
Wednesday, May 06, 2009


My friend sent me this this morning, it made me laugh. Enjoy.

Food Irradiation Supports Agribusiness, Not Health
by Heidi Stevenson
2 May 2009

hat tip, Raw Story

Dude, I'd never heard of irradiation until I was watching a silly horror flick called "28 Days Later." The apple the character was eating was probably safer than the seemingly crack addicted zombies he was escaping at the moment, but how safe was it?

What is food irradiation?
Food irradiation is a process in which approved foods are exposed to radiant energy, including gamma rays, electron beams, and x-rays. In 1963, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the irradiation of food to be safe. Irradiation of meat and poultry is done in a government-approved irradiation facility. Irradiation is not a substitute for good sanitation and process control in meat and poultry plants. It is an added layer of safety.

Wait, did I read that right?

...good sanitation and process control in meat and poultry plants...

Bwaaaa ha hahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha

Seriously folks, the corporations get just what they want, even from George Bush's Soooopreme Court.

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