
Sunday, February 22, 2009


The Oscars are on tonight. This year I haven't seen anything that is nominated.

The only movies that looked remotely interesting to me were Revolutionary Road, and Milk.

Slumdog Millionaire I will check out once it comes out on DVD, to see what all the buzz is about, but I fully intend on watching it with the remote handy, because Asian music grates on my last nerve, this still cracks me up three years later.

Seth Grogan
Who's fucking dope dealer is he? To say that his work is underappreciated by me is too kind. He gives me the heebee jeebees, and so does Ben Stiller.

Update 9:41 PM 2/22/2009 Ok. They're over. Slumdog Millionaire swept them. It looks a little more interesting to me than it did before, knowing the whole thing isn't some Bollywood romance dance film.

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