
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Reading now

The Killing Hands by P.D. Martin.

Fun little romp, but not in a chick flick, gooey romance kind of way. More fun than political news because it's fiction. Nice little escape from the heat when I turn off the computer because it's hot, I don't have air conditioning and I don't want it to overheat when it's 97 (F) fucking degrees outside.

I have noticed something about Aussie actors, and now writers. I don't care how good an Australian actor's American accent is, they obviously feel the need to sneak in the fact that they are from Oz by using Australian
idioms. From a native Californian's perspective, it's jarring, discordant, distracting and frankly, a bit arrogant.

And that comes from someone who actually likes Aussies, Scots and the Irish, but tends to bristle around the English, Afrikaners, and at times, upper caste Indians.

Dudette. Little miss P.D. Martin, here's a little tip for you; a character from California (and increasingly, all over the US) is much more likely to use a Spanish, French or Italian phrase than they are something like "early days." I know it's common amongst Brits and Aussies, but umm... yeah, could be why I got your book for free, and it wudn't from the library.

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