
Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I wish I could say that I am happy, but I'm angry. I have had it with the damn Filipino thuggy thug thug thugsters who rove around here in packs and steal things and intimidate people. My neighbor got her children's Razor scooter stolen (the second one) and she saw and confronted them at 12:30 this morning and they still took it. The security company they employ is here useless and the five little jerkwads got away with it, but I called the cops and at least there will be an incident report. At least the cops bothered to show up, and very quickly I might add. I wonder if they are the same little turd rollers who tag shit around here. I've never seen them pull anything, they wouldn't do that in front of me.

My neighbor is a nice woman and she happens to be raising nice children. I've watched them grow up for the last 5 years and they are certainly more polite and sweet than most boys who are born and raised here, probably because one of them was not born in this country. Hasn't my sweet, good-hearted neighbor been through enough?! And on Mother's Day no less.


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