
Friday, March 12, 2010

Be a big, white collar criminal

Bill Black’s Top Ten Ways to Crack Down on Corporate Financial Crime
24 Corporate Crime Reporter 10, March 5, 2010
Ninety-five percent of criminologists study blue collar crime. Five percent study white collar crime.

Friday, March 12, 2010
UBS says IRS has 20 Swiss banks in its sights Copyright 2010. The Associated Press

Dirt Diggers Digest
chronicling corporate misbehavior (and how to research it)
Attacking the Wrong Earmarks
March 11th, 2010 by Phil Mattera

"...It’s amusing to watch the posturing about these small amounts at a time when Congress may be about to endorse what can be seen as perhaps the largest earmark ever: the healthcare subsidies that will pass from lower-income Americans to private insurers in a public-option-less system..."

Tomgram: Andy Kroll, Welcome to America, Sucker
Posted by Andy Kroll at 8:30am, March 12, 2010.

Expert Names Top Five Prisons for White-Collar Criminals

Hand caught in the corporate cookie jar?

Guilty on all counts?

Judge sentences you to the slammer?

Fear not, dear corporate CEO.

There is a guide for your post-conviction life.

It’s called the Federal Prison Handbook 2005.

And it’s co-author – Alan Ellis – wants you know – there is prison, and there is prison.

While the guidebook profiles each of the nation’s 178 federal prisons, only about a third of them are minimum security prisons – or federal prison camps – suitable for your average CEO.

And Ellis says – this is what you want – a federal prison camp.

Choose Your White-Collar Criminal Pen Pal HERE >

(I wouldn't recommend Dookie Cunningham, my ex-congressman, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed)

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