
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

An Historic election today Nov 4, 2008

State Assembly Representative Lori Saldaña wants to know if you have trouble voting locally
1-619 -645 -3090
She also said you can request two hours off to vote.

I vote absentee, above is part of the strip you tear off and keep before you send in the ballot. In San Diego we are all using the optical scan ballot, so they'll be counting them for days this election. We got some rain, but in San Diego the most dangerous thing about rain is the fact that nobody slows down and the roads are slick from the light rain and oil build up from not having any rain. I love rain, it calms me down, and betcha there are rainbows today. I just heard a local NPR report and the district in SD with lots of Somalians and Vietnamese has people in line. The elderly voters that the reporter spoke with said this is the most important election that they've ever voted in.

Google is my home page and today is going to be great. This graphic is adorable.

Tuesday, Nov. 04, 2008

GOP turnout lagging in heavy N. Carolina early voting
- McClatchy Newspapers

Record turnout in early voting favors Obama
10 hours ago
Record turnout in early voting favors Obama
10 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) — A record number of Americans have cast their ballots in pivotal US states ahead of Tuesday's election, with surveys suggesting many of the early voters backed Democrat Barack Obama.

Often waiting in lines for hours at polling stations, about 28.9 million people have already voted in states across the country, according to a university re searcher's website, citing figures from states across the country.

The figures shattered records in several crucial states -- including Georgia, Iowa and North Carolina -- and were likely to set a new record for the country as a whole compared to the last presidential election four years ago, said Michael McDonald, associate professor at George Mason University in Virginia.

from Mark Crispin Miller

If you need to check your polling place or have any problems voting... or see anyone having problems, please call:The National VOTER PROTECTION HOTLINE
From landline = 1-877-874-62262 (877-US4-OBAMA)From cell = 877-874-62262 (do not dial the "1" in front)
This connects you to the national Obama hotline for voter protection.
They'll ask you for your zip code, then you select whether you need to find a polling place or want to report a voting problem.Don't worry that there are more numbers than usual in the phone number.
In New York State, it connects you to the organization I'm a part of, the New York Democratic Lawyers Council which has fielded 800 lawyers & others to protect the vote in NYS and 2200 across the nation. Elsewhere it connects you to that state's election protection group.

Help NPR Identify Voting Problems

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