
Monday, January 09, 2012

"Redevelopment," just another word for greed

    So, I've been suspecting for a while now that the apartment complex that I live in would be razed and redeveloped. Part of the complex has already been redeveloped and the rent almost doubled, and although the new apartments have amenities like AC and washer/dryer hook ups, they are smaller and the landscaping is considerably uglier and the echo from the concrete is obnoxious, as is the traffic noise.

   There are disabled, fixed income and poor people here who have their rent subsidized by the government, many of them because this was a complex that ran on HUD subsidies for decades. There was an article in the piece of shit local paper that was basically an advertisement for the new places a few years ago, but they fucked up by putting numbers in it. New developments should have unit numbers at 10% for low income and the numbers in the article ran at 8.2%.  These greedy motherfuckers got rich being slum lords and sucking on the government tit.  Before they took a bath on the real estate bubble my rent went up 24% in 4 years, and that was after rents doubled in San Diego over a ten year period.   The housing market took a major shit, but MY rent did NOT go down.

   Well it probably won't be more than 2 years now that the grass and trees (that change color in the fall, rare in San Diego) will be gone and we just got a shitload of new rules to follow until they boot us out and raze our apartments.  Probably one building at a time, so whoopeee, we get to listen to construction noise, deal with the critters that come down the sewage lines when old buildings are razed and fight with overworked maintenance workers too!!!  I also want to know if we po peeples ovah heah can git us some water on the grass mo than once a month if we's able tah foller them new rules?

    And I wonder if the high priests of greed, deception, and corruption know who I am?

    My friend relocated to another state and in spite of the weather acclimation, I would need to do, it looks like survival would cost much less money there. Even though I was born and raised in this city I am surely more and more disgusted every day.

If you are curious at all, Paradise Plundered by Kogan, Erie, and Mackenzie and

Share Update: I complained, and got approximately 1 minute of water, turned up full blast, so that now the windows need to be cleaned and the Christmas lights are not coming down today, they are all wet. So, I check the laundry room to see how crowded it is and it's too fucking filthy to use. Gawd I hate these fucking fucks.

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