
Friday, November 14, 2008

Tonight's TV and Friday squirrel blogging

7:30 PM

Bill Moyers Journal 8:00 PM

And what the fuck is this?

In Fla., Election Decided By Toss Of A Coin

And Badtux posted a MUST see post on how to deal with some supporters of Prop 8.

I heard about the white powder sent to the Mormons, and I don't think it was a good idea, even if it
was non-toxic because it gives those assholes the martyr card in the media.

That said, I laughed when I heard it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

tagged by Dyre 42

The Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Six random things about myself:

I know that people are stupid enough to destroy the earth

2)I discovered that I was a liberal while taking business classes.

I have some hope for my country now.

4) I think people who bring children into this world now are stupid, ignorant, or selfish,
because the kids are going to suffer.

Greed makes me sick

6) I'm obsessed with the out of control world population.

Sorry, I'm not tagging anyone because I hate being tagged.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The whales lost in the Sooopreme court

I knew they would.

Which clock could you live with?

Here's the klinker, I live in an old shitty little apt (think NOT bright white) and the kitchen clock neds to serve the also the living/dining/family/den room. I never noticed how many times I refer to it till the old one died. I like number one, but the face is too small.



Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My favorite old pictures and the passage of time

They're dog eared because they spent a couple of years banging around in a key chain. These are fifteen and seventeen years old. We used to be pretty darn cute, eh? She's still fabulous looking, me, not so much. getting old sucks.

I went shopping with a friend a few days ago. I'm not much of a shopper, but with major retailers going under, I couldn't resist. I'm still not used to not buying stuff for the kid, who is no longer a kid. I bought two sets of towels, not sure which one matched her shower curtain better.

I was looking for a wall clock. I think I got the last one thirteen or fourteen years ago. It never really looked good in this apartment, but I never cared. As soon as the kid moved out it started acting up and died. After three hours and 7 or 8 stores of clock shopping I was really frustrated so I went looking online.

I like this one, but of course, it's ridiculously expensive, it's a wall clock for over the dang kitchen sink,and $275 is around $250 more than I want to pay for a clock.

I like this one

and this one

These are fun, & I'll never lose the timer again .

and when I thought that this one was pretty interesting I knew
it was time to quit looking for a while.

Great reading list

Unfortunately, I have been remiss in checking this site and missed it. There are only two books on the 2008 booklist that I have read, although they all look interesting.

Al Franken shouldn't have poo-pooed BradBlog

Really, Al, you shouldn't have, there's good information there.

Hat tip to Danny

This made me sad:

Burma 10 November 2008
Prison court sentences blogger to 20 years, poet to two years

Sunday, November 09, 2008

What to buy Dick Cheney for X-mas

Will I ever stop hating the greedy sonofabitch?


This Week: "Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story" (90 minutes),
November 11th at 9pm on PBS (Check local listings)

San Diego: OK of water mandates expected; Council likely to approve upgrade to drought alert
Posted by: Aqua Blog Maven on November 9, 2008 at 6:58 am
From the San Diego Union Tribune:

Obama’s big win obscured ongoing voting problems

By Art Levine 11/8/08 12:41 AM

Barack Obama won, there were only isolated election glitches, and all’s right with the world.

That, at least, is one emerging mainstream media view about Election Day. As Associated Press declared, “After all that fuss, the system worked. There was no meltdown, no flurry of lawsuits, no statewide demands for a presidential recount.”

But just because there was no repeat of nightmare scenario like the 2000 Florida recount doesn’t mean that there weren’t systemic problems in the country’s diverse electoral systems.

In Minnesota, problem-plagued ballot scanners threaten an accurate recount in the contest between Sen. Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken, according to Minnesota Independent.

Digital photography allows for undetected key copies
Sat Nov 8, 2008 2:13PM EST

Breaking into a lock without being noticed no longer means having to actually have the key ahead of time in order to make a copy. Computer geniuses at UC San Diego have written a computer program that can copy a key based solely on a photograph of it...

...Voting machine company Diebold
got caught up in just such an embarassing scenario early last year when it put photos of the master keys used for its machine on its website.)...

And finally, MDD has a great post called

California Not Always So Liberal
by Natasha Chart, Sun Nov 09, 2008 at 12:38:26 PM EST

Friday, November 07, 2008

Friday squirrel blogging

A few wrinkles and a bit of mold didn't stop this guy from stuffing his face with champagne grapes.

Republican gun nuts are such paranoid morons:

Fears of a Dem crackdown lead to boom in gun sales
Print By DENA POTTER Dena Potter – 7 mins ago

Bush officials moving fast to cut environmental protections
By Renee Schoof McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON - In the next few weeks, the Bush administration is expected to relax environmental-protection rules on power plants near national parks, uranium mining near the Grand Canyon and more mountaintop-removal coal mining in Appalachia.

The bigots made a legal mess: Calif. gay-marriage ban creates legal uncertainty By PAUL ELIAS Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Hundreds of protesters took to the streets Thursday over California's new ban on gay marriage, amid deepening political turmoil and legal confusion over who should have the right to wed.

Legal experts said it is unclear whether an attempt by gay-rights activists to overturn the prohibition has any chance of success, and whether the 18,000 same-sex marriages performed in California over the past four months are in any danger.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I don't know how he found out that so far my county is way ahead for Obama? Thanks Iwanski, it shocked me, but it pleased me.

Last updated on: 11-05-08 at: 06:38:49

There are approximately 220,000 Absentee / Provisional ballots still to be counted


Precincts: 2328
Counted: 2328
Percentage: 100.0%

Vote for: 1







Blogged by Shannyn Moore on 11/6/2008 1:18PM Turnout Rate Reported as Lowest Ever in State, Down 11% From '04 Even With Both Palin and Obama on the Ballot
Hanging in the Balance in the Diebold State: Felon Ted Stevens' U.S. Senate Race, Corrupt Don Young's House Race & Much More...
Guest blogged by Shannyn Moore

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The OTHER Election Night Story in Georgia: No Early Votes Included in Reported Results

11/5/2008 1:34:00 PM
As the nation watched election returns come in state by state, and national, state and regional television stations began to report the numbers, every major news outlet reported that Georgia had voted heavily for McCain -- all except for the Associated Press Atlanta office, the news organization that is rooted in the print, newspaper business. They held back.

Chambliss, Martin Gear Up for Senate Runoff

My friend cracks me up

Caught up in the excitement and relief of what DID happen on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008, we have to take a deep breath and realize that what did not happen is that John McCain and Sarah Palin got the chance to appoint possibly three new Associate Justices to the Supreme Court. The ones due to retire in the near future are the "good folks" on the Court, and say what they will, McCain/Palin would have changed the very nature of the Court to rersemble the Supreme Judicial Council of the Ayatollahs of Iran or the Royal Council of Law in Saudi Arabia: America would have gone down the slippery slope to becoming a Theological Judicial System. There are plenty of religious crazies in Judges' robes to pick from. We have been spared. We dodged not just abullet, but a burst of machine gun fire., .
On a sadder note, some Moose were overheard saying :
"Shit! She's not going away. She's comin' back!"

See ya. Mavericky...mavericky....mavericky.

No words needed

Good for the country.

Unfortunately the Blackwater and Mormon bigots temporarily won this battle in California. They have not won the war. The Proposition 8 ballot measure is unconstitutional, unfair, discriminatory and wrong.

Is San Diego's Voting System Secure? Why Do We Have to Wait So long For Results?

By historymatters Posted November 4, 2008, 8:24 p.m.

election results

MMM, huh, Ok

World markets rise amid news of Obama win
Nikkei adds 4.5 percent but analysts say economic quick fixes are unlikely

Plane crash leaves Mexico interior secretary dead
By MARK STEVENSON – 48 minutes ago

MEXICO CITY (AP) — One of Mexico's top pointmen in the war against drug trafficking died when a government jet crashed into a Mexico City street, setting fire to dozens of vehicles and dealing crusading President Felipe Calderon a serious blow.

Failure to Blow Election Stuns Democrats
Party Faithful Mourn End to Losing Tradition

Just minutes after their party's longstanding losing tradition lay in tatters on the ground, millions of shell-shocked Democrats stared at their television screens in disbelief, asking themselves what went right. For Democrats, who have become accustomed to their party blowing an election even when it seemed like a sure thing, Tuesday night's results were a bitter pill to swallow. The head-shaking and finger-pointing over the demise of the Democrats' losing streak, which many of the party faithful had worn like a badge of honor, reached all the way to the upper echelons of the Democratic National Committee. "Believe me, I'm as shocked by these results as anybody," said DNC chief Howard Dean, who indicated he has received hundreds of calls from incredulous party members. "We did everything in our power to screw this thing up." Dean pointed to several key elements the Democrats put in place to ensure defeat, ranging from "a rancorous primary campaign" to "the appointment of me.""Somehow, despite our best efforts to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, we won," he said. "I came in here with a mandate to blow this thing and I didn't get it done." Carol Foyler, a lifelong Democrat who owns a loom supply store in Portland, Maine, said she has been "nearly catatonic" since the election results were announced. "For the past eight years, I've fixed myself some herbal tea, turned on NPR, and ranted about the Republicans, " she said. "All that has been taken from me." Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain offered this comment on Sen. Barack Obama's victory: "My friends, I've got him just where I want him." (From tonight's "Borowitz Report" by Andy Borowitz)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


My friend just called from the East Coast and said "It's over, he won." Damned if I want to get my hopes up after the fuckers stole it in '04. When I cry this time, I want it to be tears of joy, I've cried way too many tears of frustration. I'm going to go take a walk, or I'll smoke, or drink coffee, or beer, and then smoke and I haven't done that in 23 days and I don't want to blow it. I want to keep my teeth.

Update 9:51 PM 11/4/2008 I watched the concession speech by McCain in cynical disbelief, but it was nice. I cried all the way through Obama's speech. I sniffled with my sister on the phone and at one point I said "Hey _____" Omigod, there's gonna be brains in the White House again! Hee hee hee!"

No election is perfect...

Subject: [DVN] - 'Daily Voting News' For November 04, 2008 – Evening Edition
From: John Gideon
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2008 16:09:28 -0800
To: Daily Voting News Provisional ballot usage has become a big issue this election. Many voters don’t want to use them and who can blame them? Many voters need to use them as the only way they can vote. Part of the problem is that they are misused by election officials. Voter suppression schemes are being used around the country. Someone hacked into the George Mason University intranet and sent an email to staff and students, via the Provost’s email, that election day had been moved to Wed. The Provost, on discovering this, sent an email to tell recipients this was a hoax. Robocalls have been placed to voters telling them the same thing. However, with all of these schemes, and more, the turnout will probably set a record at the polls. A judge has ordered a restraining order at the request of the McCain campaign to require the state to extend the date for adding votes from military voters to the totals to Nov 14 from close of polls today. This means the election may not be certified until after Nov 14. Also going to court is a group representing the voters of Philadelphia who are asking a judge to tell the county to follow a previous ruling and to count emergency paper ballots tonight and not later in the week as they want. And the Ohio GOP has filed asked a federal court to rule that provisional ballots be verified and counted the same way statewide. National: Voting Machine Wins the Presidential Race National: E-Voting Put to the Ultimate Test National: Optical Scanners Winning War of Voting Machines National: Voting machine insecurity Technical glitches and security incidents from the past still cast a long shadow over the electronic voting. National: Op-Scan Machines Have Trouble Reading Ballots National: Machine Problem Reports Increasing in VA, PA, FL... National: Voting technology: Arrows vs. ovals for optical scan ballots National: Scattered problems reported in historic U.S. vote National: Election Problems Around the Country National: E-voting glitches hamper elections in seven states Hanging Chad, make room for Folded Crease National: Voting Problems Reports Slowly Coming In National: Glitches, machine breakdowns hamper voting in five states National: E-Voting Machines in Two-Dozen States Incorrectly Count Votes National: ELECTION PROTECTION 2008: Proskauer Partner Says Provisional Ballots a Concern National: E-voting '08: Problems, yes, but it could have been worse Scattered malfunctions caused delays but didn't appear to be widespread National: Republican National Committee Prepares for Computerized Voting Fraud Legal Battle AR: Technical Glitch Affects Machines in Clay County AZ: AZ election results to start at 8 p.m. - except Pima AZ: Pima County - County challenged over vote-counting for disabled CA: Los Angeles County - SoCal Voting Problems CA: Los Angeles County - Four L.A. polling places struggle with power outages,0,2915947.story CO: Colorado Voters Cast Ballots CT: Memory card problem will not affect Torrington polls FL: In Florida, Glitches Leave Thousands of Unscanned Ballots Piling Up, Warns Watchdog FL: Voting Rights Watch: Pollsite sabatoge foiled in Florida FL: Voting Rights Watch: Across Florida optical scanner failures are a widespread issue FL: Florida Ballots Go Into Duffle Bags FL: Palm Beach County - Palm Beach County precinct problems FL: Palm Beach County - Elections officials: Glitches abound, but election is going smoothly GA: Clayton sends up helicopter to check lines IA: Grinnell College students' ballots challenged KY: Kenton County - Malfunctioning machines pulled in N. Ky. MD: Montgomery County - Broken poll book doubles the wait in Takoma Park MI: Machine malfunctions, voter intimidation reported MI: Voting machine incorrectly counts votes, Oakland Co. clerk says MI: Electronic Voting Machine Maker Responds MN: Voters Report Broken Machines in Buffalo, Brooklyn Center Overall, few voting problems on Election Day in Minnesota MO: Hundreds wait in line to vote in Cape Girardeau MS: Voting machine complaints reported MS: Voting snafus addressed in South Mississippi NJ: High turnout, voter problems reported around NJ NJ: Thousands of new N.J. voters forced to use paper ballots NJ: Morris County - Registration mix-ups send Morris voters to court NY: One Sequoia machine faulty; no other major hiccups in Tompkins County NY: Tim Robbins Faces Mix-Up at Polling Place OH: Ohio GOP files complaint over provisional ballots OH: Fairfield County - Fairfield corrects provisional ballot snafu OH: Franklin County - Concerns about provisional ballots surfacing OH: Stark County voters bemoan machine troubles PA: Officials: Potential problem in voting straight party PA: Centre County - PSU students reportedly facing voting hurdles PA: Philadelphia County - Philadelphia County Election Officials Fail To Meet Secretary of State’s Orders to Count Emergency Paper Ballots on Election Night - County Claims It Will Count Such Ballots on Friday PA: Philadelphia County - NAACP files suit over emergency ballots PA: Wayne County - Tunkhannock poll worker dismissed after allegations of impropriety TN: Shelby County - Dozens in Bartlett unable to vote in city's election VA: Voting Rights Watch: More details emerge on widespread Va. voting problems VA: Judge Issues Restraining Order in Virginia Vote VA: Voting Rights Watch: Many of Va.'s election day problems could have been avoided by honoring request for paper ballots VA: Voting Rights Watch: Improperly distributed provisional ballots jeopardize Virginians' voting rights VA: Election Watchers Report Problems Across Virginia VA: Virginia: The New Florida? VA: Hacker sends bogus e-mail from George Mason University official’s account VA: Voting Machine Problems in Hampton VA: Hampton Roads Voting Problems VA: Voting Rights Watch: Voting problems continue to plague Virginia VA: Pittsylvania County - Voters Asked to Return to Polls WV: Ohio County - Voters Have Trouble At the Polls **Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary** *****************************************************************
November 4, 2008, 1:05 pm
Tim Robbins Faces Mix-Up at Polling Place
By Nicholas Confessore AND Sewell Chan

Updated, 4:42 p.m. The actor Tim Robbins looked dejected and annoyed around 10:30 a.m. on Election Day, as he was sitting in a folding chair at the McBurney YMCA at 125 West 14th Street, one of the more than 1,300 polling places throughout New York City....

Mr. Robbins said he “never in a million years” imagined that he would be asked to fill out an affidavit ballot. He does not trust provisional ballots, he said, because of research by Mark Crispin Miller and other scholars who have showed that such ballots are sometimes lost or discarded.

“Do the math on this one,” Mr. Robbins said, adding that a poll worker had told him 40 voters at the same polling site had had the same problem — with no apparent explanation. “It bears looking into that this might be a random elimination” of voters from the rolls, he said....

Paul G. Feinman, a Civil Court judge who was standing by to hear challenges from voters denied access to the polls, ruled that the board had to allow Mr. Robbins to vote. As of 1 p.m., Mr. Robbins was making his way back to the McBurney YMCA to cast his ballot.

Apart from mix-ups like the one Mr. Robbins encountered, city election official have acknowledged that many voters — up to 30,000 in New York State, by some estimates — had been removed from the voter rolls. Officials at the city’s Board of Elections said the names were removed only after the voters failed to verify their residence. Mr. Robbins did not appear to have been one of the affected voters.

Mr. Robbins was hardly the only voter to go to the Board of Elections office at 200 Varick Street to assert their right to vote.

religion sucks #14

Mormon Church on Prop 8: We Oppose Civil Rights (But Don't Tell)
Rick Jacobs
Posted November 4, 2008 03:43 AM (EST)

"...The Mormon Church's members have contributed some $22 million into Prop 8, a vicious campaign here in California seeking to strip fundamental marriage rights from same-sex couples, making them permanent second-class citizens..."

Traditional Media: Missing the Mormon Ideology/Blackwater Connection to CA Prop 8

Look on the right of this pic--that's interstate 5, so whenever you travel this section of 5 you get to look at this huge Mormon temple.

How can people be smug and ignorant at the same time? That would be the Yes on h8ters, and most people who want to shove their religious beliefs down my throat.

I just talked to my neighbor that I encouraged to register for the first time. She got up early and voted. I know she voted NO on 8, so nyah nyah nyah, stupid Mormons, stupid Blackwater hypocrites.

An Historic election today Nov 4, 2008

State Assembly Representative Lori Saldaña wants to know if you have trouble voting locally
1-619 -645 -3090
She also said you can request two hours off to vote.

I vote absentee, above is part of the strip you tear off and keep before you send in the ballot. In San Diego we are all using the optical scan ballot, so they'll be counting them for days this election. We got some rain, but in San Diego the most dangerous thing about rain is the fact that nobody slows down and the roads are slick from the light rain and oil build up from not having any rain. I love rain, it calms me down, and betcha there are rainbows today. I just heard a local NPR report and the district in SD with lots of Somalians and Vietnamese has people in line. The elderly voters that the reporter spoke with said this is the most important election that they've ever voted in.

Google is my home page and today is going to be great. This graphic is adorable.

Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2008

GOP turnout lagging in heavy N. Carolina early voting
- McClatchy Newspapers

Record turnout in early voting favors Obama
10 hours ago
Record turnout in early voting favors Obama
10 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) — A record number of Americans have cast their ballots in pivotal US states ahead of Tuesday's election, with surveys suggesting many of the early voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Often waiting in lines for hours at polling stations, about 28.9 million people have already voted in states across the country, according to a university re searcher's website, citing figures from states across the country.

The figures shattered records in several crucial states -- including Georgia, Iowa and North Carolina -- and were likely to set a new record for the country as a whole compared to the last presidential election four years ago, said Michael McDonald, associate professor at George Mason University in Virginia.

from Mark Crispin Miller

If you need to check your polling place or have any problems voting... or see anyone having problems, please call:The National VOTER PROTECTION HOTLINE
From landline = 1-877-874-62262 (877-US4-OBAMA)From cell = 877-874-62262 (do not dial the "1" in front)
This connects you to the national Obama hotline for voter protection.
They'll ask you for your zip code, then you select whether you need to find a polling place or want to report a voting problem.Don't worry that there are more numbers than usual in the phone number.
In New York State, it connects you to the organization I'm a part of, the New York Democratic Lawyers Council which has fielded 800 lawyers & others to protect the vote in NYS and 2200 across the nation. Elsewhere it connects you to that state's election protection group.

Help NPR Identify Voting Problems

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Victory may be the easy part

Martin Ivens Victory may prove to be the easy part

This country has been run by greedy fucking fucks for so long that it's a train wreck and we are ALL going to have to roll up our sleeves and help clean it up. And don't think the American standard of living will stay the same, it's going down no matter who is elected, don't waste your breath bitching at whoever wins this election. And the cheap gas prices? You suckers who went out and bought your dream truck with an eight banger? Suckers.

Oprah Opts For Early-Voting, Has Voting Booth Meltdown (VIDEO)

The electronic machine did not record her vote for President. She warns everyone to check to make sure that it is really recorded.

Holy crap, steal Oprah's vote? These guys have brass balls.

Dick Cheney Endorses McCain

These fuckheads are going to try to say that the last minute (2 am, just like before) counting will turn it to MCCain, even though he has to bus in school kids to make his rallies look like there are people at them.
I've never been a camera man, but it's so obvious to me that the way the camera works at his and Palin's rallies makes it look like they are a bigger deal to America than they really are.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yes on 8 wingnuttia in action

They piss me off. ( It's been fixed now, but I was so pissed off I screwed up the last post on this issue.) I flipped them off again, and the idiots told me I was intolerant and I was infriniging on their freedom of religion, and that I wanted to infringe on their freedom of speech. Huh? They want to change my constitution to specifically exclude what the CA Supreme Court decided should not be excluded and I'm intolerant? I flipped them off, that's MY freedom of speech, bitches.

I've noticed something about Rethugs: everything these shitheads accuse you of, they themselves are usually guilty of.

These people are lying, hypocritical sacks of shit. It's Ok to get paid billions of taxpayer dollars to kill Iraqi kids, but better not let an American kid witness a gay marriage, even if the parents approve of the marriage, the ceremony, And don't want their kids pic used in a "YES ON 8" AD. I hate the wingnut fucking fucks.

Not So Strange Bedfellows: Blackwater and Yes on 8
by: Lucas O'Connor
Tue Oct 28, 2008 at 11:10:54 AM PDT

Happy Halloween from Molly McMooseturd, Crowned Queen of Wingnuttia

Electronic voting machine lab suspended by feds over performance concerns

By Wendy Norris 10/30/08 8:23 AM
A Denver-based independent lab that tests and certifies electronic voting machines is being suspended by the federal Election Assistance Commission for failing to comply with national standards.

SysTest Labs was responsible for verifying machines for future elections made by two vendors: Election Systems and Software (ES&S) and Premier Election Solutions, formerly known as Diebold. Both firms have sold machines currently in use in Colorado, including the ES&S iVotronic machines that are allegedly flipping votes, according to multiple voter complaints across the nationvoting systems." ...

Unfortunately for voters, the machines in use today were evaluated based on outmoded, nearly 20-year-old technical standards and harshly criticized for their lack of public accountability and huge conflict of interest - the testing process was paid for by the manufacturers themselves who extracted non-disclosure requirements from the labs. also reports that after two years the EAC has yet to certify a voting system under the new, improved guidelines.

Voters who experience problems at the polls, including voting machine errors, can contact the Election Protection coalition at 1-866-OUR-VOTE or Our

I get a dozen or so a day articles like this every day also. If you thinkg the Rethugs aren't hard at work trying to steal this election also, you've had your head up your ass for the last 8 years.

Amputee awaits high court, wants musical glow back

Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008
By DAVE GRAM Associated Press Writer

...Levine, once a professional guitar player and pianist, now plays with one hand and sings. "It's about getting my glow back," she said recently as she was awaiting a hearing Monday before the U.S. Supreme Court, where Wyeth is appealing a $6.7 million verdict in her favor...

...When Levine complained that she still felt nauseous, the clinic suggested an "IV-push" of Phenergan. This delivered a high volume of the drug very quickly to her right arm, not the slow flow that could have been delivered by an IV drip.

The second injection accidentally punctured an artery, prompting gangrene to set in. After several weeks of deterioration, her arm was amputated....

I follow these stories in the Findlaw listserv all the time. Big corporate interests are sued for negligence, little guy gets award, big corporate interest has cadre of lawyers to keep the damn thing in court till the victim of their negligence dies, leaving his family in debt for trying to get what he was awarded. Who me cynical?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

If I could sit still for more than three minutes at a time, this is what I would be reading

Climate Change - Articles/Publications

And on a sad note, I discovered again, actually (I hate stumbling across it again) that my neighborhood has a bunch of frightened bigots in it. A bunch of dumb boobs with "Yes on 8" signs. I just went out for my walk, damnit, and there they were on MY route, the fucking assholes, along with the crapload of honking Fat-Asses in SUVs. I asked them if they believed that crap about their kids being dragged to gay weddings and I should have checked my mail first. The "Yes on 8" ad was in the mail. Looks like that's where their talking points came from.

I flipped off the first group of paranoid assholes, after their smug, dripping with sarcasm "Have a Nice Day" and told the second that they were fearful for no reason. Why should my friends be punished because there are tons of morons in this country?

I knew I was going to be in SUV Hell when I moved in here, and I know what they're afraid of:

7:30 pm Jobs: An Envision San Diego Special : San Diego's Incredible Shrinking Middle Class