
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Snicker snicker, tee hee hee

Holder promises to enforce U.S. drug laws if Prop. 19 passes
Attorney general joins local law enforcement officials in opposing legalization of marijuana. Prop. 19 supporters say the U.S. has no legal ground to challenge the measure.

Well, maybe Holder doesn't get California, that's understandable, but this fool?

"...Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who is a co-chairman of the main opposition committee, released the letter at a news conference at his headquarters Friday, flanked by two former DEA heads, the district attorney and the Los Angeles city attorney.

"He is saying it is an unenforceable law and the federal government will not allow California to become a rogue state on this issue," Baca said. "You can't make a law in contradiction to federal law as a state. Therefore Proposition 19 is null and void and dead on arrival..."

No, the enforcement laws are dead. I can walk down the street in LA smoking weed. Felipe Calderon doesn't want pot legalized because he might lose a few "War on Drugs" bucks. He needs to shut his fucking hypocritical mouth, users of small amounts of drugs can't be busted in Mexico.

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