
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jeff Olson, California Man, Faces 13 Years In Jail For Writing Anti-Big Bank Messages In Chalk

Why does it not surprise me that this is a San Diego case? Oh yeah, could be that I was born and raised here and the business community is supposed to be blindly worshipped. Banksters. Gah.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


  1. Nunya,

    "Banksters. Gah"

    Lol, yep. What San Diego needs is a repeat of the Jurrassic Park incident, complete with Mommy T-Rex as mad as hell and destroying everything in sight. Only thing, this time she needs to be trained to only chew on banksters. And republican politicians, of course!

    Well, I'm a bit depressed: I really miss my friends Stiletto and Valérie. Boohoo. Fucking ""... I'd really love mommy T-Rex to have their whole fucking management for breakfast too.

  2. I agree, and I miss them too. Why don't they ever comment on my blog? Stilletto used to, and Valerie also. I only deleted a bunch of comments when Jeanette's presence became a nusiance here. I don't want to deal with bitching about Jeanette. I don't CARE about Jeanette.
