
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Frontline - Lost in Detention

Watching Lost in Detention now.

Since business interests in the US and the wealthiest, most powerful people in Mexico encourage illegal immigration I'm a bit sympthetic with the abuse endured by detainees. I can tell you that I'm probably not going to be really sympathetic when these idiots come here illegally and squirt out 5 brats knowing they could be deported and separated from their children. . There are 7 billion people on the planet now, what the hell would you want 5 kids for?

The poor in the US and Mexico are hurting and the people at the bottom are the ones who suffer when greed and profit are the only things the pople at the top understand. I have given up competing with illegals for jobs because I can, my husband makes enough to pay the bills, but I did compete with them. Yesterday I talked to my friend who lives in a small town in the Midwest and she told me that about half the town is illegal Mexicans now. It was a town with unionized factories, but the factories moved to places where they could avoid the unions. There is a reason why the Occupy Wall Street protests have spread like wildfire. Think the issues are unrelated? Think again.

Monday, October 17, 2011

'Occupy': A catalyst for change?

best video by large media outlet so far


If I felt better I would be protesting

Update, October 18, 2011 11:00 AM
Olbermann interviews St. Shamar Thomas.
Physically, I've felt like crap this week. I am sorry I missed this last weekend:

hat tip to ThePoliticalCat

sniff, sniff, never had Marines bring happy tears to my eyes before, lol.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Love these two messages

A Global Day of Action for Occupy Wall Street
The latest dispatches from Mother Jones reporters at protests in New York and other US cities.
—By the Mother Jones news team
Sat Oct. 15, 2011 12:05 AM PDT

Occupy Streams

Live Occupy streams WORLDWIDE

Chief Lansdowne in candid interview during raid on Occupy San Diego on 10/14

(I don't know what happened, I wasn't there, but Frank knows what happened)

by FRANK GORMLIE on OCTOBER 14, 2011 Day of Tension and Pepper-spray Ends in Compromise for Occupy San Diego at Civic Center Plaza

Police Macing at Occupy San Diego


I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street


Walmart Bleach Fight Sends 19 to Hospital

By Stephanie Rabiner on October 12, 2011 8:48 AM (Findlaw)
Police have arrested Theresa Jefferson, 33, in connection with a Walmart bleach fight over the weekend.

Jefferson reportedly targeted her intended victim, and followed her into a Baltimore-area Walmart. Once inside, she attacked the woman with bleach, Pine-Sol and ammonia.

The chemicals mixed, creating a toxic gas. Hazmat crews were called, and nineteen people were sent to the hospital for eye and respiratory injuries.

It appears as though the Walmart bleach fight was part of an ongoing dispute between the two women. The unnamed victim is dating Jefferson's baby daddy, according to the Baltimore Sun.

Soon after the incident, Jefferson turned herself in, reports ABC News. She is currently being held on $350,000 bail and has been charged with assault, malicious destruction of property, and theft.

The theft charge may seem a bit odd, but when you consider the crime's definition, it makes significantly more sense.

Theft is commonly defined as the unlawful taking of property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of its use or value. If you obtain property (cleaning supplies) without the owner's consent, and then destroy it (pour it out), you are unlawfully depriving him of its value.

Maryland law also makes it illegal to obtain property if the person "willfully or knowingly uses the property in a manner that deprives the owner of the property."

When Theresa Jefferson started the Walmart bleach fight, she knowingly used the cleaning supplies in a way that deprived the store of its value. Walmart certainly can't re-package bleach and Pine-Sol that have been on the floor.


OMG, you can't make this shit up. I didn't think the stupidity of people could still stun me. Consider me stunned.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Deconstructing right wing retardia

I'm grateful to Adler for doing this because I have a hard time thinking clearly once I realize that the tactic of repeating the same lies relentlessly is being used again.

The Weekly Standard, National Review and the '53 Percent' Meet Occupy Wall Street
Ben Adler on October 14, 2011 - 3:42pm ET

"...It should come as no surprise that conservatives are misrepresenting Occupy Wall Street’s position on their right to be there, considering that conservatives have spent the last two weeks misrepresenting the substance of their views. National Review was quick on the draw, tossing up innumerable items on the subject last week...

... The other main tack conservatives have taken is to mock and dismiss the protesters as ignoramuses and extremists..."

951 cities - 82 countries
This weekend -- October 15 2011

5 Reasons the Right Is Terrified of Occupy Wall St.
The Occupy Wall Street Movement is so frightening to the Right because it may directly affect voter behavior in the upcoming election.
October 12, 2011 |


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Watching GOP debate at Dartmouth

and the only thing saving my sanity is following the Twitter stream, because some of the people I follow on Twitter are laughing their asses off at these clowns.!/search/%23econodebate shows me the people who are watching this thing and are actually serious about it. Oy.

NYPD Costs Rise As Occupy Wall Street Protests Continue

NYPD pension plans lost so much money on Wall Street that the overtime will help


Here's a thought:

Europe considers tax on trading after crisis

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The man fell and died close to Occupy SD

It wasn't a suicide or homicide, it was an accident. Read the comment thread and notice how popular the right-wing fucktards who mindlessly regurgitate Rush Limpdick and Asshole Hannity are. It makes me sick how many assholes there are in this county.

Man Falls to Death During Occupy SD
By Lindsay Hood and Sarah Grieco | Tuesday, Oct 11, 2011 | Updated 9:31 AM PDT
Source: Man Falls to Death During Occupy SD | NBC San Diego


Monday, October 10, 2011

A new village being born in the shadow of City Hall at Occupy San Diego

thanks Frank! (title click for article)

Occupy Wall Street Emerges as "First Populist Movement" on the Left Since the 1930s

Occupy Wall Street Emerges as "First Populist Movement" on the Left Since the 1930s

For San Diego's Broken Roads, Broken Promises Too

For San Diego's Broken Roads, Broken Promises Too

Carl Demaio and Nathan Fletcher MAKE ME SICK, the fucking attention hogs. They are part of the problem with not just local politics but national politics. They are examples of part of the reasons why the national Occupy Wall Street protests are growing, Well that and the fact that Americans expect all kinds of services and don't want to pay taxes for them. San Diegans are egregiously stupid in this particular regard- Gimme gimmee gimmee, but don't raise my taxes to pay for it, bro. Why the politicians play into that retarded game is no secret, they are whores in the pockets of the M-I-C and the developers in this filthy county.

Fuck 'em. Fuck the stupid, selfish voters, the whore politicians, and the horrid, greedy developers who want to make a quick buck on their developments, especially if they can get the local governments to make up infrastructure funding deficits and then bail so they never have to deal with the cost of infrastructure maintenance.

I've lived my whole life here, but I think it's time to go somewhere else. Somewhere where there is water, a sense of community and less greed and selfishness.


Sunday, October 09, 2011

Naomi Klein on Occupy Wall Street

Published on Friday, October 7, 2011 by The Occupied Wall Street Journal
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now
by Naomi Klein

"...“Why are they protesting?” ask the baffled pundits on TV. Meanwhile, the rest of the world asks: “What took you so long?” “We’ve been wondering when you were going to show up.” And most of all: “Welcome.”..."


Sunday, October 02, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protest: NYPD accused of heavy-handed tactics

Force criticised by protesters, who claim they were deliberately led on to road before being penned in and arrested
Ed Pilkington in New York, Sunday 2 October 2011 12.34 EDT

"The New York police department has come under criticism for heavy-handed tactics during the Occupy Wall Street march over Brooklyn bridge, after more than 700 protesters were held for several hours..."

Saturday Night Fever With Occupy Wall Street: 700 Arrests, Were Protesters Tricked by Police?

"...The good news passed along was that there have been events in 27 cities to support this movement..."

Democracy Now September 30, 2011

Inside Occupy Wall Street; A Tour of Activist Encampment at the Heart of Growing Protest

I am still slogging through Paradise Plundered, Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego . Not "slogging through" because it is not well written, or difficult reading, but because it brings up anger and frustration. The kind of frustration being highlighted by the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Anti-Wall Street protesters vow to keep up fight


Saturday, October 01, 2011

California To Quit Foreclosure Settlement Talks

There is not enough informatio­n in this article.

"Harris said the pending deal is "inadequat­e for California homeowners­" and gives bank officials too much legal immunity."

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

With Deaths of Forests, a Loss of Key Climate Protectors

With Deaths of Forests, a Loss of Key Climate Protectors
Published: October 1, 2011

"...In the 1950s, when a scientist named Charles David Keeling first obtained accurate measurements of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, a mystery presented itself. Only about half the carbon that people were releasing into the sky seemed to be staying there....

...As best researchers can tell, the oceans are taking up about a quarter of the carbon emissions arising from human activities....

...It is mainly trees that have the ability to lock carbon into long-term storage, and they do so by making wood or transferring carbon into the soil...

..If a forest burns down, for instance, much of the carbon stored in it will re-enter the atmosphere....

...Forests are re-growing on abandoned agricultural land across vast reaches of Europe and Russia. China, trying to slow the advance of a desert, has planted nearly 100 million acres of trees, and those forests, too, are absorbing carbon.

But, as a strategy for managing carbon emissions, these recovering forests have one big limitation: the planet simply does not have room for many more of them. To expand them significantly would require taking more farmland out of production, an unlikely prospect in a world where food demand and prices are rising...

...Warmer temperatures are causing mountain snowpack, on which so much of the life in the region depends, to melt earlier in most years, he said. That is causing more severe water deficits in the summer, just as the higher temperatures cause trees to need extra water to survive. The whole landscape dries out, creating the conditions for intense fires. Even if the landscape does not burn, the trees become so stressed they are easy prey for beetles...."

I'm really glad I only had one kid and my siblings had none. When I hear people talk about having a half dozen kids and craploads of grandkids I think "Idiots."

Friday, September 30, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

National Security Lab Hacks Diebold Touch-Screen Voting Machine by Remote Control

By Brad Friedman on 9/27/2011 10:17am
National Security Lab Hacks Diebold Touch-Screen Voting Machine by Remote Control With $26 in Computer Parts: My New EXCLUSIVE at Salon
Hack team leader: 'Can do similar things on pretty much every e-voting machine'...

And this story, like the story of the Wall Street protests have been ignored by corporate media.

Tue, Sep. 27 2011 03:59 PM EDTOne of the women maced during the “Occupy Wall Street” protests on Saturday has spoken out about her assault by an NYPD officer and the arrest of at least 80 people taking a stand against the “greed and corruption of the one percent.”

WEDNESDAY, SEP 28, 2011 07:37 ET
Jailed for covering the Wall Street protests
My arrest gave me a unique vantage point on the risks and rewards of citizen journalism VIDEO

Monday, September 26, 2011

GOP Lawyers Oppose Courtroom Cameras in DOMA Case

By Stephanie Rabiner on September 26, 2011 5:45 AM | No TrackBacks

Challenging the Defense of Marriage Act after being denied spousal benefits, Karen Golinski appeared eager to participate in a federal courtroom camera pilot program.

Though she gave her consent to the broadcast of an October 21 hearing in the Northern District of California, that broadcast will not be happening.

Without explaining why, Republican lawmakers in the House of Representatives last week declined to allow the recording.

Under the courtroom camera pilot program, all parties must consent to having the proceedings taped and broadcasted.

Both Karen Golinski and the Department of Justice had signed off on the broadcast, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. However, the Golinski case is one of the few taken up by the House after the DOJ was ordered to end its legal support of DOMA.

It's not clear why the GOP-controlled House decided not to participate, particularly in light of the lack of witnesses that will be present at the hearing.

Concerns of witness intimidation were at least partially responsible for stopping the broadcast of the Proposition 8 trial early last year.

Some are arguing that the House is simply choosing to shroud the proceedings in secrecy.

True or not, one must question whether the government should be able to deny the use of courtroom cameras when there is no overriding national security or privacy concern.

The answer is certainly up for debate, except should one of the parties in this case appeal.

Neither Karen Golinski or the House will have a say in any appellate proceedings, as the 9th Circuit permits the broadcast of oral arguments without consent.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Love the show, fun to watch, lots of eye candy, and some of it is funny, especially some of "Hetty's" lines. Unfortunately I was irritated watching the show when one of the rate/ranks was wrong. I have never met a hospital corpsman that was an Ensign because hospital corpsman are enlisted and Ensign is an officer rank. Shane Brennan, the writer is Australian, but he's an hour from a massive county that is basically one big military base and I know there have to be military medical clinics in LA county so the sloppiness bugs me. He did a show in Australia about military medical stuff, I wonder if he got it right there?

The Aussie invasion of Hollywood is mostly fun, but when they write in English/Aussie/Afrikaner idioms for American characters and they get other shit wrong it's discordant and it bothers me. If I hear the "Deeks" character, who was raised in LA, use the phrase "early days" I'll be disgusted.

PS Clarie Forlani is easy to detest. Another Brit who sucks ass at American accents, knows it and also knows just how revoltingly fake that overabundance of"sex appeal" is. Bitch makes my skin crawl, and not many women do,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Paradise Plundered and Under the Perfect Sun

Paradise Plundered, Fiscal Crisis and Governance Failures in San Diego by Steven P. Erie, Vladimir Kogan and Scott A. Makenzie.

I've only read a few pages, but I'll write a bit about it when I finish it. My favorite quote so far?

"Therein lies the paradox at the heart of San Diego's storied past and troubled current circumstances: the city and region were built and sustained by big government."

So, I'm a little baffled as to why Grover Norquist and other anti-tax crusaders have such a big fan base in this area. Well, I guess being that Republicans are mostly non self-aware, stupid hypocrites and this area is loaded with them it shouldn't be a surprise to me.

Almost 3 years ago I did a post on San Diego politics that started out by saying

"By the time I was 25 years old I was truly frightened of politics in San Diego

Wth good reason..."

And went on to recommend a book titled Under the Perfect Sun by Mike Davis, Kelly Mahew and Jim Miller. I thought I wrote about this book before, but I can't find the post. If you are not a rich, arrogant Republican and you are considering re-locating to San Diego, do yourself a favor and read it before you make that decision. I was born here and have lived most of my life here and found myself nodding in agreement when I wasn't feeling amazed at how little I knew about the true history of this county.

Ironically, I'm not much of a country music fan, but I love this song.
Just Another Day in Paradise-Phil Vassar
