
Monday, May 04, 2009

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Who'd be female under Islamic law?

In Muslim states, violence against women is validated. A dark age is upon us
Monday, 4 May 2009

UAE fines mother over baby death
Page last updated at 18:53 GMT, Monday, 4 May 2009 19:53 UK BBC
The bereaved woman says the accident was not her fault
A court in Dubai has found a woman who lost her unborn child in a traffic accident guilty of manslaughter in what is said to be an unprecedented ruling.

Islamic Gender Apartheid
Pajamas Media 4 May 2009
By Phyllis Chesler

Saudi Arabia clamps down on unlicensed female gyms

An Honor killing in Sadr City
Members of family hang woman and turn themselves in, expecting little punishment.

UN Report: "Honor Killings" Rampant in Iraq
Mark Leon Goldberg - April 29, 2009 - 11:08am
Human Rights Women
UNAMI has reported 139 cases of gender based violence 15 in the last six months of 2008 in five governorates in northern Iraq16. Out of the total number, 77 women were seriously burned, 26 were victims of murder or attempted murder and 25 were cases of questionable suicide

Honour killings start to bring shame
The taboo surrounding the cruel murder of family members in the name of honour is slowly being broken
Comments (125)
Khaled Diab, Sunday 3 May 2009 15.00 BST Article history






I can be culturally insenstive regarding this issue, I'm a woman. A woman who doesn't submit to anyone's bullshit. Fuck this ignorant part of their culture

I can't help but think of stories like these when I hear some asshole like this talk about "Protecting our Muslim women."

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