
Thursday, November 04, 2010

Dear Red State America

You shore did show us Democrats sumthin' dint yew?

Yeah, that you are rage and fear driven, and that vicious teevee ads work on your retarded asses.

That Citizens United (the Supreme Court decision, you dimwits) will continue to make the wealthy even wealthier and the middle class will become so minuscule as to never be a thorn in the side of the the wealthy again. Congrats on that. The Chamber of Commerce's money was well spent.

That pot is bad and should remain illegal, but alcohol is ok. And those taxes you don't want to pay will keep the prisons open that drug dealers who killed 28,000 people in 4 years locked up, right?

That zero job growth and making the rich even richer works for you.

That winning the house isn't enough for you, you have to act like flaming assholes even if you lose to a long time safe Dem seat.

That the Republican mantra of "I got mine, so fuck you" works.

That beating a dead horse is not beyond you hateful assholes.

That you are incredibly stupid in believing that the Tea Parties are independent and are not paid for by big energy
and big industrial polluters .

The Crazy Class Of 2010: Meet The New GOP Stars
Eric Kleefeld | November 4, 2010, 8:38A

I turned on NPR this morning and the move to the right has already started, gotta make sure the new congress doesn't take them out, right?

Fuck me, they were interviewing some Tea Party bitch from Texas.

And one more think Red State America?

Good luck getting anything done since all you did was carry water for the rich. It's gonna be gridlock.

But you are a wet dream for big energy.

again. map (map)

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