
Monday, May 21, 2012

squirrels don't like these, yaaaay

And the sweet alyssum smell just may ameliorate the smell of the dumpster that occasionally wafts over in the summer time.  

 Even though this is an apartment complex the landscape maintenance crew is incredibly lame.  They don't do crap and they turn on the sprinklers 2 minutes a month for the tiny little yards that are closest to this particular building.  So there is a spigot at the end of the building and I bought a garden hose, fuck 'em.  After spending fifty bucks for garden supplies (and I borrowed the tools) I wasn't thinking 'fuck them" I was thinking "fuck me."


  1. Lovely flowers! Hey, that little rectangle in the photo is at least twice the size of MY garden!

    "I wasn't thinking 'fuck them" I was thinking "fuck me.""

    Lol, I fully sympathize. I love looking at pretty gardens, but I hate gardening. There is an amazing garden near Paris, the garden of the villa of Monet (the painter).

    1. Hello love :) Thank you. I'll bet the gardens in Paris are absolutely gorgeous.
