
Friday, May 28, 2010


Yup. You Geeks know what I'm talking about.

The Blue Screen of Death.

This is a loaner I'm typing on right here. Somehow I didn't get a keyboard with it and I decided it was easier to go buy one since my two year old computer was so ancient that it's
ps2 connector is now obsolete.

Unfortunately the 3 year "service contract" doesn't cover software, so I hope the problem is hardware. Another place is bad with hardware and you can buy software service. Oy. I'm afraid the Geeky dad is getting old and I'm afraid of the Geeky brother, he's a bit tetchy.

Yes, BadTux I'm ready for a Mac.

Unfortunately I need to make sure that my kid's Mac gets her through her last year of college first.


Anyway, I hate futzing around with the 'puter till I gets comfortable with it, but at least I got the loaner and I probably won't want to go back to the nightmare called Vista. God that OS is a piece of shit.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    There is Digeus I recommend to use this software when there are problems with windows. I also use Windows Tune Up Suite. It eliminates BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) and optimizes system performance.
