
Friday, October 26, 2012

My friend is dying.

And she's in pain and hospitals suck.  Even nice hospitals suck. Some local news lady was in the gift shop (cause you know chocolate fixes everything right?) and saying how her mom was so much better and thanks for asking and it sucked.  It's not that she was anything other than nice but I just found out that my friend is dying and to top it off,   my friend didn't recognize me.   And since she's dying of cancer and she ate a lot of processed foods the lobbyists who fight to de-regulate the poisons in processed foods for their corporate masters suck too.


  1. It's probably gonna be a sonofabitch for most of us. You don't think about this shit when you're twenty. If only we could have a choice to leave with dignity. Oh hell no. Sorry about your friend.

    1. Thanks love. I appreciate it.

  2. Nunya,

    I am really sorry to learn this. I wish I could send her one of our hospitals, they are all free and very good, but that probably wouldn't help anyway, cancer is something they still can't cure. Why is she in pain? Don't they have really strong pain killers in your hospitals? And what poisons do they have in processed food in USA?
