
Monday, May 01, 2006


Remember this?

It was three years ago today.

(Hat tip to One Pissed Off Veteran )

Um.... Preznit Nails-on-the-chalkboard, Uh.. how's that mission going, again?

And via skippy, Mediabloodhound, and on to Media Matters (boy, that's hoppy, er I mean happy) an update on on how Kaydee giv us newz

Another immigration post

There is so much that I want to say about the immigration rallies. There are many people who immigrated legally who are not happy about this. My question is which came first, cheap labor, or employers who think they need to use it to compete?
And why aren't latino kids graduating ?
And if you want a better life, why do you have to be disruptive to get it?
Gearing Up, and Girding for, Protests
Around the U.S., cities brace for marches. In L.A., a huge crowd is expected along Wilshire.
By Rong-Gong Lin II and Arin Gencer, Times Staff Writers
May 1, 2006
Protests Disrupt California-Mexico Border Crossing

It's not only disposable labor that is being brought into this country illegally from Latin America.
La Sierra


The elites in North and South America probably don't have any real problems with immigration, legal or illegal, they are doing just fine. What about the rest of us?

By WILL WEISSERT Associated Press Writer Mexican president urges prudence during immigration marches in his country, U.S.

hmmmmm, I wonder why?

Could it be that Mexico, India and the Philippines receive the most in remittances. More than 60 percent of the Latino population in the U.S. is of Mexican descent. About Mexico Dr. Ratha says, "Mexico received $17 billion last year and that was higher than their foreign direct investment. It was about the same size as their oil exports."

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Love this book

I'm reading A People's History of Science, Miners, Midwives, and "Low Mechanicks" by Clifford D. Connor (C) 2005.
I love it. I don't know if you've noticed, but sometimes I really would like to punch the shit out of people who think that people who work with their hands are to be treated disrespectfully. People who won't clean their own houses, because they're too good for that make me sick. Architects who expect the carpenters to create miracles because they don't understand how building materials really work together make me sick. People who design crap that looks great on paper and have no clue that what they designed is really useless crap, and impossible to make, make me sick. Snotty, privelidged assholes who buy, or crony their way into positions of power, but have no experience with what real people go through on a daily basis....yep, you guessed it, MAKE ME SICK.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Kenny Boy

Accounting Questions Raise Lay's Hackles
Thursday, April 27, 2006
AP Business Writer
...but it took one of the most arcane allegations in his fraud and conspiracy trial to raise his ire again: An accusation that he tried to dodge accounting rules...

Yet he chastised the prosecutor during lengthy questioning on the accounting issue.

"I think it's a real waste of the jury's time. We've spent an hour on this,"
Lay's eyes narrowed as he said the prosecutor seemed to be suggesting to jurors that he broke the law.

"I was fully complying with all the existing regulations and requirements on my stock transactions," Lay said.

Some jurors rolled their eyes...

Hey Kenny Boy, ya think that those people who worked for 25 or 30 years and lost their pensions give one good goddamned flying fuck whether you are questioned for an hour? How about the years they wasted earning a pension they'll never get because of your company's fraudulent practices?

Here's my heroine again

I'm looking forward to seeing another Ken's shenanigans on NOW tonight.

This Week's Show: God’s Country?
Evangelical Christians have been preaching politics in Ohio ahead of Tuesday’s gubernatorial primaries and face accusations of using the church as a vehicle for political advocacy.
The accusations come from another group of religious leaders who have filed multiple complaints to the IRS against two so-called "mega-churches" in Ohio.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Can't think. Brain mush. Painted bathroom. Including prep, takes three days. More storage shelving than anyone needs in a bathroom. Like big bathroom except when it's time to paint. I have sore muscles in places I didn't know were muscles. I have bruises and goose-eggs I have no idea how I got.


Although, I did have plenty of time to think, and listen to AirAmericaRadio while I was bruising myself, becoming splattered with paint, and getting zooey from the fumes. I think I'm fucking pissed off that we are paying for record profits for the oil companies at the gas pumps. I also think these fuckers are setting up more advanced infrastructure in India and China, and we're about to get really screwed.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Infrastructure unsustainable

I made my money, & I'm so outta here

Competition for energy resources is happening.

25 cos attend NELP VI road show in Dubai
Wednesday, 26 April , 2006, 07:50
New Delhi: The road show held in Dubai to project the investment opportunity offered by India for oil and gas exploration in 55 blocks under the sixth round of New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP VI) was attended by 25 organisations

China and Nigeria agree oil deal
China has secured four oil drilling licences from Nigeria as President Hu Jintao continues his week-long tour of Africa, his second in three years.
In exchange China will invest $4bn (£2.25bn) in oil and infrastructure projects in Nigeria.

In the heart of Pipelineistan
Mar 17, 2006
By Pepe Escobar

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Blast at Egypt resort kills 23
Area was favorite of foreign tourists
Los Angeles Times
April 25. 2006 8:00AM

Suicide bomb attack on S.Lanka army chief, 8 dead
Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:46am ET

Tom Cruise thinks journos are an ‘unhappy’ lot!
Asian News International
Washington, April 25, 2006

Gee Tom, maybe that's because they're paying attention to more than their beautiful wife, and beautiful new baby and, go figure, they have more important public complaints than whether or not Brooke Shields took anti-depressants for a while.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but you ain't all that and a bag of chips. You're kind of an asshole.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


"What do you mean I can't have my Ferragamo's!?"

Lawyer: Rice Allegedly Leaked Defense Info
The Associated Press
Saturday, April 22, 2006; 12:59 AM

Friday, April 21, 2006

Long day

Oil breaks through record $75
Continued fears over Iran and Nigerian supplies, reports of gasoline shortage in the U.S. lead to 2 percent jump.
By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer
April 21, 2006: 4:26 PM EDT
From Getty via raw story a pic of Cheney napping

Oil just hit $75 a barrel and VP get-cher-gun is napping instead of talking to the guy who's currency is undervalued, and owns a big chunk of our debt.

Democrats: No Single Message Sums Us Up
Thursday, April 20, 2006
By LIZ SIDOTI Associated Press Writer

And the e-voting lawsuits just keep coming.

Information via BradBlog

LATEST E-VOTE LAWSUIT: Oregon Sues ES&S for Breach of Contract!
2006 Election 'Train Wreck' Continues as Company Fails to Meet Obligations in Yet Another State
Complaint Latest in Growing String of Legal Battles, HAVA-Related E-Voting Meltdowns Around the Country...
In the latest amongst a spate of lawsuits being filed against Electronic Voting Machine Companies around the country, the Oregon Sec. of State has announced today that they have filed a complaint against Election Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S) for breach of contract in failing to provide the state with disabled-accessible voting machines, as promised, in time to meet the January 1, 2006 Help America Vote Act (HAVA) deadline.The complaint, filed yesterday on behalf of the state of Oregon in Marion County Circuit Court, is summarized and linked in full, along with a statement from the SoS at the URL for this story posted below.
Amongst just some of the lawsuits and other legal proceedings now underway in light of HAVA implementation around the country (and, unfortunately, covered in full virtually exclusively by The BRAD BLOG)...
ALASKA: Democratic Party files suit against state to release Diebold voting data from 2004 Election.
CALIFORNIA: Voters file suit against SoS and Election Registrars to decertify Diebold machines.
FLORIDA: Leon County Supervisor of Elections begins legal action against Diebold for breach of contract after machines found to be hackable; Attorney General subpoenas Voting Machine companies in investigation of possible collusion.
ILLINOIS: Republicans ask for 20% recount after Sequoia machines fail in Cook County Primary Election; Democrat says he may file suit on behalf of both Republicans and Dems across state.
INDIANA: Sec. of State announces hearings, possible civil fines against ES&S.
MARYLAND: Republican Governor declares "no confidence" in paperless Diebold systems; Democratic-run House votes 137 to 0 to ban them.
NEW MEXICO: Voters file suit against state to decertify Sequoia machines; Legislation enacted outlawing paperless touch-screen systems.
NEW YORK: U.S. Dept. of Justice threatens state with lawsuit for HAVA non-compliance.
PENNSYLVANIA: Voters file suit against Allegheny County, PA and US Dept. of Justice in re: ES&S machines
TEXAS: Statewide Election Contest filed by Republican Supreme Court Justice after ES&S, Hart InterCivic machines failed across state in March 7th primary.
In addition to the state and county suits, a class action Securities Fraud complaint has been filed by shareholders against Diebold for, amongst other reasons, failing to disclose known problems with their electronic voting systems. Additional legal proceedings are currently in the works in several other states as well, The BRAD BLOG has learned, and so far we've only had two of 50 state primaries in 2006, the first year that HAVA kicks in in full...


I'm pooped, but Thank God for Brad Friedman, it's nice to know that someone else is collecting this information, and watching this train wreck.
(Matt Wuerker is brilliant, eh?)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I love this song!!!!!!!

I'M THE DECIDER(Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo)

Where do they find these gems at Huffington Post?

Ok, I'm busted, I was always a really big Beatles fan. Too young, so everybody thought I was weird, but OK, weird has it's interesting moments. Unlike the egghead pictured, I'm harmless weird.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Scottiebot resigns

McClellan resigns as White House press secretary
Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:05am ET

Rove gives up White House policy role
Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:10am ET

Buh-bye Scott. Buh-bye Karl.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What do these faces say to you?

I took Blondesense Liz's invitation to check out this picture. She called it a rip.

I'm still laughing.

What do these faces say to you?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Oil Rises to $70 a Barrel in New York on Iran Supply Concern
April 17 (Bloomberg)
-- Crude oil rose, touching $70 a barrel in New York for the first time since Hurricane Katrina, on concern the dispute over Iran's nuclear program may disrupt shipments.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and President George W. Bush are playing hockey and they really should be playing chess.

Somehow I don't see that happening.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pagan Roots

Funny, I don't remember learning about the pagan roots of the Easter Bunny in Sunday School. At least they didn't tell me Jesus hid the chocolate eggs, and jellybeans.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I pray....that I never meet this woman

This woman...

PBS NOW show was too kind to Leslee Unruh

pg. 74 "Unruh pleaded no contest to unlicensed adoption and foster care practices as part of a plea bargain in which nineteen charges, including four felonies, were dropped. The charges resulted from Unruh's promises to pay teenagers if they remained pregnant so she could put their babies up for adoption. Tim Wilka, one of the state's attorneys at the time, explained, "There were so many allegations about improper adoptions being made [against her] and how teenage girls were being pressured to give up their children" he says, governor George Mickelson called me and asked me to take the case." (footnote 64)

Needs to read this book

Interview with Author at Alternet

I wonder if Leslee Unruh knows what a "Pro-Life" Country is really like?

Morbo at The Carpetbagger Report says I have seen the future, and it is El Salvador

Friday, April 14, 2006


I saw V for Vendetta last night. It's possible that that is why I found the subject of these two articles so reprehensible.

Poll: 48% Back Military Action against Iran
By Doyle McManusTimes Staff Writer
Asked whether they would support military action if Iran continued to produce material that could be used to develop nuclear weapons, 48% of the poll's respondents, or almost half, said yes; 40% said no.


Most Americans Believe Bush Administration is Still Saying Iraq Had Major WMD Program
4 in 10 Americans, 6 in 10 Republicans, Also Believe It Is True

Welcome to Murika, aka Fucktardica, or the Land run by Repugnant Thuglicans.

Holy Crapoli, nevermind what I say, do these people have any fucking idea what the professional military thinks?

Generals Clamor for Rumsfeld's Ouster Over Iraq War
By Steve Holland
Thursday 13 April 2006

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Deja vu

Undocumented Mexican migrants head to border in anticipation of legalization
April 12 2006
...The shelter's manager, Francisco Loureiro, said he hasn't seen such a spike in migration since 1986, when the United States approved legislation allowing 2.6 million undocumented migrants to get U.S. citizenship....

Inside ICE: Volume 2, Issue 10

...When agents arrived at the residence they found 88 smuggled aliens trapped inside the stiflingly hot home. The aliens told agents the smugglers locked them inside and fled after seeing media coverage about the discovery of the first drop house.
Agents say the house was teeming with roaches and rodents and the rooms were littered with dirty clothes, discarded food and human waste. The nationalities of the migrants in the second house were still being determined as Inside ICE went to press, but the majority were believed to be from Central and South America....

GOP uses Spanish language ads to blame Dems for draconian legislation
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent 39 minutes ago
...Bush and Reid swapped charges as Republicans disclosed a Spanish-language radio advertising campaign designed to shoulder Democrats with the responsibility for legislation passed by the GOP-controlled House that would make illegal immigrants subject to felony charges.
The ads are scheduled to air in New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada — states with large Hispanic populations....

I wish I could say I was surprised by all of this, but I'm not. (Sigh)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Last night I watched Frontline's the Tank Man and I'm not sure which one of these people
were speaking but one of them said something that I found profoundly disturbing. They said that the number of protests against the Chinese government are growing every year, by the tens of thousands. I want to check it again, and maybe I will stream it when it comes online Friday . They also interviewed some Chinese factory workers (under the watchful eye of some security aparratchik) who performed beautifully for the cameras.

Billmon has a great post on Why People Think the Economy Sucks here in this country.

And ( skippy, can I purty please borrow this?) the asspress say US trade deficit dropping, Chinese buy Boeing plane, everything gonna be A-OK.

Damn! What's that smell?

Yeah right. And bombing Iran will make that trip (in a V8 SUV) to Wal-Mart to buy that cheap Chinese made comforter/sheet set soooooo much easier, right?

Straits of Hormuz? Where's that?

Man, what is it with countries that have booming economies and their slave labor ?

Including us. Thinking about it over at Daily Kos I see.


A hundred and twenty-six thousand votes counted and another ten thousand or so provisional and absentee still to be counted.

Out of three hundred fifty-three thousand registered voters in the 50th.

And the most you had to do was download a request for a permanent absentee ballot fill it out and stick it in the mail, wait for the ballot to arrive, fill it out and stick it in the mail.

Even with Dukie's criminal shenanigans only about 38% of registered voters in the district voted.

Democracy ain't worth 78 cents and a couple of trips to the mailbox?

Yeesh. This book should have helped me understand. Maybe I need to re-read it.

Maybe RJB of Words Have Power is right.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

50th district, please VOTE

If you live in the 50th Congressional District and have not voted yet, please go vote. Here is a quick link to find your polling station.

I am thrilled to say that I have arrived in blogtopia (they coined that phrase over there at skippy the bush kangaroo's place, you know)

Oh, and Scoobie's back and made me giggle this AM with his commentary on "Dukie."

Words Have Power cracks me up today too!

Wooooooo Hooooooo, it's looking like a beautiful day!!!!!

If you have ADD and were momentarily distracted by the giggles, here it is again:

If you live in the 50th Congressional District and have not voted yet, please go vote. Here is a quick link to find your polling station.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Feels like Monday

Yesterday I got this card in the mail. It made my day.

The inside says "What is WRONG with these people?"

That said, go read Jim Kunstler.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bbbbbbut, I thought....

US Is Studying Military Strike Options on Iran
By Peter Baker, Dafna Linzer and Thomas E. Ricks
The Washington Post
Sunday 09 April 2006

Grading Our MBA President
By William Fisher
t r u t h o u t Perspective
Sunday 09 April 2006

Anarchism and the Peak oil argument by Terry S Tuesday
Mar 21 2006, 3:14pm
elsewhere / environment / opinion/analysis
An anarchist analysis of what peak oil means for the fight for a free society

"The ideal setup by the Party was something huge, terrible, and
glittering - a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous
machines and terrifying weapons - a nation of warriors and
fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the
same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually
working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting - three hundred
million people all with the same face."
George Orwell, from the book 1984

Creepy to read, but (thankfully) fictional because two thirds of the country disapproves of the GOP led Congress .

Saturday, April 08, 2006

More protests planned for Monday

Bipartisan worker bill collapses in Senate Political jousting knocks out immigration compromise

Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Saturday, April 8, 2006
....With nationwide protests planned for Monday that could bring millions of Latinos, Asians and other immigrant groups and their church and union allies into the streets, advocates warned both parties that they are demanding a solution to the nation's broken immigration system, not a political brawl....

Iran ready for high-level talks, US resists

The Financial Times
By Guy Dinmore
Published: April 7 2006 01:35
Last updated: April 7 2006 01:35

....Last week, the UN Security Council issued a mildly worded presidential statement calling on Iran to resume its suspension of fuel cycle development. Russia blocked tougher language. John Bolton, US ambassador to the UN, told reporters yesterday the next diplomatic step was to pass a legally binding “chapter seven” resolution requiring Iran to suspend its nuclear programme.

John Bolton is missing from this picture.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

TV Newz ain't reality

Went to a candidates debate. How come the MSM sucks soooooooooooooo hard? Repugnant thuglicans.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Fish out of water could bridge fossil gap between sea and land creatures
Updated 4/5/2006 8:28 PM
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY

..."Just over 380 million years ago, it seems, our remote ancestors were large, flattish, predatory fishes, with crocodile-like heads and strong limb-like pectoral fins that enabled them to haul themselves out of the water," say paleontologists Per Erik Ahlberg, also of Uppsala University, and Jennifer Clack of the United Kingdom's University of Cambridge, in a commentary accompanying the journal report....

380 million years worth of life forms evolving.


Think it will survive these guys?

I can't wrap my head around the system

November, by the Numbers
by georgia10
Wed Apr 05, 2006 at 08:08:04 AM PDT
Tracking poll numbers is one way to determine if we'll win back the Congress in November. Tracking money is another .

I understand that spending money is one of the realities of American politics. A lot of people's only involvement in politics is voting. Their reception of political messages happens in front of the television, or driving by yard signs for specific candidates in their neighborhood. Occasionally they read an op ed, or immediately before an election they search for information on a particular candidate or a particular issue.


Why the fuck are they so stupid, lazy, and passive?

Exhaustion from working two or three jobs to achieve the "American Dream?"

Indifference? Ignorance?

Hopelessness, because they feel like their damn vote dosen't count anyway?

(Preview: So Diebold is running around the country making visits to its voting machines.)

Life too pleasant to bother with it?

I- just- can't- wrap -my- head- around- it.

Of course, I don't know what I expect with our media sources.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Monday, April 03, 2006

Enron trial

Defense to Begin Its Case in Enron Trial
The Associated Press
Monday, April 3, 2006; 6:37 AM

Enron Traders Caught On Tape
LOS ANGELES, June 1, 2004
(but this won't be allowed in court, and Kenny Boy doesn't know anything about what Enron Energy Traders did, right?)

Hey Lady, lookee there, forget the chrome grill, get the chrome dome

More laughs at BradBlog, What was Chevy thinking?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Gracias Señor Sirota

For being brave and intelligent and well-informed enough to tackle
The Taboo Subject at the Core of the Immigration Debate

I loved that he mentioned the movie "Traffic" as a way to understand some of the problems, but I might add that the problems with water will increase the flood of illegals across the border.

from Mexico City (which has it's own problems with water)