
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Watching debate.

I hate Mitt Romney...

Why isn't anybody talking about the Republican filibusters?

Oh my god.  Labeling China as a  currency manipulator?   Ooooh China scared now. Tarrifs?  Making the US friendly for small employers and bringing back manufacturing doesn't work Romney.

Ok, now Obama's idealism is showing.  It's Americans we're talking about here buddy.  They stooopid, not all capable of becoming rocket scientists.

Ha, Obama socked Romney with the 47% video.   About fucking time.


  1. Nunya,

    "It's Americans we're talking about here buddy. They stooopid, not all capable of becoming rocket scientists."

    Lol, now now, my friend, you must NOT confuse "American" with "Republican" or, worse still, "Repugnican Born-again Wacko". Or worse still yet: "American native Penobscot fascist racist walrus cunt", i.e. Jeanette Lucey and offsprings.

    Anyway... what's that "debate" all about? (I ain't got no TV so I don't know what's going on in Europe, let alone USA).

    What else is new? Oh yeah, Kristina has resurfaced after a long absence. Although incredibly polite and well-manered, as always - and unlike uncouth rude & gross Aussie oaths such as meself - , she actually rammed into Jeanette in no uncertain terms; in fact, Jeanette must feel like she was kissed in the ass by a 40-tonne semi-trailer. Looovely!

  2. I'll check it out.

  3. What I want to hear Obama say loud and clear every day until the election:

    "If you want the government to accomplish ANYTHING, send a message to the obstructionist Republicans who REFUSE to do anything for the American people if it means compromising with Democrats; send a message by VOTING DEMOCRAT ALL THE WAY DOWN THE TICKET. Then, when they realize that the American people mean business, turn the Tea Partiers and say, 'you're next!'"
