
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Pfffft. Dems didn't vote

No wonder I checked out months ago. I must have seen this coming. Nobody bothered to vote in the primaries. Except rethugs, who reliably vote because they do what they are told. So what made me think that Dems would vote now, or that Independents would vote Dem?

Dems didn't vote, they got over half the ballots counted at midnight here. (There are 452,971 registered Dems in SD county and 287,844 is 62% of the counted votes? ) I'm betting that craploads of the 287,844 "Independent" voters went Rethug this time. It does not take much in a county owned lock, stock and barrel by the military-industrial-complex. There are 200,000 40,000 less registered voters than there were in '08. (mybad)

(local results as of midnight)

Precincts: 2050
Counted: 1285
Percentage: 62.7%

Vote for: 1
MEG WHITMAN - REP 243063 52.14%
EDMUND G. BROWN - DEM 197072 42.27%
DALE F. OGDEN - LIB 7701 1.65%
LAURA WELLS - GRN 5714 1.23%
CARLOS ALVAREZ - P-F 3960 0.85%

I wonder how many assholes screaming about taxes will lose their homes in fires because fire department funds will be cut?

REGION: Despite storms, La Nina suggests drier days ahead

PROP D-CITY OF SAN DIEGO Temp. One-Half Cent Sales Tax

Precincts: 805
Counted: 605
Percentage: 75.2%

Vote for: 1
NO 132787 62.79%
YES 78682 37.21%

local results

CA votes reliably Dem, but a red state nightmare in the House

Natl' results

election results

So it looks like the Rethugs took the house. Nifty. Can't wait to watch the circus. Wonder how much more damage they will do? If anybody in this country thinks it's going back to some mythical dream idyll like they remember it was in the 50s they are batshit crazy. The 50's were fucked for a lot of people, but the union workers got paid enough to buy homes and raise families. Everybody in the world owed us something and Latin America suffered for our gains. And this country is NEVER going to be like it was in the 1950's.

Seriously? We gotta deal with this drunken idiot for at least the next 2 years? Jesus, you really don't have to have anything but an ability to be a fucking corporate puppet in order to be elected in the Republican party.

Voters can't see through all the corporate spending? Looks like

State ballot measures
did what I expected them to: Nyah, we don't want any real solutions we just don't want to pay taxes. At least the 2/3 vote requirement will change. Fucking rethugs have been holding up State budgets for years.

And now the rich get their way- gridlock.
Angry voters choose government gridlock, investigations and shutdown.

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