
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

Don't do the cheater dinners, they suck, and they don't have everything you need to make Thanksgiving dinner anyway.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012



I love this show. It's Southern California with all it's bloat and gas and warts,with all it's beauty and it's fugly. It's the frustrating limitations that law enforcement officers come up against. It's flawed, imperfect and good, decent human beings who happen to be police officers. Regina King is perfect as Lydia and she has some of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. In fact, the casting couldn't be better in my opinion.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Walmart's Internal Compensation Documents Reveal Systematic Limit On Advancement

Why does this not surprise me? I don't make a habit of shopping there, but occasionally I do. It must be less occasionally than it used to be because I couldn't find much of the stuff I buy regularly there.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I love this show

I don't think I've ever loved a show more than Scandal. Well, I like Grimm a lot also. Admirable and frightening critters in both shows.  Love Supernatural, some really funny lines in that one, and I love Dexter.  What would make me happier than a pig in shit?  Dexter takes a trip to DC and helps out Olivia when she is called on to make Karl Rove and some of his ilk disappear.  Just for good measure, Dexter, Sam and Dean and the new dude  on the block Arrow can all go hunt critters in DC.   Fun yeah? Well, more fun than paying attention to what the corporate news is reporting on in DC anyway.

Friday, November 09, 2012

CIA chief Petraeus resigns over affair

CIA chief Petraeus resigns over affair

Bullshit. I have no idea what really happened, but the old tired , want to spend more time with the family, and had an affair is boring code for he fucked up, or Obama has had enough of the old leftover GOP nonsense. I don't know this guye's real story, nor do Icare.

Yes We Can, We Did, and Now Obama’s Second Term Is Our Responsibility

Robert Scheer's Columns
Yes We Can, We Did, and Now Obama’s Second Term Is Our Responsibility
Posted on Nov 9, 2012
By Robert Scheer

Yes, Mr. Scheer, that's what i was thinking before the early electiion returns. Since there are approximately 800 votes separating my congressmen from the likely congressmen elect, I'm just going to wait and see.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Last updated on: 11-08-12 at: 15:39:53
There are APPROXIMATELY 375000 Mail / Provisional ballots still to be counted

Now, there is British show that cracks me up called Misfits that I'd like to watch before I have to go pass out the notices for my friend's funeral.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Obama yaay, local results bleh

see what I mean?

Living in a county of 3 million that is one big fucking military base sucks ass sometimes.  The bases have Fox Snooze on 24/7 so I don't know why the rethugs even bother with all the nasty ad campaiging.  

I'm tired, whas on Netflix?

ps, going to bed, if I wake up and Romney is president I KNOW he stole it, because it was call for Obama when the polls had only been closed for half hour.

Last updated on 11-07-12 at 02:24:00 
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

There are approximately 475000 Absentee
/ Provisional ballots still to be counted


Reporting 784 of 784
at 100.0%  counted.
    (Vote For 1)

BOB FILNER165687  51.53 %
CARL DEMAIO155871  48.47 %

ok that's better, and makes more sense, and what? Bilbrayis gone? fine

I am one cranky bitch

And today is election day. I just told a Republican to his face "I fucking hate Republicans." Mostly because he reminded me of a stupid, hypocritical bully.  A union worker that votes Republican is either kissing the boss' ass or slightly retarded, and certainly doesn't appreciate the history of unions.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

I'm tired

I'm not even paying attention to the news, let alone the political news.  My friend shocked me out of my stupor a bit when thye were concerned that a stupid greedy fuck might  end up as our next president.  I sent my ballot in and my friend made sure I got hers in before she died also.  So we did what we could do to make sure it wasn't our fault if that asshole Romney gets in.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

My friend died today

Dia De Los Muertos 2012
Fitting since she loved this border town even though she was from the southeastern part of the US, eh?

I haven't lost it yet, but dang it, I want a smoke. Soft foods suck and I wish I could do more for the family right now, but the dang antibiotics are giving me hell and I can't stray too far from the bathroom. I'm right aroumd the corner from them because she was my neighbor, if they need anything. I feel very lucky that I got to joke around with her while she was a bit lucid, even though we were both loopy from pain meds. We lived in the same building for 13 1/2 years.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

If Isee one more NO on 37 ad I'm going to puke

Mostly because stupid, uninformed voters will be influenced by the ads and it probably won't pass. Idiots.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Seriously man, wtf is this?

Is this a report on whether or not my little blog is a threat to the oil industry?

so I did a few posts on OIL, so what?

Friday, October 26, 2012

My friend is dying.

And she's in pain and hospitals suck.  Even nice hospitals suck. Some local news lady was in the gift shop (cause you know chocolate fixes everything right?) and saying how her mom was so much better and thanks for asking and it sucked.  It's not that she was anything other than nice but I just found out that my friend is dying and to top it off,   my friend didn't recognize me.   And since she's dying of cancer and she ate a lot of processed foods the lobbyists who fight to de-regulate the poisons in processed foods for their corporate masters suck too.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Iron Lady

The Iron Lady (2011)
105 min - Biography | Drama | History - 13 January 2012 (USA)

My early adulthood years were dominated by Reagan, who totatlly fucked up my first career choice and his buddy Thatcher, , both elected by a bunch of hypocritical assholes like my parents. I didn't even vote till 20 years later.

The only reason I'm watching this is because Meryl Street is the most amazing human chameleon I've ever seen.

So far I'm seeing a loathesome creature so convinced of her own correct actions that she probably never had a clue that she was only a tool of the rich, as are most politicians. It's just bit more blatant amongst "conservatives."

Billionaires and Ballot Bandits

Billionaires and Ballot Bandits
by Greg Palast.

Hijole. Between that and THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take, which I watched last night, I'm avoiding the screaming meemees over at HuffPo. There are so many mentally retarded right-wingers over there that I just can't stand it.  The moderators over there used to let some really funny comments slide in under the radar, but no more. So anyway, I didn't come across a whole lot of new information watching the movie, but the first thing that blew my mind in the book was in the first chapter of the book. I won't quote, but it basically says that 6 million votes that were probably going to be democratic votes were systematically weeded out by assholes like Karl Rove.

I've been waiting for this for years. Somehow I don't think it's going to happen in my lifetime.

My friend is in the hospital and it's not looking good. The cancer is back. I talked her into voting in the 2008 election via absentee ballot and she's continued to vote so she has an absentee ballot waiting here. Strangely enough her daughter said she kept mentioning it even though she is in incredible pain and had to be moved  back into a regular hospital.

I am not a pet owner, but somebody brought in a maltipoo to visit one of the residents in the nursing home and I fell in love. When I was a kid we had a pomeranian/poodle mix that I loved. And seriously, how could you not love this face?
The dog we had growing up had coloring more common to maltipoos, but the dog that came to visit had coloring similar to the one pictured here.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monday Is Last Day To Register To Vote in San Diego

Friday, October 19, 2012 By City News Service 

Working on my sample ballot, but I just send in my ballot.  It's easeir.   It ticks me off that the polling station for my tiny litte enclave ( I have old and poor neighbors) of probable democratic voters have to drive three miles instead of walking across the street to the closest polling station. Fucking Republicans.

I'm undecided on some, and holding my nose a lot on the local candidates.  In San Diego there are basically degrees of Republicanism in candidates. True progressive candidates are rare here.
KPBS election 2012 See what I mean?  Did you catch that first article on the page?
(San Diego Law Enforcement Defends Deat Penalty)  Yeah there was Robert Alton Harris, executed in 1992 for murders comitted in 1978 in San Diego.  The death penalty is on hold and pretty fucking useless in CA anyway so fuck you Bonnie Dumanis.

About the only place to find out anything out about your ballot and the candidates on it is Smart Voter

I use cheat sheets for the statewide ballot initiatives.
Courage Campaign

San Diego Free Press

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Watching debate.

I hate Mitt Romney...

Why isn't anybody talking about the Republican filibusters?

Oh my god.  Labeling China as a  currency manipulator?   Ooooh China scared now. Tarrifs?  Making the US friendly for small employers and bringing back manufacturing doesn't work Romney.

Ok, now Obama's idealism is showing.  It's Americans we're talking about here buddy.  They stooopid, not all capable of becoming rocket scientists.

Ha, Obama socked Romney with the 47% video.   About fucking time.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Shane Brennan is an idiot

Who needs to stop using Australian slang.  It's waaaaay fucking irritating when he  allows it to be written into dialogue between LA based characters.  People born and raised in S. CA don't use "do a runner" unless they are advocating having sex with someone who runs for exercise or in competition.  Run away.   And another thing, he pretty much sucks at military jargon also.  And Aspergers.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I was outraged 10 years ago

Why You Should Be Outraged About The Ruling To Keep The NDAA Indefinite Detention Clause In Effect
Michael Kelley | Oct. 3, 2012, 9:52 AM | 16,306 | 33

Yup, when I realized that the rich will get the president that they want even if they have to cheat to get it I was outraged. Yup, when I realized what a stupid, selfish asshole the dumbass rich people wanted to do their bidding I was outraged. Yup, when I realized that some law enforcement agent can make me look guilty when I didn't do anything immoral, let alone illegal I was outraged. Yup, when I realized that my country's goverment can stomp all over the world looking for one American citizen when literally billions of other human beings don't matter to it I was outraged.

I'm too fucking tired to waste energy on outrage these days. I'm just disgusted.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

watching VP debate now

The explosion of private militaries and mercenaries, post-Iraq
by Faiza Patel
25 September 2012...

Ryan, Biden Strain Truth Over Iran, Taxes: Reality Check
By Bloomberg News - 2012-10-12T20:01:17Z

Ryan and Biden: No Difference On Iran
Kurt Nimmo
October 12, 2012

Home • Articles • Veep Debate Violations
Veep Debate Violations
Ryan, Biden rough up the facts in their one and only meeting.
Posted on October 12, 2012

Oh fuck me runnng, Ryan says 44% is too high for taxes on small businesses is too high. Does this idiot have any idea that when our ridiculously unstustainable infrastructure was growing at the fastest rates that the rich paid up to 90% in taxes? Beside  Ryan is counting giant hedge funds and thousands of other multimillion-dollar enterprises as “small” businesses....

Tired of the debate over Afghanistan, we never should have been there. We could have researched the Russian clusterfucks in Afghanistan beforehand. ...

Syria. Shit. These guys are never going to admit that the CIA is fucking arond there.

Is It Time to Revisit Compulsory Voting?
posted on Oct 13, 2012
Theresa Thompson (CC BY 2.0)

Yes. Then maybe the debates wouldn't suck so bad. I am so sick of the bullshit about military spending. Our military spending is so much higher than the rest of the world as to be ridiculous. Even those on this chart indicatiing spending as % of GDP is sillly because most of those countries who spend a higher % than we do are coerced by the US to buy US military crap.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Africa facing intensified 'food crisis'

Africa facing intensified 'food crisis'
New report suggests that numerous African and Middle East countries are at a high or extreme risk of a food crisis.
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2012 19:21

Jebus, no shit, 11% up on the commodity food price index from last year. Remember the riots from '08? Do you wonder as I do if the biggest investment banks in the world should be dicking around in the commodities markets?

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Food MythBusters Take on Big Ag's Worst Lies

Food MythBusters Take on Big Ag's Worst Lies
For those who are tired of the ad campaigns, the trade-group public relations machines, the lobbying, the front groups and the myth-making from Big Ag and Big Food.
October 3, 2012

YouTube Removes Undercover Video Showing Whole Foods GMO Misinformation
Published: Sunday 7 October 2012

I noticed as I was watching tv shows on IMDB that I kept getting blasted with an ad against prop 37. Blasted by the same ad so often that it made me wonder who had that much advertising money? And very interested in the video I linked that YouTube yanked.

Prop 37 Funding
Total Contributions, by Donor

Friday, October 05, 2012

watching prez debate on youTube

And Mitt Romney is a lying sack of shit

And a fucking dickhead who lives, eats, breathes the bottom line. 

Make no mistake, that's what Lurch is all about.

Tomgram: Michael Klare, Extreme Energy Means an Extreme Planet

October 4, 2012
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Extreme Energy Means an Extreme Planet

If you want a particularly hard-headed assessment of how successfully Barack Obama, the most vulnerable president in memory, is pursuing his reelection campaign, don’t bother to check the polls; just read “Bibi” Netanyahu’s U.N. speech of last week.  The Israeli Prime Minister had, until then, all but campaigned for Mitt Romney, his old Boston Consulting Group pal, who claims Obama has thrown Israel “under the bus.” 

Oh Jebus.  Can I puke now?  Is Romney campaigning for Prime Minister of Israel or President of the United States?  
Fuck Israel.  

There.  I said it.  Except for providing the best spies and mercenaries on the planet they are a nothing but a major pain in the ass.  The victims have become victimizers.

That was just part of the intro for this article;

The New “Golden Age of Oil” That Wasn’t
Forecasts of Abundance Collide with Planetary Realities
By Michael T. Klare

Monday, October 01, 2012

On Prez campaigns

"...For these crucial roles, they must both become card-carrying deficit-slashers, tax cutters, retarders of government growth, job creators, preservers of Medicare, national-security funders par excellence, fierce defenders of Israel, and men ready to do whatever must be done to prevent Iran from going nuclear. They must, that is, become perfect fictions. And though the debates are still upcoming, both presidential candidates recently had an out-of-town preview on “60 Minutes,” where, interviewed separately, each confirmed one crucial thing: that it’s possible to spend a great deal of time on TV and tell an audience almost nothing..."

Tomgram: Mattea Kramer, A Recipe for American Decline That No One Will Be Debating

Gee, I wonder why my teevee is just a sittin' there collectin' dust?