
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I vote, therefore I bitch

Yeah, I voted. On a touchscreen after I surrendered the absentee ballot. I heard that Haas isn't going to count the absentee ballots till Thursday. The pollworkers weren't quite sure what to do with me. It's a good thing I read the book, isn't it?

AUDIO: Laura Ingraham Tells Listeners To Jam Voter Protection Hotline
As FireDogLake has been reporting, right-wing radio host Laura Ingraham today urged her listeners to obstruct efforts to protect voting rights by jamming a free voter protection hotline.
After playing a recording of DNC Chairman Howard Dean promoting the line to voters, Ingraham suggested her listeners call en masse:
Tell me if you think I’m crazy. This is what I’m thinking. I think we all need to call 1 888 DEM VOTE all at the same time.

listen to her here

Laura, I don't use the "C word" very often, but you really deserve it right now.

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