
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Free College on Wall Street's Tab? 5 Reasons the Finance Sector Should Pay for Full Tuition at Public Universities

We are the richest country in the world, and we have the means to create employment for the 20 million who are without work.
May 17, 2011 |

"...At the close of WWII...Overall, 7.8 million veterans went to school on the GI Bill...

Was it worth it? In 1988, the Joint Economic Committee analyzed the impact of the GI Bill on the economy. The program cost taxpayers approximately $70 billion (in 2010 dollars). However, the committee estimated that the GI Bill generated an extra $120 billion in federal tax revenues and $350 billion in extra national output. Overall, for every one dollar invested in this massive educational program, $6.90 was returned to the economy..."

Yeah. At that time this country produced and sold more than military material , movies and crops.

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