
Monday, October 18, 2010

William Lerach on Corporate Power, Corporate Crime and the Failure of the Democrats to Confront Wall Street

24 Corporate Crime Reporter 40(12), October 18, 2010

Great article.

Hmmm. Suddenly I'm hearing the 'NPR is brought to you by balabbity, blabity, Lerach and blablahblah law firm' thing in my head. I have no idea if this is the same Lerach and so and so firm. If I really gave a crap I'd find out. I don't.

Today was your last day to register to vote in CA before the upcoming election. I still haven't figured out how I'm going to vote on the local propositions and why the fuck do we have to vote on hospital boards, school boards and judges? I haven't read the local birdcage liner in years, so I don't even know if any of these candidates have scandals or records. The whole voting on judges thing pisses me off. Just try Googling these fuckers, whadaya get? Nada, and I don't know which judges are playing golf with the multinational corporation CEOs and board members.

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