
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nancy Pelosi Speaks

I want it to be more than rhetoric. I need it to be more than rhetoric.

Rummy's gone, who's next?

Battterrrrrr uuuuuuppp

Yeesh, wtf is it with these ol leftover Iran/Contra dudes?

Voting Machine Fiasco:
SAIC, VoteHere and Diebold

by Lynn Landes
Dissident Voice
August 19, 2003

Oh, yeah, guys?
Sorry, they want the Sandinista dude in Nicaragua

Update: not hurting local defense contractors, looks like.

Press Release Source: SAIC
Wednesday November 8, 5:00 pm ET
SAIC Acquires AETC Incorporated

The most important race in California

SECRETARY OF STATE: Bowen, McPherson almost even with two-thirds of precincts counted
Jim Doyle, Chronicle Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Debra Bowen, a Democratic state senator from Southern California, was locked in a tight battle with appointed GOP incumbent Bruce McPherson Tuesday in a hard-fought race for California secretary of state.

Why is BradBlog swamped?

Video the vote has some interesting videos to watch.

As of six am this morning, 200, 000 votes not counted in San Diego.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ok then

The Republicans made a big fucking mess.

Jim has some ideas that the Dems need to pull their heads out of their asses and look at:

Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler

And this, will they do something to reign in the Israelis?

Israel 'apology' as Palestine mourns dead
Wednesday 08 November 2006, 19:36 Makka Time, 16:36 GMT

And even Faux Snooze admits that the people want the war in Iraq overwith.

Rumsfeld stepping down
(Washington-AP) November 8, 2006 - President Bush says Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is stepping down and former CIA Director Robert Gates will take over at the Pentagon and in prosecuting the war in Iraq.

Hey Rumsfeld, did you finally figure out that fighting a war is not like selling pharmaceuticals?

We're fucked...maybe

Everything that was heavily corporate funded in California looks like it's passing.

We've been taken over by the Nazis.

Well, maybe not, they won't even count the paper ballots and absentee ballots till Thursday here in San Diego.

Update: 11:10 PM 11/7/2006

Some stuff is looking better. The Dems have taken the House and they just may take the Senate.

Unfortunately Bilbray is babbling about Sonny Bono being an inspiration. Huh? The 50th has too much M-I-C money at stake to let it go to someone who won't play that shit. Color me cynical.
Reports all over the place that the Dems have taken the House.

listening to Air America here
Nov 7, 2006 8:21 pm US/Eastern
GOP Officials Call To Impound Voting Machines
Now KDKA has learned that the Republican State Committee has sent a letter to the Secretary of State asking that voting machines in 27 counties that have been accused of being malfunctioning – be impounded tonight

Problems Lead 8 States to Extend Some Voting Hours
Published: November 7, 2006

bomb threat in Wisconsin...Indiana, confusion over where to vote as well as voting equipment problems led to extensions of at least 30 minutes, in three counties. Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina also extended some polling hours, according to a summary compiled by The Associated Press., In Illinois, 223 precincts in Kane County were kept open an extra hour and a half because of late openings at polling places and machine problems....In Maryland where voters received literature that suggested, incorrectly, that the Republican Senate candidate, Michael Steele, who is African American, had been endorsed by Kweisi Mfume, the former head of the NAACP....In a crucial Senate race in Virginia, some machines displayed, on their summary page, only the first name and middle initial of James H. Webb, the Democrat seeking to unseat Senator George Allen in an extremely close race. Mr. Webb’s full name appeared on the actual voting screen. The problem had been reported earlier but not fixed.
...As in Indianapolis, inadequate training appeared likely to have contributed to troubles in some precincts. One machine used in many precincts, the AccuVote TSX, is delivered with a setup guide that includes 42 steps. Problems had been expected....Democratic Party officials in Colorado asked a judge to extend voting hours after lines grew to as many as 300 in Denver, The Associated Press said.
Federal Poll Watchers Fan Out Across San Diego
POSTED: 8:40 am PST November 7, 2006
UPDATED: 1:06 pm PST November 7, 2006
Email This Story Print This Story
SAN DIEGO -- Federal poll watchers are fanning out to San Diego and across the county to safeguard against fraud or discrimination in election districts marked by tight races, large numbers of minority voters and faulty ballot machines.'s Live Election Coverage Begins at 8 p.m.
Poll watchers will be in 22 states today. Monitors and observers are being assigned to Cuyahoga County, Ohio, which has been dogged by problems with computerized touch-screen voting machines. They will be in Bergen County, New Jersey, a must-win prize for both candidates in the state's Senate race.
In all, the Justice Department is sending an estimated 850 poll watchers to 69 cities and counties. Officials said today that it was an unprecedented number, and twice as many during the 2002 congressional midterm elections.
San Diego is one of eight California counties that will have federal ballot-box watchers. The others are Alameda, Orange, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Ventura.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

I vote, therefore I bitch

Yeah, I voted. On a touchscreen after I surrendered the absentee ballot. I heard that Haas isn't going to count the absentee ballots till Thursday. The pollworkers weren't quite sure what to do with me. It's a good thing I read the book, isn't it?

AUDIO: Laura Ingraham Tells Listeners To Jam Voter Protection Hotline
As FireDogLake has been reporting, right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham today urged her listeners to obstruct efforts to protect voting rights by jamming a free voter protection hotline.
After playing a recording of DNC Chairman Howard Dean promoting the line to voters, Ingraham suggested her listeners call en masse:
Tell me if you think I’m crazy. This is what I’m thinking. I think we all need to call 1 888 DEM VOTE all at the same time.

listen to her here

Laura, I don't use the "C word" very often, but you really deserve it right now.

Like I said

They run this county like a rednecked podunk backwater. And they want us to vote on judges? When we can't find out how judges decide cases? Whether they lean towards business interests, or worker's interests? (I was born and raised here, it's never been union friendly)

Bring a camera to the polls.

Gawd, it's early

Watched while the hateful machines were set up.
The kid's a student pollworker.
Should I see if she did her homework?
I vote absentee, I've never been to the polls.
I can't believe I didn't throw those fuckers off the Coronado Bridge.

Or try to find a hacker.


click here to listen to
local coverage of the election

Lotta crap going on here.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Rage against the machine

Diebold struggles to bounce back from the controversy surrounding its voting machines.
By Barney Gimbel, Fortune writer-reporter
November 3 2006: 9:46 AM EST

How Brazil Might be The Model For E-Voting Reform
November 6, 2006 By Michael Hickins

Oh fer fuck's sake, what that fuck has gotten better for poor people in Brazil since the Diebold machines were used in 2000?


that crickets I hear?

Is this normal?

department of justice


doj monitor elections

Saturday, November 04, 2006

election rookies (corporate pros)

Midterm Elections Offer Rookie Anchors New Battleground
November 1, 2006; Page B1
Add another hotly contested race to the list for Tuesday's elections: Brian, Charlie or Katie?
While NBC's Brian Williams, ABC's Charles Gibson and CBS's Katie Couric have all settled into their new roles as evening news anchors, Tuesday's midterm elections mark their inaugural efforts at presiding over prime-time election results. The stakes are high. Live coverage of national elections is a defining event for news organizations, and viewers, advertisers and cable and broadcast rivals will be watching closely to see how each handles the hot seat.
Ratcheting up pressure are the special demands of this Election Day. Midterm elections are typically sedate affairs that are more important locally than nationally. But this year the results could lead to a seismic shift in political power. With control of both the House and Senate up for grabs, the television audience is expected to be particularly large, with the networks competing with Fox News Channel, CNN and MSNBC for viewers.
The rookies -- particularly Mr. Gibson and Ms. Couric because Mr. Williams has anchored lots of MSNBC election coverage -- have a series of especially difficult races to call. More than a dozen important ones remain too close to predict, raising the specter of recounts. There could be problems in some states with new electronic ballots. Meanwhile, the networks' exit polls, crucial to their system of calling races, are likely to be fuzzy as more people make use of absentee ballots.
The new anchors have strong memories of their predecessors' botched calls in the 2000 presidential election, and they say in interviews that they are determined to get the calls right this time. "If we have learned anything from the last few outings, it is to call no race before its time," Mr. Williams says. "Getting it wrong is forever. Getting it four minutes late is forgivable."
In a change from the 2002 midterm elections, the networks promise they won't project a winner in any state until after all of that state's polls are scheduled to close. In a first, each network has also agreed to send two representatives to a "quarantine room" at an undisclosed location in New York City to comb through exit-poll data. The goal: to prevent early exit-poll data -- which is often unreliable -- from leaking to the Internet, and to monitor the results in a vacuum, without access to a bank of TV screens tuned to various pundits predicting outcomes.
All three anchors have top billing, but each has a veteran co-pilot. Mr. Williams will be joined by his predecessor, Tom Brokaw. Mr. Gibson will have George Stephanopoulos, the anchor of ABC's "This Week" Sunday news program and a former senior aide to President Clinton. Ms. Couric's predecessor, Bob Schieffer, will appear with her.
ABC, CBS and NBC have spent recent weeks conducting intense preparations for a relatively small amount of on-air coverage. Each network plans an hour-long live special at 10 p.m. EST, with another live broadcast on the West Coast at 10 p.m. PST, the same amount of time the networks dedicated to the last midterms.
The three anchors will be judged not only on ratings but also on content and their ability to perform on the spot. One particularly tricky moment for rookie anchors to master: bringing the newscast back from a commercial or a local break. Called a "reset" in TV parlance, the anchor must sum up the news so far in a pithy sentence.
In their normal slots, Mr. Williams holds a commanding lead. For the week ended Oct. 27, Mr. Williams attracted an average of 8.9 million viewers to "Nightly News" on General Electric Co.'s NBC, according to Nielsen Media Research. At "World News" on Walt Disney Co.'s ABC, Mr. Gibson averaged 8.4 million. Ms. Couric averaged 7.3 million on "Evening News" on CBS Corp.'s CBS.
But unlike the audience for presidential coverage, when the networks remain on the air all evening, viewership for the midterm coverage is typically affected by the strength of the show immediately before. By that measure, ABC has the strongest lead-in with "Dancing With the Stars."
"I personally hope a lot of 'Dancing' fans love politics," says Mr. Stephanopoulos, although they apparently didn't earlier this year, when MSNBC pundit Tucker Carlson was the first "star" voted off the show.
All the new network anchors hope to put individual stamps on their coverage. Ms. Couric, for instance, says her broadcast will strive to be "more accessible and meaningful for regular people." She has been pushing producers to interview average voters over stuffy experts. "Clearly we need to communicate some really critical information, but I think we can have some fun too," she says.
Mr. Williams has something quite different in mind. "I would like to harness some of the shop talk that goes on during our commercial breaks" between political junkies such as Mr. Brokaw and Tim Russert, NBC's senior political analyst. "That's actually really good television," Mr. Williams says. He also plans to pay close attention to potential problems with computerized voting machines. NBC and its sister cable network MSNBC are partnering with an organization that operates a toll-free hotline for voters to report irregularities.
Over at ABC, Mr. Gibson will have the most network air time. While Ms. Couric will go off the air and Mr. Williams will move to MSNBC, Mr. Gibson will continue reporting on ABC's "Nightline."
New this time around at every network is a plethora of news offerings on the Internet and cellphones. CBS plans to update its Web site every 90 seconds, while ABC says it will provide updates every minute. ABC will also allow college and high school students to file Internet "perspectives" via video cellphone, Web cam or camcorder. NBC plans extensive additional material on, along with original newscasts for mobile phones.
"Online was something that was just beginning the last time around," says Jon Banner, executive producer of "World News." "This time we are truly flooding the zone."

I call bullshit

News Networks Install "Quarantine Room" For Election Night: No One Gets Out With Exit Poll Info...
Washington Post Howard Kurtz Posted November 1, 2006 11:58 PM
READ MORE: Drudge Report

Not new bullshit

Not anywhere new bullshit

"And the public records, I can’t emphasize enough how important they are. In San Diego in the June 6 election, the event log, the audit log that was obtained by a citizen named Bruce Sims, shows the voting machine dialing out to Diebold at 9:31 p.m. during the count on election night. These are the kinds of things that show up.

AMY GOODMAN: Wait, explain that.

BEV HARRIS: Yes. It’s difficult to explain.

AMY GOODMAN: What do you mean, the machine dialing out?

BEV HARRIS: The machine dialed out and made a remote connection to Diebold at 9:31 p.m. during the count. And when you say, “Explain it,” I don’t know of any legitimate explanation.

AMY GOODMAN: So, what happened in that case?

BEV HARRIS: Interestingly enough, as we find citizens out there gathering these, public officials are in many cases — and San Diego is one — not following the law, not following the regulations. The first thing we have to do is find out if they even are following them — they aren’t there — and then we need to take action to enforce the law and get them taken out of office. It’s very difficult, because there’s very little will to enforce and there are very few consequences for election officials who fail to follow the law."

Special message to local "reporters"

F*#k you, you corporate tools.

Air America's ABC blacklist: The Real Story

Air America’s ABC Blacklist: The Real Story
Published on Friday, November 3, 2006 by
by Josh Silver and Robert W. McChesney

...So what is the problem? While “liberal” Air America clearly favors big D Democrats, unlike virtually all other programming on commercial radio and television, it gives airtime to reports that are critical of corporations and the powerful politicians they keep in Washington

This is the heart of the problem: Air America commits a crime called journalism. Almost none of the so-called conservative radio shows or networks do any semblance of actual reporting. They merely pontificate -- repeating talking points that seem to be emailed straight from Karl Rove's laptop.

Air America does its share of pontificating as well, and we leave it to others to compare its integrity to that of Limbaugh and Hannity. But we can say that Air America journalism occasionally focuses on corporate malfeasance. It examines closely the deeply corrupt relationship between corporate power and government the whole thing

Need I remind you we're number 53 on the freedom of the press index?

Reading now.

There's a wonderful quote before the table of contents:

Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.


Update: 7:38 PM 11/4/2006 75 pages in and man, there is so much shit missing from this book it's not even funny. (Click here for wikipedia page on book)

Friday, November 03, 2006

They knew and hid it


In September, 2003 Linda Lamone, the Administrator of Maryland's State Board of Elections and President of the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) hands over a critical study on the security of the Diebold Election Systems machines that count all of Maryland's votes....
...The original SAIC report, coming in at nearly 200 pages, was reduced, redacted and altered such that the only version the public — or even state officials including the Governor and the full State Board of Elections — would ever be allowed to see was a wholly sanitized 38-page version of the report.

Until now.

For the first time, we've been able to review the complete, much sought-after, unredacted version of the SAIC report which has been kept at bay from Maryland state officials…as well as the computer science and security community…as well as the election integrity community and public at large since it was originally completed in 2003.

Read the whole thing:

And the award for the scariest comment?

You want a nightmare scenario then how about this.

Diebold and the Repubs know that throwing the elections to Republicans will almost certainly result in a call for their collective heads, especially since democrats are favored by huge margins in so many races. So how do you hold onto congressional seats you are certain to lose?

YOU THROW THE VOTE GROSSLY IN FAVOR OF DEMOCRATS so that it's undeniable that the machines have been hacked. This has several advantages for Diebold and the Repubs.

–It results in a freeze on the election results that allows all the current memebers of congress to retain there seat until the issue is worked out. This could take months or years which is plenty of time for them to allow Bush to get us in more trouble.

–It creates doubt that Diebold is anything other than a Republican vote making system and makes Diebold look more like a victim than the fascist asses they really are.

–To simpleminded, stupid and naive Americans (of which there are tens of millions)It makes the democratic party look like shit.

Am I paranoid? You bet I am. After living with Bush and Rove for six years I wouldn't put ANYTHING by these guys because they will do ANYTHING to win.

Halloween Horror in San Diego not overwith yet:

Photocopies mailed; registrar says all votes will be counted
By Leslie Wolf Branscomb
November 3, 2006

If you got your absentee ballot in the mail and it looks suspiciously like a photocopy of a regular ballot, that's because, well, it is...

What IS is with this county?

Three million people live here and its run like some podunk, rednecked little backwater.

Just askin.

Update: I get the feeling that because of the registration (party affiliation) numbers that the 50th has already been written off.
I looked at the registration numbers.
Not so fast. Have a look see:
dem 105,548
rep 156,629
aip 7,834
grn 2,358
lib 2,235
nlp 639
p& f 592
misc 1,760
decl 78,915 (decline to state)
Qualified Political parties
from April to September there were 2,644 new registered voters in the 50th. I don't know what party.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Git the hypocrites!!!

A couple of days ago I started with a bit of snark. I was asking Log Cabin Republicans if they knew who they were in bed with? (Happy Halloween to Log Cabin Republicans )

Well, well, well, that was basically an attempt to jar Log Cabin Republicans.

Silly me, yeeesh, they know who they are in bed with, and they are outing them.

Woooooooo hoooooooo, git the hypocrites!!!!

Jon just interviewed Mike Jones

The Sinner's Guide to the Evangelical Right is all over it.

Hucky Ducky, get ready folks

Don't forget---tonight (9:00 PM an HBO documentary --- Hacking Democracy ---

These are articles that came in ONE email this morning.
Sometimes Google alerts are depressing.
That said, there are too many of us paying attention, the fuckers can't steal it, K?

Take a camera to prove you YOU voted for, never mind what other people are doing.
Video the vote

Voting technology roundup: MidwestComputerworld - Framingham,MA,USA... a state where at least some precincts are using electronic voting systems without a voter verified paper audit trail. Direct-recording electronic system with ...
Every vote counts, rightCNET - San Francisco,CA,USA... Three electronic voting systems were analyzed. One is called Direct Recording Electronic (DRE), which directly records a voters selections in each contest ...See all stories on this topic
Will Your Vote Count?MIT Technology Review - Cambridge,MA,USA... well established. Most concerns center on a newer touch-screen method, called direct-recording electronic voting (DRE). All told ...
Man of the YearNew York Sun - New York,NY,USA... that a software fluke in some voting machines in ... After foul-ups with electronic machines in the ... boards are opting for direct-recording electronic devices that ...See all stories on this topic
"UConn Inspects Diebold AccuVote OS"Brad Blog - USA... they did of the Diebold AccuVote Optical Scan voting system the ... the recent Princeton Report accomplished on the Diebold TS Direct Recording Electronic machines ...
E-voting state by state: What you need to knowComputerworld - Framingham,MA,USA... Legal challenges to paperless DRE (direct-recording electronic) voting technologies are proliferating across the country, and as computer scientists ...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Spoiled Ballots: How Bush Got

I love Greg Palast.

From Diebold, Inc.: Democracy Unbound

Diebold Fumbles Attempt to Stop HBO Airing of 'Hacking Democracy'!

tiny trailer for Hacking Democracy HBO Nov 2 9 pm. Tell me how it is, I don't have cable, I miss out on stuff like this, but I don't pay for more advertising and more crap.

Money talks in politics, we get asthma.

Google campaign contributions in California

and this article shows up:

Fundraising in California hits record level
China People's Daily online Home >> World
UPDATED: 08:54, October 29, 2006

Excuse me, but why would a Chinese Daily (in English) care about fundraising in California? Hmmm, could it be that they are heavily invested in the Long Beach Port
Schwarzenegger Vetoes Fee on Cargo Containers

Yeah, I think the stunts he pulled with Blair and all that blather about caring about the environment is absolute bullshit. Why do I say that? Because there is a big difference between legislating shit that you won't have to actually deal with:

California also has passed legislation mandating that automakers reduce their vehicles' carbon dioxide emissions 30 percent by 2016, and 10 other states have committed to adopt the same standards if the law survives a court challenge...
Cities, States Aren't Waiting For U.S. Action on Climate
Juliet EilperinWashington Post Staff WriterFriday, August 11, 2006; Page A01
With Washington lawmakers deadlocked

And reality. Emissions markets used to be called Pollution Credits. You do the math.

Schwarzenegger Pushes Emission Markets
The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 17, 2006; 1:41 AM

Big Oil donates big bucks to Schwarzenegger's re-election campaign
Phillip Matier, Andrew Ross
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

And here the Governator goes and pays back right here in San Diego:

Donors to governor get posts of prestige

Google handlers politicians

local update: Bilbray's Cash

The Kerry flap

It was a bad joke that fell flat. He was making fun of how Bush got us stuck in Iraq because Bush is an idiot, that somebody wasted education money on.

Spin, Spin, Spin. Watch the Mainstream Media go absolutely batshit. There's yer librul media. 'Nuff said.

Rising Hegemon And now a word on our fighting men from a close advisor to President Bush

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween to Log Cabin Republicans

Happy Halloween.
Here's some reading material for those of you Log Cabin Republicans who aren't quite sure who you're in bed with:

A Sinner's guide to the Evangelical Right

And more Party Horrors!!!

Recipe for greater war
The Bush administration has been fully successful in what it wanted to achieve in Iraq. The country is occupied. Oil resources are under full control. The military threat that Iraq could pose has been fully neutralized. The country is divided. Iraqis are pitted against each other. The civil war is on and the co-opted media still limits its description to fear of a looming civil war.

DU Death Toll Tops 11,000
Nationwide Media Blackout Keeps U.S. Public Ignorant About This Important Story
By James P. Tucker Jr.

List of Members of 109th Congress Being Looked at by DoJ
17 total, 14 repub

Scott Ritter: Weapons of Mass Delusion
...From 1991 to 1998, he led the U.N. weapons inspection team in Iraq. He was the world's foremost expert on Saddam Hussein's weapons program. Ritter's team was able to determine the true status of the weapons program in Iraq, which was essentially inoperative and posed no immediate threat either to America or Iraq's neighbors. In his speech before a Los Angeles audience, Ritter gives his analysis of the real reasons for the invasion and occupation of Iraq...

Mmmmmmm, then again, your vote counts, that should make you feel better

Thanks to skippy's dont dream it be it (Time Warp) and Scooter for the inspiration.

Bonus: The Thirteen Scariest people in America

Monday, October 30, 2006

No negative ads, damnit!

Final Push in the 50th
Voice Staff Writer
Monday, Oct. 30, 2006

Please, please, please, please, please, please please, please, please, please please, please, please, please please, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaasssse, no more negative ads...we can't take it. BOTH OF YOU .

Paying attention

Big Money Pushes for Legal Protections

MIAMI HERALD: Touch-Screen Votes Hopping from Democrats to Republicans in South Florida!

Video the Vote
Stopping voter suppression, by observing the vote.
And sharing the results—on Election Day.

Hat tip---> Welcome to Pottersville

Sunday, October 29, 2006

commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Crap. I had some great comments. When you change from Blogger comments to Haloscan all the old comments disapear. Oh well, maybe I'll get some Freeper Trolls. Bitch bites.

Typical bullshit in the 50th

Brian Bilbray to 50th District - "Up Yours!"

So Bonnie Dumanis District Attorney are you investigating Bilbray or endorsing him?

And bullshit across the nation.

Why the different titles for the same article?

See if you can find the difference in these two articles:

Media Lose Ohio Exit Polling Challenge
Associated Press Writer
Friday, October 27, 2006

Media lose bid to force Ohio to clarify exit polling guidelines
Saturday, October 28, 2006

We Arm The World

We Arm The World
William D. Hartung
October 27, 2006

While the U.S. hangs its foreign policy on preventing the spread of “weapons of mass destruction” (a worthy goal, however grossly the Bush administration goes about achieving it), it continues to ignore a more immediate threat—the proliferation of small arms and light weapons—that deserves serious attention as well. These low-tech arms have been described as “slow motion weapons of mass destruction,” because they are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths over the past dozen years, from the genocide in Rwanda to the ongoing civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Yet yesterday, the United States, the world's largest supplier of small arms, was the only country to vote against an historic United Nations proposal to curb traffic in arms....

Ummm, yeah, we may arm it but we sure as fuck don't control the hired guns. Who does? Good fucking question.