
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Greenspan Is Back to Lead the Charge Against Responsible Regulation

Alan Greenspan is someone only the banksters can love.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Interview with David Cay Johnston on our rotten tax system

AlterNet / By Terrence McNally

How You Can Have a Billion-Dollar Income in America and Pay No Taxes

Tax journalist David Cay Johnston explains what's so rotten about our taxation system and the distribution of wealth in this country.

"..TM: In the Wall Street Journal March 22nd: "IRS Targets Rich Taxpayers. The rich not only face calls for higher taxes, they also face more audits to make sure they pay." And the article ends with this question: "Do you think the new tax force is welcome tax justice or capricious wealth redistribution?"

DCJ: In the late 1980s if you were a high income tax payer, your odds of being audited were about one in 11. They have been as low in recent years as one in 400. They're currently a little over one in 100, probably about one in 75. If you're in the $10 million-up crowd your odds are much higher, they're more like one in six. But the audit rates are still very low.

From interviews with dozens of IRS agents all over the country who weren't supposed to talk to me, it's clear many of these audits are superficial. They're told not to pursue things...."

Just read it.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The scam behind the rise in oil, food prices

The scam behind the rise in oil, food prices

"...Danger met with silence

What Phil sees is a giant but intricate game of market manipulation and rigging by a cartel – not just an industry – that actually has loaded tankers criss-crossing the oceans but only landing when the price is right...."

America's 10 Most Overpaid CEOs

America's 10 Most Overpaid CEOs

Josh Harkinson, Mother Jones
Wed, Apr. 20, 2011

"..Share in the pain by giving back a week's worth of pay. But he wouldn't return his 80 percent raise, which he'd earned while boosting profits through layoffs and wage cuts..."

You know what words come to mind when I actully think about this stuff and the sickness that pervades our society?

Conscienceless sociopaths. Yes, this country actually rewards the most vain (Hollyweird), selfish and reckless (Wall St. speculators and traders) and sociopathic (CEOs and RepugnanThuglicans) people in it.

It's all about the bottom line, right?
(Yeah, I know conscienceless sociopaths is redundant)

Progressives of the world take note: the US-Saudi counter-revolution against the Great 2011 Arab Revolt is now official.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


If watching the surgery scenes don't make you happy to remain fat, wrinkled, and happy with the genitals you were born with you are an idiot. I never watched the show on cable because I never had cable, but it's been fun to watch on Netflix. So ok, maybe Julia and her mother are supposed to get on my last nerve?

They do.

Could any two be more valuable members of the clueless parent's club? Yeah, nevermind, every character on the show belongs to that club.

Vanessa Redgrave reminds me of one of those Joan Crawford types who's elitism may have been justified by the old studio system that enabled and protected them from their own ridiculousness Her daughter reminds me of a chihuahua, trembling and vibrating at the tiniest bit of emotion. and what's with that phony, obnoxious voice affectation? She also has really ugly and scary eyes. She belongs in horror flicks. Her character on the show is much harder to hate than the Christian character. I sincerely hope that he dies a painful, prolonged death before the series ends.

Bilbray cracks me up

Looks like his staff does things that he doesn't know about.

Kinda like his kids.


Tim Geithner Confident Congress Will Raise Debt Ceiling: Not Doing So Would Be 'Catastrophic' (VIDEO)

Metinks Geithner hasn't noticed that catastroph­e has already hit a large percentage of Americans.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama and the Budget Civil War

"We have to make agonizing choices."

Who's "we" buddy? Did "we" choose to spend trillions on wars?

Did "we" choose to hand over billions to health insurance companies?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

This is the guy we voted for

Obama to Boehner in Budget Talks: "You think we're stupid?"

Friday, April 15, 2011

Atlas Shrugged, But You Shouldn't

"Who is John Galt?"

Who cares?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

I hate red state morons

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


ps, I have been avoiding the news because every time I read it for more than 5 minutes I end up in tears.

My daughter is graduating from college in June and I want to enjoy her victory over the odds. They told her in 9th grade that her grades were so bad that she wouldn't graduate from high school if she didn't change things. She set her jaw in determination and looked at that counselor like "Yeah? We'll see about that." I am so proud of her. I don't mind tears as long as they are tears of joy. I think I need to invest in some waterproof mascara before June, eh?

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The elite and their speculators and traders

Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
By Joseph E. Stiglitz May 2011 Vanity Fair

"We've lowered the tax rates on speculators..."


2007–2008 world food price crisis

You think the protests in the middle east are ONLY about repressive governments and the yearning for democracy?


You think that was an anomoly?


Commodities rally as dollar slumps
Published on Fri, Apr 08, 2011 at 13:44

Global oil market over supplied - Iran OPEC governor
TEHRAN, April 9 | Sat Apr 9, 2011 2:39am EDT

I love Bill Cosby

Donald Trump Gets Weirder
Published: April 1, 2011

"...Vote for Donald Trump, the man who can make Bill O’Reilly look like the most sensible guy in the room...."

(just read it, it's funny)

Donald Trump Responds
Published: April 8, 2011

Gee, what's the phrase I'm looking for? Oh, yeah, ad hominem, good job Trump. Jeez, what an ass.


right wing retards on Faux newZ get it wrong again

But Law Prohibits Federal Money From Being Used To Fund Planned Parenthood's Abortions.


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Mike Pence R(etard) Indiana

If he really wants to balance the budget he might start by not accepting more in federal money than his state actually pays. My state is breaking even even with a 52% increase in federal funding.

Jesus Christ, this fucktard pisses me off.
He's a misogynistic bastard from hell. What? Does he think that because his mommy squirted out six brats that all women live for that shit?

And gee, I wonder why he's
against the public option? Could it be that he's owned and operated by the health insurance companies?

Man, this guy is easy to hate.


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

How Slavery Really Ended in America

by Adam Goodheart NYT Apr 1, 2011

"...As routine as the usage soon became, however, a hint of Butler’s joke remained, a slight edge of nervous laughter. A touch of racist derision, too: William Lloyd Garrison’s abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, carped, justly enough, that it was offensive to speak of human beings that way. Yet in its very absurdity, reflecting the Alice-in-Wonderland legal reasoning behind Butler’s decision, the term also mocked the absurdity of slavery — and the willful stupidity of federal laws that, for nearly a century, had acknowledged no meaningful difference between a bushel of corn and a human being with dark skin. Eventually, even black leaders adopted it..."

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

GOP Leadership: White House Has Rejected Emergency One-Week Funding Measure

If the GOP's owners would just pay their danged taxes and get a clue, it wouldn't come to this.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, April 04, 2011

How did I miss this one?

I love Senator Bernie Sanders. Hat tip to OB Rag

Bernie? The rich seem to think their shit smells like roses.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Saudi Arabian women

Page last updated at 10:13 GMT, Monday, 28 March 2011 11:13 UK
The Saudi women taking small steps for change

Before I flew to the Saudi capital Riyadh to make a film about the position of women in the kingdom, I met a Saudi woman studying in the UK who told me, "Saudi Arabia is the biggest women's prison in the world".

They're still going to be stuck in the 7th century
after the oil runs out, only nobody will care. The silly primates who dominate this planet will be fighting it out to see which of the 1 billiion lucky ones will survive, provided the natural resources can still support that many.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is this a hit piece sponsored by the Pentagon?

The Private Life of Bradley Manning.

10 min excerpt here.

I guess the whole Frontline program goes on in May. I dunno, kinda stinks to me. Does the DOD ever get tired of the PR efforts it has to make?