
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mid-East vow to curb sectarianism

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah have agreed to work together to fight sectarian strife in the Middle East.

...'Common views'

Speaking in Tehran after the talks, Mr Ahmadinejad said: "We discussed the Palestinian and Iraq issues comprehensively. We have common views in this regard."

He also said that "plots carried out by the enemies in order to divide the world of Islam were discussed" and that the Saudis had joined Iran in condemning them, the AFP news agency reports...

You know, I really hope that ordinary people in the Middle East don't consider the (ordinary) American people the enemy.

Here's why I say that:

American Idol vs. American Elections
Liz Egan
Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Oh, and then there's these neat little glitches:

Brad Blog

Democracy ain't always all that and a bag of chips, especially a democracy that has to deal with lots of corporate influence.

Why is everyone wasting precious time and energy on what Ann Coulter has to say?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Chalmers Johnson on Democracy Now

(click on title link for audio and/or transcript if you want to know why the American Republic is doomed)

I'll warn you, it's depressing, but if you grew up in a military town like I did, it won't surprise you.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Israel is a pain in our ass

A Note From Tom:-

The ICH sister website has been subject to
a number of hacking attacks and has been taken off line as a
result. We are working to restore service. Your patience is

February 24 / 25, 2007
AIPAC Demands "Action" on Iran
"An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence"

Operation infinite difference
A hundred beatsBy Fatima Bhutto
...Hilary Clinton spoke to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) earlier this month where she generously declared that "Israel is a beacon of what's right in a neighbourhood overshadowed by the wrongs of radicalism, extremism, despotism and terrorism" and continued to say that Americans "are humbled by Israel's commitment to civic engagement and open debate, free expression and the rule of law"...

Edwards Got It Right: Israeli Attack on Iran IS Threat to World Peace

TPM Café

Nevermind that they kill Palestinians, steal their land, starve their people on a daily basis, those arrogant, stubborn, stupid assholes are going to get MORE people killed in the Middle East, and then more Americans will die.

Israel reminds me of a hyperactive, spoiled, demanding thirteen year old who just can't stop being disruptive and needs to constantly be the center of attention, and cannot stop bugging the fuck out of people until his demands are met.

Maybe the brat needs his ass spanked again.

I thought Lebanon was a good hard spanking, but (sigh), I guess not.

I do not understand why the fuck the state of Israel had to be established in the Middle East.

The Neighborhood sucks.

McCain visits, gets Sanders' endorsement

Somehow this information makes me think of some things I've read in Nemesis. I did get Chalmers Johnson to sign my book the other night. During his presentation he mentioned Hanna Arendt and her description of the 'banality of evil' when she wrote about the Adolf Eichmann trial. When I finish reading Nemesis I plan on reading "The Origins of Totalinarianism."

You're wondering how I connected the article on my mayor endorsing McCain and 'the banality of evil', huh?

My nickname for the mayor is "Downsize Jerry" (quite popular in business circles here in San Diego, nevermind that their employees can't afford to live anywhere but Tijuana, and their customers are routinely frustrated with the employees 'convenient' English skills) and McCain goes along to get along with the Bush Administration.

Republicans don't think for themselves.

That is the banality of evil.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Interview: Seth Moulton, former Marine Lieutenant
David Brancaccio sits down with Seth Moulton, who served two tours in Iraq as a Marine Lieutenant, to talk about America's quandary in Iraq. Moulton argues President Bush's call for some 21,000 additional troops in Iraq is "too little, too late," and recommends a commitment of 100,000 more troops. "If it means that we have to have a draft, then that's a question we need to ask the Congress and the American public," Moulton said.

Dude, I'm not giving up my only female child for this debacle. Period.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Resting today

And John Mayer is helping me.

The more I listen to this kid's work, the more I like it.

If the rain lets up I'm going to see if I can get Chalmers Johnson to sign my copy of
Nemesis tonight. Nobody drives worth a shit in the rain here, they never slow down. In the northern part of the country they have black ice, here we have greasy roads that make you hydroplane when they get wet, and idiots.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Walter Reed: We Must Not Accept This

Brady Van Engelen brings up something I hadn't thought of:

"A system designed for World War II veterans or a 19 year old GI can never be sufficiently adequate or comprehensive to meet the needs of a 33 year old guardsman or any of the 16,000 single mothers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan."

'Scuse me for making a possible stretch here, but sometimes it seems like the Bush Administration is bound and determined to make life harder for the people trying the hardest to support themselves and their kids.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Barlett and Steele Are Back – Exposing SAIC in the Bowels of the Hollywood Issue of Vanity Fair

Washington's $8 Billion

...Much to the embarrassment of a company entrusted with some of the nation's most precious secrets, its San Diego offices were mysteriously burgled in January of 2005. A censored San Diego police-department report reveals the basic outline. The report notes that the building "is patrolled by DOD certified security" and that "the interior lights are on motion sensors and would have been activated by the suspects." Nevertheless, burglars managed to break into SAIC's headquarters, pry open 13 private offices, and walk out with one desktop-computer hard drive and four laptops. By SAIC's account, the computers contained personal data on thousands of present and past employees, presumably including the company's many former C.I.A. operatives, N.S.A. executives, and Pentagon officials. To date, the burglary remains unsolved

SAIC has displayed an uncanny ability to thrive in every conceivable political climate. It is the invisible hand behind a huge portion of the national-security state—the one sector of the government whose funds are limitless and whose continued growth is assured every time a politician utters the word "terrorism."

SAIC represents, in other words, a private business that has become a form of permanent government....

And the man who gave birth to the behemoth that practically runs this fucking city?

In the years when most corporations had glass ceilings for women, few were lower or thicker than the one at SAIC. Although Beyster was married (and the father of three children), his behavior toward women often ranged from coolness to open hostility...

...Beyster's former secretary testified that he once instructed her, on the eve of a major corporate function, to make sure he wasn't seated next to SAIC's one female board member, "because all women talked about was where they got their hair done."

...Beyster's close associates within SAIC were a succession of young men. Known as aides-de-camp, they were usually handsome, well educated, and intelligent, with a facility for numbers and a willingness to perform personal tasks for their boss. Beyster was an ardent sailor, and in the summertime he liked to spend afternoons cruising the waters off San Diego aboard his yacht in the company of these young men. George Wilson, who once headed SAIC's public-relations operation, has stated in a legal proceeding that the young men provided a variety of personal services for Beyster, including using SAIC equipment to make copies of pornographic movies that Beyster would watch aboard his boat....


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ay pay toxes

The Great Dollar Crash of ‘07
By Mike Whitney
from the Information Clearinghouse blog (EU text only version)

...The United States set off on the road to perdition when it transferred the power to create money to the privately-owned Federal Reserve. It’s been downhill ever since...

...The wealth gap that has opened up like a yawning chasm between rich and poor in America originated with the class-based policies of the Fed. The massive equity bubbles which arose from artificially low interest rates and the deliberate destruction of the dollar by reckless increases in the money supply have shifted trillions of dollars from working class Americans to the predatory aristocrats at the top of the economic food chain. The gulf between rich and poor has grown so wide that it now poses a direct threat to our increasingly fragile democracy. That’s why Thomas Jefferson said:

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing of power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

Free people cannot control their own destiny unless they control their own currency. The Federal Reserve must be abolished.

Missing Gold

Bank of America to offer bank accounts, credit cards to illegal immigrants Submitted by WWAY on 15 February 2007 - 2:38pm. In all fairness, they need a tax ID number, but Bank of America is looking pretty desperate:

Bank of America lays off more Nyse floor staff

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentines Day sucks

I've been saving these little tidbits because, frankly, I do not like Valentines Day. I am grateful that my kid doesn't hate it, though.

Texas Man Gets Death for Killing Fetus

Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007
Email This

By ELIZABETH WHITE Associated Press Writer

...Sanchez, 17, was three months pregnant Dec. 12, 2005, when her body was found in her family's home. She had been choked and stabbed 13 times. During the trial, DNA evidence was presented to show Estrada was the father.

Estrada, a former youth pastor for a church, admitted to the stabbing the day after the killings. Prosecutors also said he worked out at a gym and went shopping after the crime. He showed no emotion when his punishment was read....


Wifeless future for China's men
By James Reynolds BBC News, Beijing

China's future problems are easy to spot. You can see them in the front row of the Hui Kang kindergarten class in the city of Huizhou.
Four boys sit next sit next to a girl.

Yeah right. They're gonna own this country, they won't be wifeless.

Ex-CIA official charged with fraud

Lam: Indictment Timing Coincidental
Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:28 PM PST

I don't care if the timing is coincidental, I still had a really big smile on my face when I saw this on the local news.

I also thought it was interesting that John Yoo was in town yesterday.

Yeah, John Yoo BushCo tool extraordinaire.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

from the Daily Reckoning

(I love this picture, and blink-182's Enema of the State. It was a local band, one kid grew up like, 5 minutes from here, and believe me, mom was happy when the kid went from Britney Spears and the Spice Girls to blink, but this post has nothing to do with music)

Thirty-Six Sure-Fire Signs That Your Empire Is Crumbling

My favorite?

hands down:

"You know your empire's crumbling when the World Health Organization ranks your healthcare system 37th 'best' in the world, just above Slovenia, and just below Costa Rica. (And far below Colombia, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and Morocco.)"

I don't know how many idiots I've heard blather on about how great our healtcare system is.




Friday, February 09, 2007

Mercenary camp, coming right up!!

Blackwater USA wants to build a new training camp on what used to be a chicken farm out in Potrero . Duncan Hunter's district covers at least one zip code that pops up when you Google it. The other Potrero zip code is in Bob Filner's district.

Hmmmmmm. (more from Crooks & Liars on Blackwater)

It's really not their fault that we pay two dollars for a dozen eggs here. I'm sure that has had more to do with the fact that land owners have recently been able to turn a hell of a better profit growing new condos than they ever did with chickens or eggs. That requires labor that has had a tough time getting to work across the border since 9/11, or maybe those condo farms are growing so fast there's nowhere to house migrant farmworkers. (I don't which came first, chicken or egg?) Speaking of the border, hey maybe the plan is to outsource everyone who carries a gun in due time? Be nice to have border guards that aren't accountable to any of those pesky regulatory agencies.

Oh wait, we do have them, they're called minutemen.

No, no, nevermind, they may be
out of commission shortly.

Anyway, ol Bob and Dunc, (presidential hopeful Dunc, bawwaaa haaa haaaaaa ha ha ha) may have had something to do with the fact that the military-industrial-complex is pretty much the only way someone without an advanced degree, fifty frickin' roomates, or a mortgage they got in the 80's can survive here. Ol Dunc has been in
Congress most of his working life. Gee, Bob has spent a lot of time in government also.

I hate these Blackwater motherfuckers. I don't want their spoiled, pampered asses or their killer training camp here. Not surprised though. Dunc and Bob know that some of these guys coming back from Iraq are going to be too fucked up to do anything but be killers. And they'll be crazy enough to repeatedly risk getting killed. They're going to run drugs through this camp, you watch, it's what old creepy retired CIA fucks do and this camp is really close to the border.

Call me cracked, I don't care, but this company ain't no good egg.

It's a pity that this country isn't as evovlved as South Africa. They passed a law last year letting mercenaries choose between their careers and their nationality

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Marine Withdraws Guilty Plea In Iraqi's Death

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. -- A judge has granted a request by a Camp Pendleton Marine to withdraw his guilty plea in the murder of an Iraqi man.
Corporal Trent Thomas, 25, of Kilo Company in the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment asked to change his plea Thursday morning, saying he no longer feels he is guilty.
Thomas said he believes he was following a lawful order. "Sir, when my country gives me an order, I follow it," Thomas told the judge, Lt. Col. Tracy Daley.
When Daley asked Thomas where the order originated, he said, "It came from my squad leader, and from there it came from my lieutenant."
Daly accepted Thomas's rationale for withdrawing his pleas. But he warned the corporal that he will be subject to the possibility of prosecution of premeditated murder, a charge that could expose him to the death penalty.
When Daly asked Thomas if he understood, the Marine replied, "Yes, I do sir."
As part of a pretrial agreement, Thomas pleaded guilty in January to charges including kidnapping, murder and assault, in the death of 52-year-old Hashim Ibrahim Awad near the town of Hamdania in April.
Thomas is one of eight servicemen charged with Awad's death. He faces life in prison, but was expected to receive a shorter sentence because of the plea deal that is now in doubt.
Four others pleaded guilty to lesser charges.

Good. If this guy is willing to accept the death penalty if he is convicted of murder, rather than plea bargain a less severe sentence then there may be some merit to what the man says:

"Sir, when my country gives me an order, I follow it," Thomas told the judge, Lt. Col. Tracy Daley.

I believe him. I also think that sending people that are trained to kill to "win the peace" is fucking retarded. Let's thank our chicken-shit Preznit poopy-pants for another really bad decision.

Frankly, I can't wait till the malfeasance of govenment contractors shit hits the fan.

Go Waxman!!!!!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Bush Slashes Aid to Poor to Boost Iraq War Chest

Is there no end to the idiotic policies of the Bush Adminstration?

20 face lash, prison for dancing in Saudi Arabia

Judge sentences foreigners for partying, alcohol, unmarrieds mingling
Updated: 4:48 p.m. PT Feb 4, 2007

This the country that we have helped become prosperous again by paying $70 for a barrel of oil. The kids are bored. They have degrees from universities that excel in religious training, and the pay is very little for the real work that gets done in Saudi Arabia. That does not encourage Saudis to take jobs that they consider beneath them. There also isn't a whole lot to do in the Kingdom of Saudi Aarabia.

(hit the Mute button, I do, I can't stand this singing!)

This is some video of how they deal with the boredom sometimes.
Oh boy, look what I found.

Open Net Initiative

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

just because

some days I can listen to this over and over and never get tired of it===
¿Qué onda güero?

Empire v. Democracy

Published on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 by
Empire v. Democracy Why Nemesis Is at Our Door
by Chalmers Johnson

Monday, February 05, 2007

Declassified, But Still Unavailable

February 5, 2007
Declassified, But Still Unavailable
...Catherine Nielsen, FOIA coordinator at the National Security Archive, a Washington-based nonprofit that seeks to educate the public on the secret history of U.S. foreign policy, says that it is “hard to say” how many of the exemptions are legitimate and how many are designed to maintain undue secrecy relating to official misconduct...
the snark writes itself on this one eh?

Bird Flu

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Salvadoran torture survivor finds justice in U.S. court after more than 20 years


No, but
Negroponte's ass in one of these might be.

Or this guy: "If they do it, it's terrorism, if we do it, it's fighting forfreedom." - Anthony Quainton, U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua,1984: Anthony Quainton - Source: Off the record response of the Ambassador to a group of concerned U.S. citizens when asked to explain the difference between U.S. government actions in Nicaragua and the violence it condemns as terrorism elsewhere in the world.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

GM food, factory farming, or animal flesh for Iraqibacter?

GM crop DNA found in human gut bugs
12:10 18 July 2002
New news service
Andy Coghlan

The Invisible Enemy in Iraq

Industrial agriculture

: US News World Rep. 1983 Feb 28;94(8):35-6. Supergerms: the new health menace.
Mann J.

The Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections by Ricki Lewis, Ph.D.

Do you really think you're going to get all the information you need from the FDA?

I don't

. I'm not a vegetarian either .

Thursday, February 01, 2007

People ask me...

why I'm so angry all the time? Hmmmmm. Could it be that I don't pay attention to details that some rich fuck wants me to so his ass can get richer and I end up getting fired for not paying attention to some stupid, shit-job that I didn't want in the first place?

Or that I do pay attention to stuff like this?

Judge overturns convictions of Enron broadband executive
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007
By JUAN A. LOZANO Associated Press Writer
(AP) - HOUSTON-Just days before he was set to be sentenced, a former Enron Corp. executive's fraud and conspiracy convictions related to the company's broadband unit were overturned by a federal judge.

You think that there is justice in the "Justice system" in this country?

I don't.

Energy market deregulation is incompatible with the fight against global warming –

Yeah and another thing..I trained 23 years ago to install solar powered domestic hot water systems. I never worked in the field because the bottom fell out of the market when Reagan yanked the tax breaks on solar powered systems. I live in a country run by fucking idiots, anybody who's paying attention is pissed, I don't know why people ask me why I'm pissed.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Should be filed in the "Horror" section. It's not much of a stretch, which is really scary.

Paper: Indictment against Alleged Cunningham Briber "So Close"

...A couple of weeks ago, The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Attorney overseeing the investigation, Carol Lam, had ordered her prosecutors to draw up the indictment before she was finally forced out in mid-February....

In Defense of Lam
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007 | Over the past several years, San Diegans could trust that when something in public life or the white-collar world smelled funny, U.S. Attorney Carol Lam would be there to sniff it out.

Oregon senator threatens filibuster


WASHINGTON -- An Oregon senator is threatening to filibuster a must-pass spending bill if Congress does not extend payments to rural counties hurt by cutbacks in federal logging.

"The federal government has an obligation to rural Oregon, and it's time to meet that obligation," said Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore...

Republicans are lying, hypocritical, Bush bootlicking pond scum .
Remember all the "obstructionist" language they spouted.
Remember how much horrible media coverage the Democrats received when they discussed filibustering?

Class Warfare & the Minimum Wage:
Behind the Senate's Attack on American Workers

by Anthony DiMaggio
January 29, 2007