
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reprehensible creatures and debt reduction

"..LORI MONTGOMERY(WaPo) : Well, the idea that they would completely wipe out the tax deductions that are known as tax expenditures -- these things are worth more than $100 billion a year. As you mentioned, they include things like the mortgage interest deduction, the tax-free treatment of employer-provided health care.

I mean, there's stuff in here that touches everyone. And they would just wipe it out, in exchange for some lower tax rates, but they would suck some more money out of the tax code. Raising the retirement age, we were sort of expecting that. But there are a number of other reforms that they are proposing that would also serve to lower benefits for wealthier retirees. That is going to be very controversial.

And they have got more than $200 billion a year in discretionary spending cuts, which is something like a 20 percent reduction in Pentagon and other agency budgets..." (watch the whole 8 minute PBS News Hour clip)

(Nobody mentions the tax rate decrease on the wealthiest)

Between this and the QE2 stuff and the QE2 G20 stuff I hate the wealthy and the powerful. Speaking of reprehensible creatures who's only means of survival is dragging your drowning ass down, I'm gonna go watch K Street which starred Carville, Matalin and all the congresscritters you could stand.

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