
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query war on drugs. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query war on drugs. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The "failed"drug war

 Wow, this is a great article detailing some of the failures of the drug war. In detail.  Bravo Rebecca Gordon.

What Do ISIS and Drug Cartels in Mexico Have in Common?
The failed drug war in the U.S. and the billion-dollar cartels have created an ISIS-like reality right across the border.
By Rebecca Gordon / TomDispatch
March 22, 2015

The fact is if the fat cats weren't getting fatter the war on drugs would end.

You see a whole lotta prosecutions for money laundering for the big drugs cartels in this list?

Yeah, me either.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Snicker snicker, tee hee hee

Holder promises to enforce U.S. drug laws if Prop. 19 passes
Attorney general joins local law enforcement officials in opposing legalization of marijuana. Prop. 19 supporters say the U.S. has no legal ground to challenge the measure.

Well, maybe Holder doesn't get California, that's understandable, but this fool?

"...Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who is a co-chairman of the main opposition committee, released the letter at a news conference at his headquarters Friday, flanked by two former DEA heads, the district attorney and the Los Angeles city attorney.

"He is saying it is an unenforceable law and the federal government will not allow California to become a rogue state on this issue," Baca said. "You can't make a law in contradiction to federal law as a state. Therefore Proposition 19 is null and void and dead on arrival..."

No, the enforcement laws are dead. I can walk down the street in LA smoking weed. Felipe Calderon doesn't want pot legalized because he might lose a few "War on Drugs" bucks. He needs to shut his fucking hypocritical mouth, users of small amounts of drugs can't be busted in Mexico.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mexico Drug War: Tens Of Thousands Dead As Battle Rages On (PHOTOS)

47,000? I've seen numbers estimating the dead from this stupid, unwinnable war on drugs as high as 60,000. The deaths are so pointless. :(
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 23, 2008

Religion sucks #13 FLDS version

Larry King interviews some of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints mothers (FLDS Church)

(the wives are told to "keep sweet" and silent)

Yearning for Zion mother's letter to Preznit "Iz our childrens learning?" (pdf) (very dramatic)

Texas officials appeal FLDS ruling to state Supreme Court
By Brooke Adams
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 05/23/2008 12:19:06 PM MDT

Sect parents cheer court ruling, await next step
By MICHELLE ROBERTS Associated Press Writer
..."Evidence that children raised in this particular environment may someday have their physical health and safety threatened is not evidence that the danger is imminent enough to warrant invoking the extreme measure of immediate removal," the court said...

...Of the 31 people the state initially said were underage mothers, at least 15 were reclassified as adults before the hearings were suspended...

Texas Age of Consent Laws

April 10, 2008, 10:13AM
CPS challenge is to win trust, find truth, expert says
Sect youths conditioned to deceive outsiders

A brief history of the polygamists in Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah

Forbidden Fruit
Inbreeding among polygamists along the Arizona-Utah border is producing a caste of severely retarded and deformed children
By John Dougherty
Published on December 29, 2005

Texas Town Wary of Polygamist Sect's Arrival
by Wade Goodwyn
May 3, 2005
Polygamists on Utah-Arizona Border Under Scrutiny

Prophet of the FLDS
The FLDS WAS led by Warren Jeffs, who succeeded his father as prophet in 2002. Jeffs was said to keep a tight grip on the polygamous community, using wives as rewards for loyalty among followers.
Southern Poverty Law Center
Tempest in Texas
Racist cult 'prophet' Warren Jeffs is on the move, and a tiny West Texas town fears another Waco
By Susy Buchanan --Intelligence Report -- Spring 2005

CBC's "Bust up in Bountiful."

The lost boys of Colorado City
Jul. 06, 2006
Over the past five years, a fundamentalist Mormon "prophet" has banished as many as 400 boys from his Arizona town. Now the teens, once forbidden to even watch a movie, are adrift in a world of drugs, girls and depression.
By Kimberly Sevcik

(On average, Krakauer told Texas lawmakers, FLDS women have between eight and 15 children each. And celestial wives, whose marriages are not recognized by law, are encouraged to "bleed the beast" by applying for food stamps and other welfare subsidies.) "This is the kind of stuff that, as the chief law enforcement officer in the state of Utah, keeps me up at night," Shurtleff said.

Mon May 5, 4:00 AM ET "The FLDS was relying on a lot of state funds for sustenance – welfare funds as well as money from the school district, which they dominated," says Ira Ellman, an expert on family law at Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law in Tempe. "The state took over the school system and, in effect, took a lot of their income away."

Oh no, you say they work? That's how they can afford to squirt out all those brats?

Pentagon funds aid polygamous sect

Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2008 9:34 PM PT
By Tim Sandler, NBC News Investigative Unit

The company was awarded $1.2 million in no-bid defense contracts, U.S. Rep. Kay Granger said in a recent letter to HASC leaders.

Texas hearings: Few answers for FLDS parents
By Brooke Adams
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated: 05/20/2008 07:06:21 AM MDT
...The plans require parents to complete counseling, psychological evaluations, parenting classes and educational assessments; to document their marriages, children's births, living arrangements and income; and to obtain vocational training or education to become financially self-sufficient by next April...

Why Texas Authorities Deserve Credit for Good Judgment—and the ACLU for Bad

You have to give the Texas authorities credit for putting the interests of the children first. In contrast, Utah and the FBI have focused on one man at a time, an approach that appears to have done next to nothing to stop the entrenched cycle of abuse within the system. In contrast, the authorities in Arizona, Utah, and South Dakota, where other FLDS compounds are situated, have made it very clear that they would never follow the Texas authorities' lead of taking all of the children away from obvious danger.

And yes, I am aware of the fact that the taxpayers could support a half-dozen of these compounds, with seriously disabled children and not come close to what we are borrowing for this stupid war. For me, this post was about the kid's rights. If nothing else good comes from this raid, hopefully those kids will get a glimpse of life outside their compound and hopefully they will know that not everyone outside their ranch is evil.

Carolyn Jessop - Escaping from the FLDS

May 20, 2008, 5:08PM
State starts digging for money needed for costs of FLDS raid
By APRIL CASTRO Associated Press Writer
© 2008 The Associated Pres

...The initial raid cost an estimated $5.3 million, mostly in travel to the isolated Schleicher County ranch and employee overtime during the weeklong raid and search of the Yearning For Zion ranch last month. The state also paid for buses, building and equipment rental and fuel...

An incredibly expensive lesson.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Chomsky 'splains it

What the Paulites Have Right
posted by Zephyr Teachout on 04/13/2009 @ 08:25am

Of course, we citizens have to compete with these fuckers for some attention from our Congressional "Representatives."

The Power of Lobbying
— By Kevin Drum | Mon April 13, 2009 10:19 AM PST

Mother fuckers, wouldja look at that! Half of the top ten companies gaining tax breaks through lobbying are drug companies. Maybe they should be paying for the "War on (illegal) Drugs" since some of the people without Rx insurance to pay for anti-depressants, or chronic pain medication turn to the evil marijuana for some relief.

Unrelated, but following up on the Obama continues the government spying on us

Predictably, the MSM ignores it and it looks like more wait and see if Pelosi gets pushed enough by those of us who are pissed off about it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Because the "War on Drugs" has so many losers

Obama Makes a Good First Step on Medical Marijuana
-- Here's What He Should Do Next
By Aaron Houston, AlterNet. Posted February 9, 2009.

Everyone else is blogging about the stimulus package. Frankly I'm so goddamned sick of ReupgnantThuglicans and their arrogant ridiculousness I don't even want to think about their attempts to bamboozle the American people into thinking they still got it under control. They don't, and they never fucking did, that's why they have to control everyone around them. The Alternet article has some good ideas about how drug policy can be more sane and pragmatic. I found this site today, it's interesting.

Common sense for Drug Policy

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Drugged warriors and drug wars

Drugged Warriors: Sharp Rise in U.S. Military Psychiatric Drug Use and Suicide
Soldiers deployed in combat zones are taking quantities of psychiatric drugs -- and military suicides are on the rise.

I have questions after reading the 2nd article. Like why no mention of how many fucking deployments does it take to end up on something to make the head shut up? Or, whether they are using meth to get over the stupids. Whether this meth is in Iraq? I hate meth.

The True Inside Story of the Catastrophic Mexican Drug Wars
Why Ciudad Juárez has a murder rate nearly four times higher than Baghdad's.
April 8, 2010 |

"...Americans spent $62.9 billion on drugs in 2000. More than half ($36.1 billion), was spent on cocaine -- of which an estimated 90 percent transits through Mexico..."

And we wonder why China and India are educating their own people and eating our lunch in the technical arenas?

I haven't been to TJ in almost 10 years. I'm still watching the eBBC - Mexico's Drug War 2010 embed, but I have doubts that even the BBC will go into Juarez.

Update 12:27 PM 4/14/2010 Hmmm, she does go to Juarez.

10:33 AM 4/20/2010
Mock, Paper, Scissors offers up the perfect and hilarious update:

"A new poll is out saying that most Americans are against legalizing pot, only 33 percent favor legalization while 55 percent oppose it.

Given that in the Great Recession, pot sales is one of the few growth industries, I think we know why, hmmmmmmmm."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hired by Customs, but Working for Mexican Cartels

Published: December 17, 2009

Just another example of how retarded the whole War on Drugs is.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Deep thoughts?

The Elephant Speaks
Deep Thoughts from the Republicans
(San Diego CityBeat)

Deep thoughts?
No mention of how the war that their cheerleading helped set in motion is going.


They probably think the war on drugs is a good thing too. They probably don't know that stuff like this happens, and you can bet your ass Negroponte knows about it, so does Ollie North.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why I don't watch Sunday morning TV

If it’s Sunday, it’s still conservative.»

The fires are having some grim consequences:

Coroner's office burns -- but workers keep investigating fire
1:39 PM, November 16, 2008

Man, this just takes the cake for stupid headlines:

Mexico drug wars spill across the border

If there wasn't a market for drugs in the US there wouldn't be any need for the US to finance both fucking sides of the war on drugs in Mexico.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Only Republicans like Sarah Palin

and stupid ones at that. (any excuse to use Molly McMooseturd's image, man I love that flaming turd costume. She is the flaming turd queen, isn't she?)

"..The numbers from Gallup tell the story. Palin has a whopping 76 percent favorability rating among Republicans; only 20 percent don't like her. That's significantly higher than the other GOP 2012 hopefuls....

Dayum there are a lot of stupid Republicans.

Anybody else heard about this?

US Military Surge in Costa Rica May Fan Regional Tensions

With the “War on Drugs” as Pretext, 46 Warships and 7,000 Troops Reported to Be Heading to Central American Country and Coast

By Jamie Way
Special to The Narco News Bulletin
July 14, 2010

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Drugs, oil, wars

Most of Europe's heroin poppies are grown in Afghanistan.

Another record poppy crop in Afghanistan
By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer
Sat Aug 4, 12:27 PM ET

A while back this post of mine on Dyncorp got quite a few hits from people who might have been looking for employment, but one that I wondered about was from Columbia. I don't get a lot of hits from Columbia.
A lot of our "black tar" heroin and cocaine begins it's journey here to the US as happy little poppies and coca in
Columbia. We don't like that. We spray. There's oil in Columbia also.

Hmmmmm, remember this book?

And, yeah, what happened to
this dude?

Yeah,this looks like an interesting book to me:

Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina

I'm reading this one now:

Opium Wars by William Travis Hanes, Frank Sanello

Oh well, at least the Dyncorp guys can afford heroin. The soldiers can't, but they're buying it anyway. Umm, so what happens when the marines bring their sorry overdeployed, drug addicted asses back to San Diego? Did they clean up downtown for nothing? I wonder if this is next? If so, Southern California is going to explode, and these fuckers will be right in there, and to top it off they will have a shitload more NAFTA refugees to recruit from.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In the reading queue

Click on pics for more information.

After I finish this.

This essay by Richard Rodriguez is worth a listen. It's why I'm glad I never developed a taste for illegal drugs. Too many people die because of them. And yes, I do think it's stupid that marijuana is illegal, and even more stupid that alcohol and tobacco are legal.

Update 7:05 PM 10/1/2008 Tijuana body count 38 in the last 48 hours in the drug cartel war. Drug cartel violence killed more than 2,500 people last year