
Friday, June 28, 2013

Big Lie: America Doesn't Have #1 Richest Middle-Class in the World... We're Ranked 27th!

"...Our tax structures favor the rich and their corporations who no longer pay their fair share. They move money to foreign tax havens, they create and use tax loopholes, and they fight to make sure the source of most of their wealth -- capital gains -- is taxed at low rates. Meanwhile the rest of us are pressed to make up the difference or suffer deteriorating public services..."

I wonder how many times I've tried to explain this to a financially struggling Republican who considerers themselves "middle class" all the while spouting the GOP rehetoric about taxes being too high for everyone. It's like trying to explain colors to someone blind from birth.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

  1. Nunya,

    Long time, no see, sorry about that. Anyway, how're you, sweetie pie?

    "We're Ranked 27th!"

    Lol, hey that's actually quite impressive... compared to USA's WHO's (World Health Organization) rating, which places USA as # 33 worlwide, just slightly ahead of Somalia, lol.

    Ain't banana republics wonderful inventions?

    "Our tax structures favor the rich and their corporations who no longer pay their fair share."

    "No longer"??? My understanding is that it's always been the case in USA.

    Oh well, I ceased a long time ago to fight for a better world - I'm just so tired of flogging a dead horse - but I'm glad (and impressed) that more resilient ppl such as yourself continue the good fight.

    As Valérie says: "Vive Che Guevara!". I'll add "Vive Trotsky" and his brilliant "permanent revolution" concept. If only we could have a few "temporary" revolutions to start with...
