
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Tiller's murderer found with Operation Rescue's Senior Policy Advisor Cheryl Sullenger's phone number on him

This disgusting waste of oxygen has two kids? And she spread her poisonous hatred here in San Diego before she went to Kansas to terrorize Dr. Tiller. These assholes are terrorists. They are at public gatherings, no matter what the focus is. I've seen these nutjobs and their disgusting blown up pictures at a few different public gatherings. I know what it is like to try to cross one of their picket lines, they block driveways and are frighteningly unhinged.

Cheryl Sullenger is a pro-life activist an insane religious whacko. In 1988 she was arrested for and confessed to a conspiracy to bomb the Alvarado Medical Center abortion clinic. She was sentenced to two and a half years and was released after serving two of those years.


Inhofe’s Strategy To Block EPA Regulation Of Greenhouse Gases: ‘We Can Stall That Until We Get A New President’

Jeezus Christ, could it be any more obvious that some of these decrepit old fucks are only useful for their corporate sponsors?

Hot Air from the Firm Behind "Clean Coal"

Greenwashing a Coal Power Plant
E.ON U.K's parent company, E.ON, plans to build another dozen new coal-fired power stations across Europe.

Jon Stewart on GM

Bernanke Warns Deficits Threaten Financial Stability (Update3)
By Craig Torres and Brian Faler
June 3 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said large U.S. budget deficits threaten financial stability and the government can’t continue indefinitely to borrow at the current rate to finance the shortfall.

What the fuck was Bernanke the brainiac's first clue?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
BiG Mess
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisPolitical Humor

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Why I don't watch Bill O'Reilly

I really don't like watching him, he's the kind of customer that would have gotten hot coffee thrown on him had anyone ever been foolish enough to hire me as a barista. But enough about how the guy makes me feel.

Mr. Free speech's favorite phrase is "Shut up!"

He is an overpaid

blowhard lying sack of shit for the rich

who's daddy was an oil executive

Tiller killing puts spotlight on Fox's O'Reilly
By DAVID BAUDER – 8 hours ago

O'Reilly falsely claimed he only "reported what groups" were calling Tiller
June 02, 2009 11:31 pm ET

Inside the Obama White House

You know, I'm going to have to watch the stuff I missed, but right this instant I'm pissed. Why all the reactionary response to a bunch of right-wing bullshit shows on the Sotomayor nomination?

Liberal media my ass.

The Democrats won. Helllooooooo?

Torturing Democracy

Watch it online, if you dare.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Grand Theft Auto: How Stevie the Rat bankrupted GM

by Greg Palast
Monday, June 1, 2009

...But not this time. Stevie the Rat has a different plan for GM: grab the pension funds to pay off Morgan and Citi...

So what's wrong with seizing workers' pension fund money in a bankruptcy? The answer, Mr. Obama, Mr. Law Professor, is that it's illegal. (click on title link)

I also read
Monday, June 1st, 2009
Goodbye, GM Michael Moore

and it makes a hell of a lot more sense than Obama and his bankster's scheme.

Dr. George Tiller (1941-2009): Murdered Abortion Provider Remembered for Lifelong Dedication to Women’s Reproductive Health

The 8th abortion provider to be assassinated since the 1970's.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

George Tiller Killed: Abortion Doctor Shot At Church

This fucking chaps my hide.

Foxtard Bill O'Reilly says Tiller operated a "death mill"

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chilly, drizzly Saturday reading

Plant to Destroy Chemical Weapons Opens in Russia
By Philip P. Pan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, May 30, 2009
U.S. Gave $1 Billion as Part of Effort to Dispose of Huge Stockpile of Munitions

Huh? What about ours?

Interest groups already engaged in nominee battle
Thursday, May 28, 2009
By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The battle is on between conservative and liberal interest groups to define little-known federal judge Sonia Sotomayor before senators - away from the capital on a weeklong break - return to weigh in on the fate of the woman who would be the Supreme Court's first Hispanic.

posted May 28, 2009 10:19 am
Tomgram: William Astore, Educating Ourselves to Oblivion

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Duck blogging

I was getting my first cup of coffee this morning and I got some visitors on the common grassy area right in front of my apartment. I tried to get a shot of the one brave and curious squirrel and the ducks, but I missed it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sending loved ones

Today someone I love very much sent her baby brother to Iraq, or Afghanistan, I can't even remember which one because it is so incredibly painful. I met him through her when he was a pre-teen and his voice wasn't anywhere near to cracking and then changing. My friend has to be strong for their mother. The father and the son are two more victims of the economic downturn. The plant they worked at can make the product cheaper and without unionized labor somewhere else, never mind that it breaks lives, homes, families, and hearts. This familiy has already been through hell, they don't need this shit too.

I know what it is like to send a loved one into a war zone. All the patriotic bullshit disappears and your knees are weak at the thought of never seeing this person again that you love so much.

Frankly, this just sucks.

Sibel Edmonds announcing Project Expose MSM

Blogged by Sibel Edmonds 5/27/2009 5:00AM
Whistleblowers set to name names, turn tables on media who've betrayed our trust
Newsweek reporters named in 'real-life' case example of new project...
Guest Blogged by Sibel Edmonds

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California Supreme Court Upholds Prop. 8 Gay Marriage Ban, But Allows Current Gay Marriages To Stand

Ho hum. That was predictable. People vote for whatever has the best teevee ads and the PropH8ers must have spent their money more wisely, or something. I know that churchgoers are easy to recruit because they were all over my usually very tolerant neighborhood.

If there is one thing I cannot stand about Christianity, it's that so many preachers, ministers, priests and pastors are concerned with their congregations breeding more of whatever brand of Christianity they are preaching and that the homosexual bashing is in far too many churches. It's time for that stupid, fear-based crap to STOP.

Why the fuck do we need more people on this planet which is being choked by humans and their toxic waste? Seven billion is plenty of people, and it is a completely unsustainable amount of people on the planet. Especially the humans used to a standard of living like we have in the USA. That's not to say that gay people don't have families because they do. I hope that if they are reading this, that they watched to video I linked to also.

Update 9:24 AM 5/27/2009
California Supreme Court Upholds Prop 8
posted by Richard Kim on 05/26/2009 @ 1:36pm

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day 2009 - A Look at Women in the Military

Marcia G. Yerman
Huffington Post
May 23, 2009

...The Pentagon confirmed that one in three women serving her country has been the victim of a sexual assault. There were 3,000 sexual assaults "reported" in 2008 (as opposed to those that went unreported for fear of ostracism or repercussion). It is clear that the problems of our service women need to be heard and addressed...
(click on title link for full article)

Why Are Women Still Treated Like Second-Class Soldiers?
By Helen Benedict, The Nation
Posted on May 25, 2009, Printed on May 25, 2009

I was born and raised in San Diego, which for all practical purposes is one big military base, or military contractor haven staffed with ex-military. I worked on a base for a couple of years. From what I have observed military women are given the choice of three titles, informally of course, by their fellow servicemen:

1. Bitch

2. Slut

3. Dyke

And my husband wonders why I didn't want to subject my siblings (non-military people) to ten fucking hours of

Am I going to get crap for being so "insensitive" on Memorial Day? Probably. Will it change my love/hate relationship with the military? Probably not. Do I hate the glorification of a brutal and misogynistic culture? Yes. Do I blame the kids who join the military, usually now because our industrial base has been hollowed out and said kids need jobs? No.

Do I hate the rich fucks who's kids never join the military yet expect the military to protect, or increase their wealth?


Do I really hate being dependent on the military budget which has become a sacred cow in this country, yet is bankrupting this country?


When I got married I felt like I was in between a rock and a hard space and I did not have only myself to think about.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I don't watch the Sundy morning babble on shows

I figure if I miss anything important some blog that I read will pick up on it. So this is what I'm reading:

Obama signs weapons procurement reform
Published: May 22, 2009 at 12:54 PM UPI

Last update - 05:49 24/05/2009
'Israel won't yield to U.S. demands, won't halt settlement construction'
By Haaertz Service

Al Qaeda recruits back in Europe, but why?
Four men say their training experience in Pakistan wasn't what they hoped for. Anti-terrorism officials wonder if they're just biding their time, ready to strike in Europe.
By Sebastian Rotella
LA Times
May 24, 2009

Go to the LA Times search function and put in "israel settlements" and compare the titles of the articles to the title on the Haaretz (an Israeli newspaper) article above. It doesn't surprise me that LA is fed a bunch of bullshit when it comes to Israeli settlements, or the Al Qaeda and Iran fear is ramped up. I'm sure that AIPAC has a huge fucking office in LA.

May 23, 2009
Easy bets with other folks' cash
By Chan Akya
Asia Times

Elite Colleges Are Promoting a Culture of Selfish, Cutthroat Behavior and We Are All Paying the Price
By Peter Schmidt, AlterNet. Posted May 23, 2009.
The results are campus environments where disregard for society is socially accepted, where misguided students are encouraged to become worse.

The House That Taxpayers Built
Posted on May 22, 2009
By David Sirota

Rising unemployment raises threat of social crisis: World Bank
Sun May 24, 2009 7:27am EDT

The last article cracked my ass up. If you don't know why that is you haven't read the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein yet.

I'm also still reading The Ecology of Fear by Mike Davis © 1998

Fires, floods, earthquakes and who knew that LA had a tornado alley?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Miscellaneous articles I read today

Uncle Sam's Human Lab Rats
Mon May 18, 2009 5:00 AM PST Mother Jones
They say government scientists messed with their minds. Now, veterans of secret psychedelic tests want answers.
—By Bruce Falconer

Bail Out Your Own Damn Self!
Time for a Tax and Mortgage Strike
by Ted Rall
Published on Thursday, May 21, 2009 by

US Colonel Advocates US 'Military Attacks' on 'Partisan Media' in Essay for Neocon, Pro-Israel Group JINSA
Published on Thursday, May 21, 2009 by Rebel Reports
“The point of all this is simple: Win,” writes Col. Ralph Peters. “In warfare, nothing else matters. If you cannot win clean, win dirty. But win.”
by Jeremy Scahill

Obama signs weapons procurement reform
WASHINGTON, May 22 (UPI) -- U.S. military weapons procurement, long criticized for bloat and inefficiency, changed Friday when President Obama signed into law purchase reforms.

Moyers covers single payer healthcare on tonight's show

Whence Single-Payer?
But Dr. David Himmelstein and Dr. Sidney Wolfe tell Bill Moyers on the JOURNAL that President Obama isn't considering a popular plan — single-payer. In a recent town-hall meeting in New Mexico, President Obama said switching to single-payer would be too disruptive.

Update 9:39 PM 5/22/2009 Just as I thought. "switching to single-payer would be too disruptive" is code for "would eliminate the health insurance industries bloody profits."
watch video here

PBS NOW covers terrorist rehab.

This story looks interesting to me, but it also makes me laugh. We can't even set up rehab for drug addicts. Hey wouldn't want to put a dent in CIA, DEA, or prison funding would we?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friday squirrel blogging

Obama Curtails Bush's Policy of 'Preemption'
It Let Federal Rules Override State Laws
By Philip RuckerWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, May 22, 2009

Dick Cheney needs to STFU

Cheney defends Bush-era policies

Ketchup is a Vegetable has an outstanding post on Cheney today.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The California Nightmare

I got nuthin' today, but click on the title link if you want to understand why what was once California Dreamin' is now....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Supreme Court Hands Medical Marijuana Major Victory

By Ryan Grim, Huffington Post. Posted May 18, 2009.

The Supreme Court removes one of the last barriers to full implementation of medical marijuana laws.

The U.S. Supreme Court handed medical marijuana patients and advocates a resounding victory on Monday, refusing to hear a case brought by San Diego County, which has long chafed at implementing statewide medical marijuana laws.

I was hoping Dianne Jacob would get her ass handed to her on this one. She did. By the Ca supreme court, and now the Federal Supreme Court. Heh.

Just because there are so many politicians in this county who feel entitled to federal funds and and appear to believe that they are therefore restricted by federal laws doesn't mean that this county is actually part of Washington DC. It is California.

Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Unexceptional Americans

posted May 19, 2009 09:36 am
Why We Can't See the Trees or the Forest
The Torture Memos and Historical Amnesia
By Noam Chomsky

The Disease of Permanent War
By Chris Hedges
Posted on May 18, 2009

AP photo / Rich Pedroncelli

Cold War relic: An F-111 fighter jet on display at McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento, Calif.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hidden things eventually show up

Rural Alaska leads nation in a tragic way: suicides

Way to go Molly McMooseturd.

Moving on.

FBI infiltrated Iowa anti-war group before GOP convention

By WILLIAM PETROSKI • | © 2009, Des Moines Register and Tribune Company • May 17, 2009
...Confidential FBI documents obtained by The Des Moines Register show an FBI informant was planted among a group described as an "anarchist collective" that met regularly last year in Iowa City....

Change We Can Believe In for U.S.-Israeli Relations?

By Phyllis Bennis, AlterNet. Posted May 17, 2009.

As Obama prepares to meet Israel's new hard-line PM, much of the world awaits signs of a new course.

I wish I had more faith at this point, but this has been one hell of a week when it comes to the appearance of Obama cave-ins on campaign promises.

Still, I don't want to lose hope, because he does have s a pretty good record so far.

Especially since he was only crowned King of the Mountain in January 2009.

This mountain that Bush left him.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fake news producer goes further into the red

Ha. Serves 'em right.

Howard Zinn: Changing Obama's Military Mindset

By Howard Zinn, The Progressive. Posted May 15, 2009.
Obama once said, 'It's not enough to get out of Iraq; we have to get out of the mindset that led us into Iraq.' What happened to that Obama?

Ok. When a retired Army Colonel who fought in Vietnam and taught at West Point who describes himself as a conservative Catholic and an anti-war/civil rights activist since after he fought in WWII are saying the same thing, I have one question.

Why aren't those in power listening?

Who Rules America?
By Paul Craig Roberts
15 May, 2009

Even with Obama in charge, anti-war Democrats powerless
By David Lightman | McClatchy Newspapers

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Rape of Europa

According to U.S. estimates, the Nazis stole one-fifth of all the known artworks in Europe. While the Allies returned most of the displaced art in the decade following the war, much of the loot is still missing. Tragically, unique masterpieces were destroyed and lost to posterity forever. Other works of art—the last, forgotten victims of the war—survived but remain unidentified, traceable only with costly and difficult investigation.

The Monuments Men: Rescuing Art Plundered by the Nazis
By Ronald H. Bailey | World War II