
Sunday, November 28, 2010

While Fox News Pundits Clamor To Attack North Korea, News Corp Is In Bed With The Regime

Reported by Ellen - November 28, 2010 -

And Oh. My. God. You
have to read Driftglass today. Go on, git outta here --

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The AT&T Settlement: A reason to be thankful this holiday season.

Yeesh, after reading a little bit more about this case and the NYT editorial yesterday and it's comments I just get more and more disgusted with corporate America and it's handmaidens in Congress and the Supreme Court. Goddamned huge ass companies have to be told by the courts that their contracts were unconscionable? The only thing that makes me grateful of this decision is that it may help insure that class action suits don't go the way of the dodo bird.

Today, that is.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


8 Things Progressives Can Be Thankful For
Chin up, after all we've got Rachel Maddow, health care, Pittsburgh's f-you to corporate control, and a whole lot more to be thankful for.
November 25, 2010

Let's see, what else am I grateful for?

I'm healthy. My husband puts up with my cranky ass and goes to a job that ain't much fun in order to take care of us. The kid is healthy and
smart and almost done spending our savings on college, but she won't have shitloads of debt when she starts out. I have more family and friends in good shape (surviving financially, ain't none of us running marathons, lol) than a lot of people.

Most of the San Diego flora looks like this -

But I live in an apartment complex with trees like this -

Damn straight I'm grateful, these trees are gorgeous.

And one more thing
Hammer Drops on Tom DeLay

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pew Study Finds Republican Bias In Landline-Only Polls

Marc Kilstein | November 23, 2010, 8:18AM

"...For years, people have contended that a right-leaning bias exists in public opinion polls that fail to consider cell phone users. This argument has some new backing-- a Pew Research Center report released Monday suggests that polls based on landline-only samples do, in fact, suffer from a Republican bias..."

My first thought was, yeah, they registered Republican in the 50's when it was a party that gave a shit about small business owners and never looked back. Now they don't even look up from the Fox Snooz propaganda channel.

I also read this article this morning:

The Two-Party Oligarchy Vs. The People
By David DeGraw, AmpedStatus

"...Watching Democrats complain about Republicans and Republicans complain about Democrats is like watching two Neanderthals throw rocks at each other while a pack of lions surround them..."

Yup, I'm guilty as charged sometimes. *sigh*

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cagle nails it again

Sarah Palin Scouting Office Space In Iowa, Hints At 2012 Presidential Run

Have I stepped into the Twilight Zone? Palin for President? WTF?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Best Sarah Palin post ever.

Chalmers Johnson RIP

James Fallows - The Atlantic
NOV 21 2010, 1:40 AM ET
I have just heard that Chalmers Johnson died a few hours ago, at age 79, at his home near San Diego. He had had a variety of health problems for a long time...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kamala Harris CA AG?

"...Unlike Republicans, Democrats have reason to be worried about dirty tricks. The Cooley campaignhad major support from Karl Rove, who of course had a leading role in the 2000 travesty. Rove has made his career on dirty tricks since he won a bitter 1973 campaign for Executive Director of the College Republicans -- in part by getting votes for his opponent disallowed. Although Rove was caught on tape counseling other young Republicans on how to cheat, then Republican National Committee chair George H.W. Bush chose Rove as the winner and later, fatefully, connected him with his son, George W..."


Axis of Depression
Published: November 18, 2010

What do the government of China, the government of Germany and the Republican Party have in common?
They’re all trying to bully the Federal Reserve into calling off its efforts to create jobs. And the motives of all three are highly suspect.

Friday, November 19, 2010

<em>Shadow Elite</em>: Truthiness, Porn and the Real Problem With Reality TV

You didn't mention the porn stars who last three months in the business and then have to retire because of a prolapsed anus.

I'm thinking that the American voter pretty much has a prolapsed anus and part of that is because instead of getting real news we get performances bought and paid for by really big media conglomerates.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Grover Norquist: GOP Must Be Willing To Force Government Shutdown In Battle Against Federal Spending

Yes, Norquist has done quite well for himself whoring for the rich hasn't he? And Gingrich still thinks he's running the country.

Gingrich: Don't just reject the left, replace it

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh boy, Bunnypants AND a shitload of GOP Governors

They are here. Ugh. A gang who spent 50 million bucks to win these seats complaining about spending just cracks me right the fuck up.

Mystery sewer foam.

A thick, oozing mess was spewing up from the storm drain near Davis' condo at Kellogg Beach in Point Loma, on the bay near Shelter Island,

Obviously we already have a problem with pollution.

Sometimes I really hate this town and it's FauxNewz brainwashed inhabitants.

This makes me want to shower with anti-bacterial soap and I hate that stuff. I think I need something to settle my stomach now.

SAN DIEGO — Newt Gingrich on Thursday urged GOP governors to turn what he calls "the rejection of the left" into "the replacement of the left" by enacting conservative, transformational policies in the states.

You've got to be kidding me. The arrogance of these assholes.

Republican Push To Defund NPR Fails (VIDEO)

and let the batcrap crazymaking begin!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Presidential Book Tour Stops in San Diego

Updated 6:01 AM PST, Thu, Nov 18, 2010
Source: Presidential Book Tour Stops in San Diego | NBC San Diego

Former president George W. Bush will be in San Diego Thursday to meet with the Chamber of Commerce.
Bush has been busy talking with television networks, cable hosts and others about his book called "Decision Points," a memoir on his presidency.
The president will share his personal thoughts on some major events during his presidency, including the war in Iraq, the 9/11 terrorists attacks and Hurricane Katrina.
The meeting is not open to the public but we will be there to report on the discussion.

Should The City Of San Diego Consider Bankruptcy?
November 17, 2010

Oh the irony.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Maddow reports, you decide

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Willow Palin Facebook Posts: Homophobic Slurs, Curse Words & More (PHOTOS)

The Palins. Just part of the bread and circuses. Where's the bread?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Republicans? You been had.

Bush Photoshops Rove Out of Plame Scandal
Tue Nov. 16, 2010 3:00 AM PST Mojo
"...Bush neglects to remind his readers that Novak's second source was Karl Rove, his key political strategist..."

GOP's Top Tax Guy: Republicans Will Block Permanent Middle-Class Tax Cut
Brian Beutler | November 16, 2010, 4:51PM TPM

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Freshman GOPer: Hey, Where's My Health Care?

Josh Marshall | November 15, 2010, 11:14PM

Just go read it.

I've been watching a British show called "Survivors" ('08, '10) streams on Netflix and my favorite line came out of one of the most reprehensible characters in the show. At a kangaroo trial that his boss the politician had just made a speech in which she pushed the jury to convict because she had already sold the defendant into slavery. The line went something like "Who you going to believe, him or a politician, known to be some of the most self-promoting wankers on the planet?"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reading Now

Well, picking it up again, actually. If you don't know anything about the IMF and the World Bank it's a good primer.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Age of Stupid

2008 UK
92 min - Documentary

In the desolate future of 2055, an archivist (Pete Postlethwaite) combs through a vast collection of videos to learn what went wrong with the planet. His research points to the first decade of the century, when humans blithely ignored the warning signs of climate change. The footage he views is actually culled from real-life interviews conducted by the filmmaker, whose sharp -- and darkly funny -- insights populate this sobering documentary.

Something the New Freshman Class of Extremists Senators should be required to watch. It wont happen of course, they are too busy watching their corporate sponsor's bottom lines so that their campaign coffers remain full.

Sending the husband to the store

So he spends $40 on $30 worth of shit and I talk him through one purchase that he still manages to screw up. At least I didn't have to go to the store. *sigh*

Friday, November 12, 2010

Rachel Maddow Clashes With Jon Stewart, Civilly, In Hour's Worth Of Interview Excerpts

"We live in a plutocracy where the rich and powerful are about preserving their power to the exclusion of all others. They will use both parties to achieve this end."

I agree with that. I also got the impression that Jon knows he's part of the circus and Rachel understands that people still need bread with that circus.
About Jon Stewart
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The Professional Left

I got nothing today, go listen to Driftglass and Blue Gal.

I was going to explain my irritation with the
Maddow/Stewart "discussion" but why bother?

Now I'm going to go listen to
Left, Right and Center"...Simpson Bowles doesn't balance the budget till 2037...."


Thursday, November 11, 2010

I will not be visiting the harbor area today

UPDATE 1-Bedraggled cruise passengers return to port

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 11, 2010
1,000-foot Luxury Liner Adrift Without Power for Four Days; NTSB Says it Will Investigate

1 Passenger Taken To Hospital As Others Disembark Cruise Ship
Carnival Cruise Ship Splendor Arrives In San Diego
POSTED: 4:49 pm PST November 8, 2010
UPDATED: 11:41 am PST November 11, 2010

The short walk to Seaport Village is lovely, they should be able to get a decent meal there or many other places very close by (Anthony's is well known for having great seafood) and at least the hotels have hot water and air conditioning, although at a sunny 76 degrees F who needs it?

White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts

Update:President Obama on tax cuts: I'm not caving in to GOP pressure to extend cuts for wealthy
Friday, November 12th 2010, 7:50 AM

My bad.

Read more:

"But I don't want to trade away security for the middle class in order to make that point."

wtf? What planet does he live on?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reprehensible creatures and debt reduction

"..LORI MONTGOMERY(WaPo) : Well, the idea that they would completely wipe out the tax deductions that are known as tax expenditures -- these things are worth more than $100 billion a year. As you mentioned, they include things like the mortgage interest deduction, the tax-free treatment of employer-provided health care.

I mean, there's stuff in here that touches everyone. And they would just wipe it out, in exchange for some lower tax rates, but they would suck some more money out of the tax code. Raising the retirement age, we were sort of expecting that. But there are a number of other reforms that they are proposing that would also serve to lower benefits for wealthier retirees. That is going to be very controversial.

And they have got more than $200 billion a year in discretionary spending cuts, which is something like a 20 percent reduction in Pentagon and other agency budgets..." (watch the whole 8 minute PBS News Hour clip)

(Nobody mentions the tax rate decrease on the wealthiest)

Between this and the QE2 stuff and the QE2 G20 stuff I hate the wealthy and the powerful. Speaking of reprehensible creatures who's only means of survival is dragging your drowning ass down, I'm gonna go watch K Street which starred Carville, Matalin and all the congresscritters you could stand.

War sucks part 308,539,485

I watched some awful History channel series on the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. It was somewhere between 8 and 12 hours long, I lost track. The reason I thought it was awful is not necessarily because it was a lousy telling of history because I don't know enough to be able to say that.

I hated it for two reasons.

One, because none of the names of the major players were shown in script so I didn't know how to look them up and the scholars interviewed didn't pronounce them the same way. I don't read, write or speak Latin, Barbarian or Hun. Some of the names were familiar, but according to the History channel's pronunciation some of the time I was left wondering wtf, who they talkin' 'bout?
(one name stands out because this is my favorite painting)

Two, because the stupid, gory costumed battle, and pillage scenes were relentless. Jeez Louise, I lost track of how many years went by because time seemed to be measured in battles, invasions, raping and pillaging rather than years. Ho hum, felt like I was watching some stupid action film period piece and I'm not partial to action films, they bore the shit out of me.

War sucks. Human nature sucks. In the Roman Empire series I was struck by how many invasions were instigated by leaders trying to feed their people. There are close to 7 billion people on this planet and most leaders understand that they are in mortal danger if they cannot feed their people.

We as Americans are probably not in any danger of starvation in the short run so why are we in one
Godamned war after another?

They go on and on.
Ten years in Afghanistan and still...

If you haven't read Pepe Escobar's Pipelineistan series, do it.

Wars destroy military personnel. If only men who send others to war understood that now. I'm thinking that the Roman generals who ended up being Emperors got that.

Ya think Commander Codpiece covers that in his new book? Somehow I doubt it, but then again, in order to save what's left of my sanity I'm reading the Borowitz Report tweets on that subject.