
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Think the US govt works for you?

defunding ACORN

Healthcare vs Pork
hat tips to

Do you really think congress cares more about your health than they do the campaign contributions they get from Big Ag? Allooooo? Watch King Corn on Netflix. You really think health insurance companies and Big Ag want to fight over subsidies? Fuck no they don't. They're gonna take your money to make you sick and they're gonna take your money to send your ass to the hospital and they're gonna be subsidized by your taxes for the whole sick cycle. The whole fucking time. My suspicion is that that is why we ain't getting a public option if THEIR congresswhores have anything to say about it. There. I said it.

Oversight in who's pocket this time?

Raymond J. Learsy
Scholar and author, "Over a Barrel: Breaking Oil's Grip on Our Future"
Posted: March 13, 2010 12:14 PM

Gary Gensler of the CFTC: Reformer or Wolf in Moth Eaten Sheep's Clothing?

CFTC has been defanged before:
Interview: Brooksley Born

Think again.

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