
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Iran and Russia messing around in Latin America

(click to enlarge)

Bolivia: The Spies Who Spun Me

Update Thursday, September 25, 2008
22:43 Mecca time, 19:43 GMT
Putin and Chavez in nuclear talks

Stephen Zunes
Posted September 22, 2008 05:30 PM (EST)
U.S. Intervention in Bolivia

24 Sep 2008
The Monroe Doctrine: Circling the drain
President Bush has distanced himself farther from Latin America than any president in recent history, creating a dangerous vacuum.
By Southern Pulse Network Staff

Posted on Wed, Sep. 24, 2008
AIM DANIEL McGROARTY: It's (still) foreign policy, stupid (scroll down)

Ok, here's a little on the financial meltdown.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke just straight out lied about the subprime meltdown.

mp4 stream from Democracy Now-- Naomi Klein warns of the Shock Doctrine at work in the Wall Street bailout, this is only step one.

This is a must see, she tears into those thieving bastards like they so richly deserve! Major H/T to Ornery Bastard's buddy Joe over at Left Edge North!
Posted by Bustednuckles at 10:12 AM

Financial Fascism
...for what is proposed is not the nationalization of private corporations but rather a corporate takeover of government....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ahmadinejad and Bush at the UN, a couple of loudmouthed morons

The rhetoric retards battle it out.

I wonder who's asking

"Is Your Vote Safe?"
RFK Jr., Mike Papantonio:Monday 22 September 2008
by: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Ring of Fire

A Time to Fight by Jim Webb

At first I thought this was going to be a snoozefest. I'm pleasantly surprised.

For someone in the Senate to write "...our country has been increasingly calcifying along class lines, in a way we have not seen for more than a century and to an extent that maybe unprecedented in our entire history. This is no longer a simple queston of haves and have-nots. Every social and economic indicator shows that America now has an upper class that has swung exponentially away from the rest of society. To make matter worse, many of those at the very top now tend to view their inordinate success a s simply a function of their innate talent in a brave new world of socioeconomic Darwinism and have become openly consumed by self-justifying greed." -- is wonderful.

Somewhat related

Economists Warn Anti-Bush Merchandise Market Close To Collapse

The problem with this PBS poll

Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the United States?

Obviously the freeptards have discovered that you can vote multiple times. Go neutralize them, pleeaaaasssseeee.

Palin's Witch Hunting Pastor (Olbermann)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's the elitist candidate?

click to enlarge

hat tip to

E pluribus hokum or When the gamblers bail out the casino

Sep 23, 2008
By Spengler

Why should American taxpayers give US Treasury Secretary "Hank" Paulson a blank check to bail out the shareholders of busted banks?...

... Even better, why not let the Chinese, or the Saudis or other foreign investors take control of failed American banks? They've got the money, and they gladly would pay a premium for an inside seat at the American table.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

60 minutes

So far McCain is continuing to take lobbed softball questions from Pelley. Bleh. McCain answers by spewing bullshit talking points

Much harder on Obama

How much longer do we have to put up with this crap?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dam building

We're Paying the Price Today for Decades of Relentless Dam Building
Thursday 18 September 2008
by: Rachel Olivieri, AlterNet

...Aldo Leopold, the legendary and visionary U.S. Forest Service land manager of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s said dams make the land sick and provide only a temporary prosperity followed by tremendous vulnerability. This ecological reality is incontrovertible - all dams have an end date.
California leads the list with dams near self-cancellation. Within the next generation, 85 percent of all U.S. dams will have degenerated to the point of exhausting their operational lifespan of fifty years requiring decommissioning or massive repairs and upgrades. Now consider that every sweet spot in every geologically sane canyon that might reasonably hold a dam already has an aging dam, what then?...

Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain busted by PBS reporter Judy Woodruff hypocritically talking about Obama doing 1/10 of what he is doing

McCain cites contributions from Freddie and Fannie to Obama...blah blah blah, and yet, McCain has received "$169,000 from lobbyists", & blah blah blah. .. "more than ten times what Obama has received from them."

Listen for yourself to
the mp3 file

By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Iran plays the mediator
Sep 20, 2008
...Palin should be aware of the importance of courting Iran at this critical hour, rather than strengthening the caricature of Iran painted by simplistic anti-Tehran voices in the US. The nation's recent diplomatic interventions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Russia and Georgia, are an enlightening indication of Iran's capacity to act as a "main pillar of regional stability", to paraphrase Ahmadinejad in his latest interview...

Right. This stuff can be published and read with comprehension all around the world. Molly McMooseturd isn't reading it, she's reading whatever the neocon bastards are writing for her teleprompter.

Hiding out today

Screw the economy, well except for this, today I flop out on the bed and read. Inspirational, I hope, I paid twleve bucks for the damn thing. I don't remember ever buying a Sports Illustrated magazine. I'll resurface when I think the currency wars are under control....

3:54 PM 9/19/2008 Obviously I can't ignore all this and go read about MP except in fits and starts. Do you really think that the following articles have nothing to do with the financial shit-storm going on in the US? Think again.

If crowd control is necessary inside the US, the Army will do it.

Fucking Fabulous.hat tip Danny

Venezuela-Russia ties deepen despite US pressure
By IAN JAMES – 21 hours ago

Russia snubs US with arms sales Tony Halpin in Moscow and Alexi Mostrous in Washington September 19, 2008
Venezuela-Russia ties deepen despite US pressure
By IAN JAMES – 21 hours ago

Russia seeks oil control with OPEC move
Russia is seeking to work with OPEC in a move that will unnerve European countries worried that Moscow is seeking to raise the oil price and control energy supplies

Conyers Calls on McCain to Halt GOP Voter Suppression Efforts
By Kate Klonick - September 19, 2008, 2:56PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

OC Repugs won't get to drool over Molly McMooseturd

Nope, nope nope, she won't be there, you betcha , but here she is proving what a ballsy idiot she is

Whoa, lookee here, all the Palin factoids with sources linked in one post

Moving on.
Why the San Diego Union Tribune is commonly known as "the fiswrap", it's for sale, ya think it's in the CIA budget?

Informed voters?

Questions for McCain and Obama on the Economic Carnage
By Nieman Watchdog.

Analysis: McCain leads a dual life as powerbroker
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008
By GLEN JOHNSON Associated Press Writer

VIENNA, Ohio (AP) - John McCain embraces and expels Washington like an accordion player belting out a song.

Squeeze in and he touts his vast knowledge of the capital city. Draw out and he casts himself a reformer bent on changing its ways.

It's a remarkable dichotomy echoed throughout the Republican establishment, as a party that's held the White House for the past eight years tries to retain its grip in what has shaped up as a change election.

High Turnout, New Procedures May Mean an Election Day Mess

In 2004, voters in Columbus, Ohio, waited in long lines to cast ballots. This year, election officials there have added poll workers and voting machines.
By Mary Pat Flaherty
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 18, 2008; Page A01

Faced with a surge in voter registrations leading up to Nov. 4, election officials across the country are bracing for long lines, equipment failures and confusion over polling procedures that could cost thousands the chance to cast a ballot.
Lost Homes, Lost Votes: Are Republicans Trying to Block Foreclosed Homeowners from Voting in Michigan?

and finally, metering your intenet flow to make you pay more.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

McCain campaign ads

Lemmee break it down for you.

Pick a paper, any paper

McCain Blasts Wall Street Failure, Neglects To Mention His Adviser Helped Cause It

Oil and money

Crude Oil Tumbles as Wall Street Turmoil Adds to Demand Concern
By Mark Shenk
Sept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Crude oil tumbled, taking its two- day decline to more than $10 a barrel, on concern that turmoil on Wall Street may weaken the global economy and cut fuel demand.

Europe Trade Deficit Widens to Record on Energy Costs (Update1)
By Fergal O'Brien
Sept. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Europe's trade gap widened to a record in July as a cooling global economy damped exports and crude oil's advance to a record boosted the energy deficit.

Lower oil price, weaker euro boost German indicator
16 September 2008, 14:17 CET
(FRANKFURT) - Germany's closely watched ZEW economic indicator strengthened in its latest reading released Tuesday, boosted by lower oil prices and a weaker euro and beating expectations.

Treasury to Sell Bills to Bolster Fed Balance Sheet (Update2)

By Rebecca Christie and John Brinsley
Sept. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The Treasury will sell more debt to enable the Federal Reserve to expand its balance sheet, a sign of the strains created by the biggest extension of central-bank credit to financial companies since the Great Depression.
The program starts today with a $40 billion auction of 35- day bills, a day after the government agreed to take over American International Group Inc., the Treasury said in a statement in Washington


( Toyota Unhappy About Proposed $7,500 Tax Credit for Chevy Volt
Brandon Hill (Blog) - September 17, 2008 12:00 AM

House Adopts Plan to Ease Offshore Drilling Ban
Published: September 16, 2008
WASHINGTON — The House on Tuesday night approved a measure that would ease a longstanding ban on offshore oil drilling and try to spur greater use of alternative fuels as Democrats and Republicans engaged in a bitter pre-election clash over America’s energy future.

TFN NEWS BRIEFING: Oil and utilities highlights to 15:45 BST

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

GOP lies, steals, cheats, so what's new?

Yeah. I got nuthin, but BradBlog does.

Jews being targeted with Anti-Obama push-polls bullcrap in FL (swing state)

Voter caging in Michigan.

. Mark Crispin Miller on why they chose Sarah Palin

I can haz this for lunch?


Review: 'Flow'
Irena Salina's documentary looks at all things water and the effects a dwindling supply has on health, prosperity and security.

Blue Covenant
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water
Maude Barlow

Interestingly, Ms. Barlow says during the local NPR interview that the United States, Canada and Australia are the biggest "virtual water" exporters. She speaks of agriculture taking the level of the Oglalla aquifer down and it NOT recharging. And of corporate power overtaking the commons.

She's speaks of 12 years worth of water, and I missed what area she was referring to.

She speaks of the water rationing in Australia. She speaks of the ridiculous wastage of water in Southern California, which can be changed.

Hey Oprah, ya hear that? This ain't Chicago !!!

Ms. Barlow also fielded a call from a local discussing the planned desalination plant, the problems it could solve, and create. Desalination is not only very expensive, it causes other problems in the ocean. She mentioned that she had seen black ocean in Saudi Arabia. Then she fielded a call from one of the Lost boys of Sudan (we have a few of them here) who said that the water wars have already begun in his homeland.

She also mentioned exponential population growth, and how it stresses our water supplies. The number she floated was 3 billion in the next 40 years, even though people are having smaller families. That sounds like a low estimate to me considering that the world population doubled (increased by more than 3 billion) in my lifetime.

On a more personal note, I find it amazing that I could have been born and raised in San Diego, spent 6 years in year-round competive swimming (the majority of the pools here are outdoors, helloooo evaporation?) and not known until a couple of years ago that 90% of the water in this city is imported.

Monday, September 15, 2008

John Hiatt -- Cry Love

I've had this song stuck in my head all day. My favorite lyrics?

"The trust of a woman in his hand
But he was a little boy, not a man
You loved him stronger than he could feel
Yeah he was wrapped up in himself like an orange peel"

Steve Coll on “The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century”

Democracy Now!
September 15, 2008

Steve Coll on “The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century”
Nearly seven years after the first bombs were dropped on Afghanistan, the US war there continues to escalate. President Bush recently announced he will send an additional 5,000 troops to Afghanistan. Both major party presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, have pledged to send more troops if elected. The United States launched the war in Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks. The stated purpose of the invasion was to capture Osama bin Laden and remove the Taliban regime, which had provided support and safe harbor to al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden is known worldwide as the founder of al-Qaeda and the mastermind of 9/11. But much less is known of his sprawling Saudi family and their multiple ties to the United States. A new book by award-winning journalist Steve Coll details the complicated family history of Osama bin Laden, one of 54 children born to Mohammed bin Laden.

Fascinating. Horrifying. Pretty easy to loathe. It's also easy to loathe our government's dealing with the Islamist extremists through the CIA against Russia in Afghanistan in the 80's.

Bin Laden's Soft Support
How the next president can win over the world's most alienated Muslims.
By Kenneth Ballen

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Why Soldiers Rape

...The view of women as sexual prey has always been present in military culture. Indeed, civilian women have been seen as sexual booty for conquering soldiers since the beginning of human history. So, it should come as no surprise that the sexual persecution of female soldiers has been going on in the armed forces for decades....

I worked on a base for a couple years, when I was young, relatively naive, and cute, but by no means beautiful. The sexual harrassment was constant and came from civilians and all ranks of military personnel, male and female, young and old. It was surprising to me since I had to wear the ugliest, most unflattering uniforms on the planet. It got old.


AkMuckraker visits both Palin rallies in Alaska

‘Alaska Women Reject Palin’ Rally is HUGE!


I sent my friend the Mudflats post and she sent me back these pictures. She says to enjoy them.

Never mind that the shock jock in Anchorage may have actually helped bring the anti-Palin protesters numbers up:

Alaska Women Rally Against Palin And Are Threatened

Don't be fooled by funny opening: 'SNL' isn't back

The opening skit was funny and Phelps did a good job with what he was given to work with. Lil Wayne gave me the creeps, he needs to pull his pants up, and take that metal out of his mouth so we can understand him, but I'm old and I remember when SNL characters were funny.

John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof

Scoobie Davis tracks down the 'Obama is a Muslim' baloney. Scoobie must have a much stronger stomach than I do, muck(rak)ing about on those right-wing nutjob sites.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Deja Vu

In Office, Palin Hired Friends and Hit Critics
Published: September 13, 2008
This article is by Jo Becker, Peter S. Goodman and Michael Powell.

Hmmm, I wonder why this would set off alarm bells?

Now let me think....

The Contract

I liked it.

A movie comes along that does't completely insult the viewer's intelligence and ability to imagine different scenarios and it's panned and it bombs.

Gah. This country is hopeless.

Looks like Al-Qaida radio in Saudi Arabia is A-OK

Saudi OKs Killing "Immoral" TV Execs
Decree Says Permissible To Kill Satellite TV Network Owners Over Immoral Content
Comments 103
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 12, 2008
AP) Saudi Arabia's top judiciary official has issued a religious decree saying it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV networks that broadcast immoral content.

The 79-year-old Sheik Saleh al-Lihedan said Thursday that satellite channels cause the "deviance of thousands of people."

Many of the most popular Arab satellite networks - which include channels showing music videos often denounced as obscene by Muslim conservatives - are owned by Saudi princes and well-connected Saudi businessmen. Al-Lihedan did not specify any particular channels.

Al-Lihedan is chief of the kingdom's highest tribunal, the Supreme Judiciary Council. Saudi Arabia's judiciary is made up of Islamic clerics whose decrees, or fatwas, on everyday issues are widely respected. Their fatwas do not have the weight of law. In the courts, cleric-judges rule according to Islamic law, but interpretations can vary.

Al-Lihedan was answering listeners' questions during the daily "Light in the Path" radio program in which he and others make rulings on what is permissible under Islamic law.

One caller asked about Islam's view of the owners of satellite TV channels that show "bad programs" during Ramadan.

"I want to advise the owners of these channels, who broadcast calls for such indecency and impudence ... and I warn them of the consequences," he said.

"What does the owner of these networks think, when he provides seduction, obscenity and vulgarity?" he said.

"Those calling for corrupt beliefs, certainly it's permissible to kill them," he said. "Those calling for sedition, those who are able to prevent it but don't, it is permissible to kill them."

Those calling for corrupt beliefs, certainly it's permissible to kill them. Those calling for sedition, those who are able to prevent it but don't, it is permissible to kill them.

Sheik Saleh al-LihedanAmong the most viewed Arabic satellite networks is Rotana, which airs movies and music videos. It is owned by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and member of the royal family whom Forbes ranks as the world's 13th richest person.

Other questions in the radio show tackled personal issues. Al-Lihedan advised one man, for example, that by kissing his wife during the day he broke his fast during the holy month of Ramadan, when having sex, eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited from sunrise to sunset. He told the man he should make up for it with an extra day of fasting.

Al-Lihedan sparked controversy in the past by issuing a decree that Saudis can join jihadists to fight U.S. troops in Iraq.

© MMVIII, The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

You think our leaders are hopped up and whacked out on religion?

Music videos can get you killed?

What a bunch of stupid sheeple to not just make these fatwa spewing fucktards irrelevent. Most of them are so old a ten year old girl could crush their fragile little skulls, and along with it their tiny little, stuck-in-the-7th-century brains.

Friday, September 12, 2008

OneFly tagged me.

1. Where was I ten years ago?

About 3 miles south of where I am now, raising a fabulous child who is now a fabulous young adult.

2. What was on my To Do list today?

Cleaning the bathroom, and trying not to be too horrified by the Pitbull McMooseturd silly goose interview and the ridiculousness of the "liptstick on a pig" show today.

3. What would I do if I were a billionaire?

Give more to Planned Parenthood.

Invest in the TBoone Pickens energy plan.

Invest in light rail public transportation.

Invest in a long-term, comprehensive shelter for homeless women and their children who have been battered.

Invest in micro-loans for women in undeveloped countries.

Invest in family planning clinics in underdeveloped countries with chronic drought conditions.

Wow, can I up that to multi-billionaire?

4. Five places I've lived?

Only four, sorry.
San Diego, Los Angeles, Portland, Ore, Wenatchee Washington (involuntary shiver on that short-lived last one)

5. Bad habits ?

Smoking, cussing, and focusing too intently on the negative.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I adore Craig Ferguson

I know you may have already seen this over at skippy's place , but it's worth watching again.

There's still time all over the US to register to vote, but move your butt if you haven't yet, click here for deadlines

Presidential Candidate Obama was great on Letterman.

Drugs and the "Drill Drill Drill" mentality

Sex, Drug Use and Graft Cited in Interior Department
Published: September 10, 2008

AP IMPACT: US oilfield deaths rise sharply
By BETSY BLANEY, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 13 minutes ago

Proving once again that leaving the Republicans in charge is stupid and stupidity kills.

De-regulate and privatize that.

Palin is a liar.

Listen and compare .

She's also every neoconservative's wet dream. She may not know what the Bush Doctrine is called, but she knows what it is and agrees with it.

I absolutely detest watching her, and listening to her.

Black Box Voting

TWO-MINUTE WARNING ON VOTING MACHINES: Welcome to "SPEED VOTING" Permission to reprint or excerpt granted, with link to USA - Diebold/Premier says it's too late to fix a new voting machine 2-minute warning and "time-out" feature, which can kick voters off the machine, forcing them to accept a provisional ballot. At least 15 voters were booted off the machine in Johnson County, Kansas recently, and Diebold/Premier says this is due to a software upgrade which sets a timer on voter inactivity. According to the company, the machines receiving the upgrade are used in 34 states and 1,700 jurisdictions.

* *This seems inflated, though. Unless the optical scan machines are also outfitted with a 2-minute warning, which doesn't make sense, it would seem that this should only apply to the DRE states and locations. JOINING THIS PROBLEM TO MAKE IT BIGGER: A study on DRE allocation from Ohio indicates that it takes an average of four to nine minutes per voter to cast an average-length ballot, and ballots in many locations will be longer than average this fall. Each additional ballot question can add 30 seconds to the time a voter must monopolize the DRE. Diebold's 2-minute timeout kicks in when the voter does not make a selection quickly enough. (Welcome to 21st Century literacy tests.) According to a Sept. 10 Kansas City Star Article, Johnson County upgraded touchscreen voting machines with a new software release from Diebold subsidiary Premier Election Solutions Inc. Buried in the release notes was a mention of a new "time out" feature that makes the voting machine eject a voter card if there has been no activity for 150 seconds. The machine emits a warning sound at 120 seconds. You can read the full article here: You can add your insights and ask questions here:

The Black Box Voting TOOL KIT 2008 ( ) recommends that citizens, like you, obtain the voting machine allocation plans for your jurisdiction. This is going to become critical for locations that use touch-screens, or DREs. Unlike optical scan voting machines, DREs require voters to monopolize a machine the whole time they are voting. The Ohio study linked below provides concrete guidelines for how many machines are needed: (3,023 KB
They activate more checkout lanes, don't they? Retail outlets have developed methods to study how customer lines are affected by both number of items and volume of customers. The same kinds of analysis techniques were used to study DRE voting machine allocations with number of ballot questions (items in the cart, so to speak) and number of voters. Retail outlets learned the hard way that the wrong calculations on active checkout lanes can produce "exploding lines" and angry customers. As the study points out, lines literally do explode when a certain threshold is met. DRE voting machines take a time certain for each vote cast, and that time increases dramatically with each ballot question added. By all accounts, the November election will bring in record numbers of voters. IT GETS WORSE If 2-minute time-outs and record voter participation aren't challenging enough, try this on for size: The above study -- and all the others we've seen -- FAIL TO CONTEMPLATE THE EFFECT OF CLEANING THE VOTER LISTS. In 2004, a list of 100 voters in a state like Indiana had only about 75 real, qualified, live and kicking voters on it. All over America, states have been cleaning the dead wood off their lists, with millions of purges in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Though the word "purge" has taken on an aura of disenfranchisement, and indeed purges have been used to disenfranchise eligible voters, what happened after 2004 was in large part cleansing the list of voters who had moved away or died. 2004 lists were chock-full of names that couldn't show up if they tried. Not so in 2008! In 2004, 100 voters might really mean 75 people but in 2008, 100 voters means 100 people. Add this increased density -- same number of registered voters = more people who actually exist -- into the mix of 2-minute time clocks and exploding DRE lines. The projections for how many DRE voting machines are needed to prevent long lines were based on 2004 voter list density, not 2008 voter list density. This means the estimates for voting machine allocation are still too low.

The Help America Vote Act, HAVA, successfully strong-armed the nation into getting DRE voting machines. HAVA didn't cover the full cost, and costs keep coming, strapping local jurisdictions into killing off neighborhood polling places and dipping into the general fund to cover losses. HAVA didn't fund buying more voting machines, so now that we have more voters headed to the booth, we can't buy more voting machines. Now you know why elections officials are out there like contest hawkers at the carnival pitching absentee and early voting: There aren't enough machines for the voting population, they can't buy any more, and the only way to avoid the train wreck is to push people into absentee and early votes. Those have other problems, which we'll address in another article.

Welcome to SPEED VOTING. Aargh.

* * * * * WISCONSIN VOTER LIST LESS NIMBLE THAN A BLOCK OF CHEESE Section 4 of our concise TOOL KIT 2008 deals with the need to test out database quirks and matching problems in the massive new centralized voter list databases. Typos, variations in whether middle initial, Jr., and suffixes like "II" can affect whether the database can find you! Officials in Wisconsin did just that, and here's what happened: WISCONSIN - System fails to match voter registration info for more than half of Wisconsin's chief elections officials. In fact, in a checkup five days before this week's election, four out of six members of the state Government Accountability Board's members failed when their names were run through new voter identification checks as a test, the board said. You can read more about that here: According to a release by the Brennan Center for Justice, Wisconsin has now dropped the match requirements. You can read more about that here: We should expect to see similar problems in more states. At particular risk are states that require an exact match between the voter list and other government lists. Florida is one such state.

* * * * * To obtain a copy of Tool Kit 2008, download for free here: or e-mail and we'll mail you a hard copy.