
Saturday, May 07, 2011

While Bahrain demolishes mosques, U.S. stays silent

While Bahrain demolishes mosques, U.S. stays silent
Posted on Sunday, May 8, 2011

By Roy Gutman | McClatchy Newspapers

"...Authorities have held secret trials where protesters have been sentenced to death, arrested prominent mainstream opposition politicians, jailed nurses and doctors who treated injured protesters, seized the health care system that had been run primarily by Shiites, fired 1,000 Shiite professionals and canceled their pensions, detained students and teachers who took part in the protests, beat and arrested journalists, and forced the closure of the only opposition newspaper.

Nothing, however, has struck harder at the fabric of this nation, where Shiites outnumber Sunnis nearly 4 to 1, than the destruction of Shiite worship centers..."

I knew as soon as I read the headline that it was
Shiite mosques being destroyed. Are the corrupt Sunni leaders in the Middle East going to be able to keep the emboldened (by Iraqis and Iranians I imagine) Shiites down forever? Yeah, we may have stuck the first stick in the hornet's nest over there, but them hornets aint near finished swarming yet. I hope that Obama has enough gumption to say something.

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