and a bunch of kids who haven't lived through bubbles popping in such a way that it actually affected them makes for a cocktail that we should not be drinking.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Clash - I'm so bored with the U.S.A. (lyrics)

stuck in my head today

Muslims, Christians Clash In Cairo, Egypt After Mob Burns Church

Religious affliation is only an excuse to find a target for the rage, mark my words.

January 31, 2011
Egypt's Rising Food Prices: The Economic Crisis Is Driving Political Protests Sparked In Part By US Financial Speculatio­n

"...Prices in Egypt are up 17% because of a worldwide surge in commodity prices that has many factors but speculatio­n on Wall Street and big banks is a key one...

...Here’s a key fact buried in a CNN Money report—the kind intended for investors, not the public at large: “About 40% of Egypt's citizens live off less than $2 a day, so any price increase hurts..."

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Happy Mother's Day

I wish I could say that I am happy, but I'm angry. I have had it with the damn Filipino thuggy thug thug thugsters who rove around here in packs and steal things and intimidate people. My neighbor got her children's Razor scooter stolen (the second one) and she saw and confronted them at 12:30 this morning and they still took it. The security company they employ is here useless and the five little jerkwads got away with it, but I called the cops and at least there will be an incident report. At least the cops bothered to show up, and very quickly I might add. I wonder if they are the same little turd rollers who tag shit around here. I've never seen them pull anything, they wouldn't do that in front of me.

My neighbor is a nice woman and she happens to be raising nice children. I've watched them grow up for the last 5 years and they are certainly more polite and sweet than most boys who are born and raised here, probably because one of them was not born in this country. Hasn't my sweet, good-hearted neighbor been through enough?! And on Mother's Day no less.


Saturday, May 07, 2011

While Bahrain demolishes mosques, U.S. stays silent

While Bahrain demolishes mosques, U.S. stays silent
Posted on Sunday, May 8, 2011

By Roy Gutman | McClatchy Newspapers

"...Authorities have held secret trials where protesters have been sentenced to death, arrested prominent mainstream opposition politicians, jailed nurses and doctors who treated injured protesters, seized the health care system that had been run primarily by Shiites, fired 1,000 Shiite professionals and canceled their pensions, detained students and teachers who took part in the protests, beat and arrested journalists, and forced the closure of the only opposition newspaper.

Nothing, however, has struck harder at the fabric of this nation, where Shiites outnumber Sunnis nearly 4 to 1, than the destruction of Shiite worship centers..."

I knew as soon as I read the headline that it was
Shiite mosques being destroyed. Are the corrupt Sunni leaders in the Middle East going to be able to keep the emboldened (by Iraqis and Iranians I imagine) Shiites down forever? Yeah, we may have stuck the first stick in the hornet's nest over there, but them hornets aint near finished swarming yet. I hope that Obama has enough gumption to say something.