
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How is a request for an apology an olive branch?

Update and lol, roflmao--

FRIDAY, OCT 22, 2010 12:10 ET
Ex: Clarence Thomas was porn-obsessed
After 19 years, the justice's former girlfriend speaks out about how checking out female co-workers was his "hobby"

BY TRACY CLARK-FLORY Lillian McEwan just broke her silence of 19 years to talk about Clarence Thomas' obsession with large breasts and pornography. Lillian McEwan might want to consider changing her phone number.

And just look at all the rethugs jumping to his defense.

Oct. 20, 2010
Thomas' Wife Seeks Apology From Accuser Anita Hill
Wife Of Justice Clarence Thomas Asks Anita Hill, His Accuser, To Apologize After 19 Years

lThomas' wife seeks apology from accuser Anita Hil

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2010

"WASHINGTON (AP) - Anita Hill is refusing to apologize for accusing then-Supreme Court justice nominee Clarence Thomas of sexually harassing her, in an issue that Thomas' wife has reopened 19 years after his confirmation hearings....

...He broke a 16-year silence about the hearings in a 2007 book, "My Grandfather's Son," writing that Hill was a mediocre employee who was used by political opponents to make claims she had been sexually harassed...."

I don't give a good goddamn whether Hill was used by political opponents of Thomas. Unfortunately it did not work and we are going to be stuck with Thomas' whorish decisions till he croaks and he has made many decisions that have helped turn this COUNTRY "mediocre," at best and a toxic steaming pile at worst.

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