Hmmmmmm. (more from Crooks & Liars on Blackwater)
It's really not their fault that we pay two dollars for a dozen eggs here. I'm sure that has had more to do with the fact that land owners have recently been able to turn a hell of a better profit growing new condos than they ever did with chickens or eggs. That requires labor that has had a tough time getting to work across the border since 9/11, or maybe those condo farms are growing so fast there's nowhere to house migrant farmworkers. (I don't which came first, chicken or egg?) Speaking of the border, hey maybe the plan is to outsource everyone who carries a gun in due time? Be nice to have border guards that aren't accountable to any of those pesky regulatory agencies.
Oh wait, we do have them, they're called minutemen.
No, no, nevermind, they may be out of commission shortly.
Anyway, ol Bob and Dunc, (presidential hopeful Dunc, bawwaaa haaa haaaaaa ha ha ha) may have had something to do with the fact that the military-industrial-complex is pretty much the only way someone without an advanced degree, fifty frickin' roomates, or a mortgage they got in the 80's can survive here. Ol Dunc has been in Congress most of his working life. Gee, Bob has spent a lot of time in government also.
I hate these Blackwater motherfuckers. I don't want their spoiled, pampered asses or their killer training camp here. Not surprised though. Dunc and Bob know that some of these guys coming back from Iraq are going to be too fucked up to do anything but be killers. And they'll be crazy enough to repeatedly risk getting killed. They're going to run drugs through this camp, you watch, it's what old creepy retired CIA fucks do and this camp is really close to the border.

Call me cracked, I don't care, but this company ain't no good egg.
It's a pity that this country isn't as evovlved as South Africa. They passed a law last year letting mercenaries choose between their careers and their nationality
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