
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nov 7, 2006 8:21 pm US/Eastern
GOP Officials Call To Impound Voting Machines
Now KDKA has learned that the Republican State Committee has sent a letter to the Secretary of State asking that voting machines in 27 counties that have been accused of being malfunctioning – be impounded tonight

Problems Lead 8 States to Extend Some Voting Hours
Published: November 7, 2006

bomb threat in Wisconsin...Indiana, confusion over where to vote as well as voting equipment problems led to extensions of at least 30 minutes, in three counties. Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina also extended some polling hours, according to a summary compiled by The Associated Press., In Illinois, 223 precincts in Kane County were kept open an extra hour and a half because of late openings at polling places and machine problems....In Maryland where voters received literature that suggested, incorrectly, that the Republican Senate candidate, Michael Steele, who is African American, had been endorsed by Kweisi Mfume, the former head of the NAACP....In a crucial Senate race in Virginia, some machines displayed, on their summary page, only the first name and middle initial of James H. Webb, the Democrat seeking to unseat Senator George Allen in an extremely close race. Mr. Webb’s full name appeared on the actual voting screen. The problem had been reported earlier but not fixed.
...As in Indianapolis, inadequate training appeared likely to have contributed to troubles in some precincts. One machine used in many precincts, the AccuVote TSX, is delivered with a setup guide that includes 42 steps. Problems had been expected....Democratic Party officials in Colorado asked a judge to extend voting hours after lines grew to as many as 300 in Denver, The Associated Press said.

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