
Sunday, August 08, 2010

Climate change

CBC news This NASA satellite image shows an island of ice, 251 square kilometres in size, breaking away from the rest of the Petermann Glacier on Aug. 5. (NASA/MODIS)

Pakistan Hit By Worst Flood In 80 Years
By Brian McAfee
05 August, 2010

"...Pakistani Professor M. Iqbal Khan stated that he believes the melting glaciers is the main cause of the floods. In an interview with the Associated Press of Pakistan Prof Khan stated "It is the glaciers which are adding fuel to the fire and due to the melting of glaciers the flood situation is aggravated," he oes on to say that the apparent gradual Himalayan glacial melt will continue to exasperate future flooding. Professor Khan's glacial melt theory has been reiterated by recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) findings..."

PAKISTAN: Floods send food prices higher
Sunday 08 August 2010

Landslides Kill Scores in Northern China
Published: August 8, 2010

“Torrential rains began to fall at around 10 p.m. Saturday. Then there were landslides and many people were trapped,” the head of Zhouqu county, who goes by a the single name Diemujiangteng, told Xinhua.

Russian fires.

Progress in controlling Russia's fires, ministry says (1st Lead)
Aug 8, 2010, 12:41 GMT

"......"Moscow - The battle against forest and peat bog fires around Russia was starting to show progress, with firefighters able to extinguish fires in several regions, Moscow officials said Sunday.
The Civil Defence Ministry was cited by the Interfax agency as saying that at the sametime, however, more than 250 new fires had broken out over the past 24 hours..."

In the face of the worst drought in generations, Russia, the world’s third-biggest wheat grower, announced a export freeze on grain on Thursday. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization last week cut its 2010 global wheat output forecast by about 4 percent.

Ten dead, thousands evacuated in central Europe floods
AFP) – 2 hours ago

Is Climate Change Creating More Environmental Refugees than War in Africa?

Source: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Date: 03 Aug 2010
"... According to yet another report by the United Nations University, in 2009, there were about 19.2 million people officially recognized as "persons of concern" - people who are likely to be displaced because of environmental disasters. This figure is projected to grow to about 50 million by the end of 2010..."

And finally, this coast of the US seems to be having a strangely cool summer .

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