
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California Supreme Court Upholds Prop. 8 Gay Marriage Ban, But Allows Current Gay Marriages To Stand

Ho hum. That was predictable. People vote for whatever has the best teevee ads and the PropH8ers must have spent their money more wisely, or something. I know that churchgoers are easy to recruit because they were all over my usually very tolerant neighborhood.

If there is one thing I cannot stand about Christianity, it's that so many preachers, ministers, priests and pastors are concerned with their congregations breeding more of whatever brand of Christianity they are preaching and that the homosexual bashing is in far too many churches. It's time for that stupid, fear-based crap to STOP.

Why the fuck do we need more people on this planet which is being choked by humans and their toxic waste? Seven billion is plenty of people, and it is a completely unsustainable amount of people on the planet. Especially the humans used to a standard of living like we have in the USA. That's not to say that gay people don't have families because they do. I hope that if they are reading this, that they watched to video I linked to also.

Update 9:24 AM 5/27/2009
California Supreme Court Upholds Prop 8
posted by Richard Kim on 05/26/2009 @ 1:36pm

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