
Monday, May 04, 2009

Banksters On The War Path To Stop New Regulations

By Danny Schechter.

How Wall Street Is Fighting Back And Winning Their Fight For The Status Quo

Dick Durbin knows his way around the Senate. He’s been there a long time, long enough to know how things really work. Over the years, the man from Illinois has come to realize that it’s not the elected officials who are in charge. Last week, he said it was the bankers “who own the place” acknowledging that Senators may be in office, but not necessarily in power.

Blogged by Sibel Edmonds on 5/4/2009 1:41PM
SIBEL EDMONDS: In Congress We Trust…Not
The former FBI translator and whistleblower suggests blackmail may be at the heart of Congressional refusal to bring accountability and oversight to its own members - such as both Hastert and Harman - in matters of espionage and national security
Exclusive to The BRAD BLOG... Guest Editorial by Sibel Edmonds (Who ?)

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